Archive for the ‘energy’ Category

Can Yoga make you old?

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

I see quite a few Yogi’s and Yogini’s in my
medical practice. Some come in to push beyond
their own limitations and others to recover from
twisted muscles.

Last week one of these Yogi’s came into the office
that practices hours and hours a day-
A bit excessive compulsive behavior. If you know
it or not the body needs rest as much as it needs
exercise. If you push yourself to the limits and
don’t rest guess what? You will be going
backwards in your practice and actually injuring
your body causing irreversible tendon and joint

This Yogi needed a map to balance out his body,
mind and spirit before he started to make himself
older, weaker and most likely depressed.

Even though the great teachings preach moderation
it really doesn’t mean anything until you can
actually figure out what moderation is. In Chinese
medicine we are always striving to get the body to
the point where it’s not too hot, not too cold,
not too wet, and not too dry. The perfect
environment is warm and moist.

But when we are trying to balance our entire life
we need to balance the 9 different domains. Our
carrier, relationships, the family, our financial
life, how we relate to spirit, the people who
support us, the projects we are working on, our
health and knowledge and how all of this brings
the success we want.

It may not sound like a Yogi practice but it
really is. This formula gives you a map to work
with that will bring every part of your existence
back into balance. Although we all know that the
map isn’t the territory, this formula will give
you the direction you need to be successful in all
aspects of your life.
The method is ancient and has worked to bring
balance to hundreds of thousands throughout the
ages. Based on the study of Fung Shui, a Chinese
philosophical system of harmonizing the human
existence with the surrounding environment.

181753_10150102866594223_704214222_6057087_2927286_nA few years ago I taught a
series of workshops teaching this formula to a
group of psychologists and Qi Gong students and
everybody received amazing results. The workshop
was recorded and edited into a few DVD’s and
combined with the notes is an increasable teaching
known as the Magic Square workshop.

If you don’t have it as yet, get it now. No one
wants to travel through life without a map and
this workshop will guide you to your success
faster than lighting.

I with you the best in tour Health, Wealth and
Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Professor Jerry Alan Johnson will be in Miami
teaching a 3-day workshop that you don’t want to

July 25, 26 & 27 2014 on Daoist Magic and Medical
Qi Gong
Check it out!

The Biggest Brain Suck of All

Friday, April 18th, 2014

Every day we become aware of a new thing, which is
the nature of an inquisitive mind. The problem
lies in what we are exposed to, truths or lies.
The process of learning or of acquiring new
awareness is favored by true information. But
watch out for the mass media, for the most part it
is a numbing agent for your brain.

TV is a brain suck, the newspapers are the same,
the radio news and most of the movies are just
huge agencies to put you in trance and suck away
your life, Qi, money and freedom. When was the
last time that you thought you were lacking in
pharmaceutical drugs, need to eat a cheap
hamburger or get a new toothpaste filled with
fluoride that will make your teeth whiter as it
grinds off the enamel off your teeth?

Do you really care where that airplane disappeared
to, or who killed who in Ukraine? We are being
programmed, hoodwinked and having the wool pulled
over our eyes daily by the media.

Hell yes we are!
Why do you suppose this is happening? Lies, lies
and more lies by the government from Obama to
local officials. A high-ranking police officer
just got busted for running a cocaine operation in
Miami and our politicians are more interested in
getting re-elected than making your life or mine
any better.

Do you remember Buckminster Fuller? He was an
American architect, systems theorist, author,
designer, inventor, and futurist.
Bucky is the one who coined the term “Spaceship

We are on this ship soaring through the universe
and yet we have nobody navigating the ship. It’s
high time that we wake up and realize we are all
in it together. The reason I stress the importance
of meditation, Qi Gong and internal exercises is
to broaden our awareness, to slow down and respect
each other.

It’s high time that we make some big changes, our
medicine should have very minimum side effects,
and it should be working mainly in diagnostic and
preventive area. Not to fight disease but to heal
the body, mind and spirit. The prevention of
disease should be the main focus.

There is not a day that I don’t steer my own ship
and take responsibility for my own destiny. I
train my body, mind and influence my spirit. Open
your eyes, prepare yourself, so that your actions
will do no harm, make each day your masterpiece,
choose to be happy, be generous and love each

Get on a good program like the Recharging Qi Gong,
exercises and do it every day for 30 days, no
misses. 30 days in a row. This will start the
transformation and you will be the master of your
own destiny, the captain of your own ship.

Don’t just float around in space, get on the
program today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi.


On July 25th 26th and 27th Professor Jerry Alan
Johnson will be in Miami for a 1 day workshop on
Medical Qi Gong and a two day intensive workshop
on Daoist mysticism.images

Are you getting sucked off?

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

Every time I turn on the TV there is a program
about vampires. Vampires are those mythological
beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence.

“Essence,” in metaphysics, is often synonymous
with the soul.

Are there really vampires?
Yes there are vampires. Maybe not the blood
sucking kind you see in the movies, but vampires
exist. There are many variations of vampires from
around the world. There are Asian vampires, such
as the Chinese jianshi, evil spirits that attack
people and drain their life energy; the
blood-drinking Wrathful Deities that appear in the
“Tibetan Book of the Dead,” and many others.

The vampires that we run into these days are the
Emotional vampires who can drain your energy and
suck you dry and you hardly notice the bite until
you are just plain drained. These emotional
vampires could be your husband, wife, a son or
daughter, or even your best friend. These people
who put your mood take a tailspin, the ones who
you feel sick or tired around.

Basically, it’s a person who changes your mood
for the worse just by being around them. You may
want to know how they can suck your energy without
you knowing it. Do you know someone that is always
complaining about everything, but never seems to
do anything about it?

They love to go over their hard luck story of why
this or that is bad. “This person is trouble” They
suck you into their story and suck you dry. They
come into our lives with fangs out and if you
don’t know how to protect yourself, you can be
just another meal.

Don’t let them suck you dry.
Get a copy of Turn Stress into Power and protect

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

PS. This program will give you the tools you will
need to protect yourself from energy suckers

Dr. Wu Dhi

Energy suckers

Energy suckers

Time to Reset Your Body Clock

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

imagesThis is the time of the year I start to prepare
for the spring cleansing. I have been drinking a
lot more water and I found an App to help you
remember to stay hydrated. It’s called
“Waterlogged” and it’s free, it helps to keep you
on the water drink path, check it out.

I’ll do a body cleanse on the inside and out, It’s
one of the secrets to anti-aging and helps to keep
ya disease free. I is a wholesome way to
transition into the next season and reset your
body clock.

Soon the sun will shine directly on the equator
and the length of day and night is virtually the
same. This is the spring or fall equinox depending
what hemisphere you are in.

This year it will be in the Northern hemisphere on
March 20th the beginning of spring ruled by the
wood element in the five-element theory. The Wood
Element is what provides us with the sense of
renewal, reawakening and rebirth. It gives us the
connection to the future and allows us to plan and
design in all areas of our lives. The Wood
provides us the vision and foresight to move
ahead. The Wood allows us to express our true
nature and manifest ourselves in the world. Spring
marks new beginnings and has long been celebrated
as a time of rebirth. Many cultures and religions
celebrate or observe holidays and festivals around
the Spring equinox, both Easter and Passover and
Earth Day. This is a time of renewal of body mind
and spirit.

Start drinking a lot more water, dry brush your
body in the morning and evening

and it’s time for a detox!

I will start the Core Restore Detox Program

this week.

It is only 6 days and works on cleaning out the
liver, gut and the kidneys. I do this program at
the beginning of spring, as the liver is the organ
that is the most active this time of the year.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

What the heck is Energy Medicine?

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

unnamedEnergy medicine is a complement system of wellness
on it’s own.

In China it’s called Medical Qi Gong and Japan
calls it Reiki and in India Ayurveda medicine has
a component of energy work as well.

All of these systems are complete in themselves.
They can address physical illness , emotional and
mental disorders, and can also promote a
high-level of wellness and peak performance.

I have patients that were slaves to their medicine
for years on end and finally got sick and tired of it and
decided to make some changes. They made up
their mind to get healthy and not caught in
an endless loop of always depending on the
medication to

function. I am by no means suggesting that you
stop taking your meds but there has to be a better
way to a Healthy life without depending on others
for their well-being.

Our bodies heal by activating the natural healing
energies. If you
are out of balance and you restore that balance,
guess what, you no longer
are out of balance. Sure it takes work but it’s
worth it.

No one wants to
be a slave to drugs for the rest of their life.

You can also heal the body by restoring energies
that have
become weak, or
disturbed, let’s call it an uneasy equilibrium of
mental , emotional
and physical glitches.

Getting back to health, staying young, having
longevity, all have the same goals.
Restoring you to a healthy life, so you can handle
stress, worry,anxiety, anger and sadness without tipping the
apple cart.

I have spent years working on myself to make my
life better practicing
internal exercises, utilizes techniques from
healing traditions
such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation
kinesiology, and Qi gong and they work, if they
wouldn’t be around any longer.
Getting back to Flow, balance, and harmony can be
non-invasively restored and maintained within
Energy techniques like: acupuncture and medical
Qi gong,internal exercises designed for specific
energetic effects; by focused use of the
mind to move specific energies; and by activating
the five senses.

Energy medicine like Medical Qi Gong will treat
illness and relieve pain;
stop the onset of illness as soon as it begins,
stimulate immune function, it will
relieve headaches, release stress, improve
memory, enhance digestion,
relieve arthritis, neck, shoulder, and low back
pain and balance mental emotional problems.

Call my office today and schedule an appointment

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

The Hard Cold Stone Facts about your Love Life

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

I hate hearing this kind of stuff but I do and
here is what they say:

“Dr. Wu, I am no longer in love with my mate and I
haven’t been in a few years. All the romance is
gone there are no romantic nights, no sensual
kisses, not even a loving embrace, our
relationship is more like a business arrangement.
I never imagined it would come down to this but to
tell you the truth, I am sick of it.”

They lost the spark of love and don’t have a clue
how to restore it . Some stick around and are
miserable for years, others leave the relationship
and some have affairs. But this is no solution.

Their mate has lost interest in them. They are
bored of each other their lovemaking becomes more
of a job than a pleasure. It can be the husband or
wife, boyfriend or girlfriend– basically it’s all
the same, the magic is gone.

images “Making love
to her? That’s the last thing I want to do with
my time or energy.” You may be surprised to hear
that but it’s more common than one would think and
it’s true in both men and women.

Here is why: They’re not thinking of their mate;
they are only concerned with their own pleasure
and fantasizing about someone else. I know couples
that can’t perform without watching pornographic
first and I doubt that the performance takes much
time at all. His main goal is getting off and she
is left frustrated most of the time and left to
satisfy herself over and over. It’s no wonder that
both of them have roaming eyes and are just plain

This can change by restoring the power and
reversing the aging process at the same time.
Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?
Want to find out more?
Check out
Dr. Wu Dhi’s Sexual Qi Gong Program

and bring the magic back!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Moving into a New Place

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

Victoria has moved into her new home. She pulled
up her roots from Jersey and has moved lock,
stock, and barrel to sunny Florida for a few good
reasons. First, she fortunately escaped the harsh
winter of the northeast, she fell in love with a
great guy and found the picture-perfect job in the
film industry. If you’re into film there are three
hot places in the USA. The Big apple, LA and
Miami, and this time of the year (wintertime)
Miami is the place to be.

When she arrived she was living with a friend for
a few months, and staying at her boyfriends now
and again, but she had to find her own place for
some peace and quiet as well as taking charge of
her own carrier.

Last week it happened, she found a cute apartment
in a newly remodeled Art Deco building and was
about to move in, but before she did, I received
an emergency call. “Please, Dr. Wu Dhi can you
come over and balance the energies of my new home
before I move in?” Whenever you move into a new
place it’s important to clear the old vibrations
out. You never know what negative vibrations or
harmful energies are hanging around in the walls.
Someone may have been going through an ugly
div orce, fighting with his or her mate or been
living with a sickness or even a death. A
Spiritual house cleaning or clean sweep can save
you years of grief that you would never suspect.

Today is the day! I am going to be there in an
hour and I expect to be there for half of the day
to clear up her new space. Most of her friends
are out of town, her boyfriend is working and the
people who live in the small apartment complex’s
are not around, this is the perfect day.

In general the place has a nice vibe; it’s le ss
than a block from a big park and the Ocean. When
you walk into the courtyard you see a lot of very
colorful flowers; two large palms are at the
entrance, there is a bamboo garden and a fountain
in the court and it looks inviting. I even saw a
few fat cats around basking in the sun, there is
plenty of movement and life– you can even hear
the birds chirping in the trees.

Victoria is in apartment # 8 a good number, that’s
the “money and power” number in numerology. Number
8, more than any other number, puts the emphasis
in the areas of career, business, finances and
authority. However, as with many other
single-digit numbers, the shape of the number
reflects its most important attribute, and in the
case of the number 8, that is, first and foremost,
balances, so we are off to a good start.

I spent some time in the apartment just sitting
and feeling the en ergy, allowing my senses to pick
up on the Qi of the entire place before starting
to open up and clear any negative or stale
vibrations from past occupants. We worked together
for a few hours making sure that all 5 elements
were purified and alchemically transformed.

I believe that anytime you make a move or have a
roommate move out or get a divorce or even have a
fighting match in the space where you live, it’s a
good idea to have the energy cleaned ASAP.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

The quickest way to recover from Love

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Certain individuals and events impact and leave
their marks on us. Some feel warm and fuzzy,
outright blessed, while others hit us like bullets
to the heart.
I finally met that special someone, we were
colleagues, both healers of the highest levels
with years of training, both skilled in our arts.
We didn’t see this coming and our intensions were
the highest. We are both committed to helping our
fellow man and making things better for the world.
Then as quickly as it materialized, it was gone.
We never talked again or saw each other. It was a
shock but a necessary shock to move me to the next
level in my healing, writing and meditation. I
don’t believe that one just comes into our life
without teaching us lessons. Some are much easier
than others but the main purpose of a lesson is to
wake us up and bring us more awareness.
There was no under-the-Bodhi-Tree momentous
revelation, but there was a lesson here and a
strong one that pushed me into a much deep
meditations. At first I was quite taken back and
then I got a cold and then another cold. I haven’t
had a cold in years. My immune system has been in
top shape through my diet, nutrition and my
relentless practice of the internal exercises. I
was covering all bases but didn’t anticipate love
to come knocking at my door.
As Lord Tennyson once said “Tis better to have
loved and lost, then never to have loved at all”
One never knows how or why the universe chooses to
change our lives. Why do we experience such strong
I’ll tell you why! It is to force us to grow
beyond any limitations we have.
One of the main reasons we train is to be able to
hold our ground when these strong teachings hit
us; Practice is the key to a quick recovery. As
we practice we embody the work, the meditation and
the Qi Gong becomes us. I am sure you know the
saying “Where ever you go, there you are”
It’s true!
If you want to be in a good space no matter what
happens, train and practice and even in the worse
situations you will either stand your ground or
recover quicker than anyone would imagine. You
will gain inner strength because you have the
lessons you have embodied. This will bring you
back to your true center faster and with more
power, stamina and inner strength.
Get on it today…
Get a copy of the Recharging Qi Gong program and
embody the teachings.
Order it now

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Recovering quicker will give you more power and
improve your entire immune system. Get going

You asked! The CRT is back!

Monday, January 20th, 2014

Ruth Ann came into my office a few weeks ago and
she was literally a disaster about to happen. She
had no energy, was dizzy a good part of the day,
had digestive problems and woke up 4 or 5 times a

I thought she was in her 80’s, but to my surprise
she is only 72. She told me that over the last 2
years she has been so stressed out she could
hardly function and was on medicine to sleep, had
anxiety and had stomach pain all the time. She has
headaches 2 or 3 times a week and has been treated
by the best doctors money can buy.

Although we would like to think that western
medicine is the best in the world- it Isn’t!
Unless you break a bone or need a bullet removed!
The way we have been treating disease in the West
isn’t working very well at all. We have no real
good way to treat disease. We are still living
under the allusion that a disease like cancer
needs to be killed. What about strengthening the
immune system? You would think that that’s the
most important thing to do and the body would
throw off th e disease. The Health in the USA is
poor to say the least. 1 in 4 people will get
cancer in their lifetime and with heart disease
being at an all time high and diabetes disorders
are plaguing us, it’s time to make some changes,
isn’t it? If you feel that you have been going
down stream with out a paddle, you’re probably
absolutely right!

I have been in the healthcare profession for more
that 40 years treating patients in a much
different ways than orthodox medicine. There is no
killing in my practice. What I mean by that is I
work with the patient to boost their immune system
and as the immune system gets strong, the dis-ease
disappears. Yes it’s no miracle, that’s what the
immune system does it, keeps you healthy. If you
have strong immune qualities, disease doesn’t
affect you.

How can we keep our immune system healthy and

There are many factors in determining that when a
patient comes into my office. There are some
important tests that I have done to determine the
best course of action to bring them back to
perfect health.

“Computerized Regulation Thermography” is the #1
tool to get the most information, the quickest way
without doing any invasive procedures. It is able
to locate disease processes in organs long before
the laboratory tests or scanning images will show
even a hint of the problem.

It will also tell if the therapy you have been
receiving is making a difference or not. It has
been used by over 1,500 practitioners in Europe
and is considered state-of-the-art. Unlike many of
the “testing” devices used by alternative care
practitioners, CRT is objective and reproducible.
The test looks at problems from outside of the
box. It gives an indication of the severity of the
condition, if allergies are a consideration, if
there is toxicity involved, and if there is
degeneration involved. Every human has a specific

unnamed Computerized Regulation
Thermograph’ (CRT) can be very useful as an
adjunct test for early detection of cancer.
Dr. Carola Cuenca from Santa Cruz, California who
specializes in CRT and natural low dose
medications will be doing the testing in my office
for the next three weeks. Testing has to be in the
morning hours when the body is still cool; this
only allows us to see 2 or 3 people a day. I
highly recommend taking this opportunity to
evaluate your immune system and to keep you

To schedule an appointment for your CRT exam,
please call my office at
305-407-0120 or 786-271-0325

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Magic of the Thanksgiving Ceremony

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

I’ll be in Michigan for Thanksgiving and aside
from the joy of visiting my family and eating a
big meal with everyone I will be making a ritual
fire to harmonize things for my family, friends,
loved ones and you.

They predict old man winter will be there with
below freezing temperatures.


Burrrrr! But no matter what happens the ritual
will happen.
I like to make a large fire using 108 pieces of
wood that has been covered with ritual oil and a
prayer is said over each piece before it is
stacked up in the ritual fire pit.

The Fire Puja is very powerful and has many
benefits for the living and the deceased.
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to be grateful
for all we have and where we come from.

No matter if you are a Native of the land you live
on or you come from any other place on the planet,
the key is being grateful.

The Fire will be sending healing energy, love and
gratitude to all of you no mater where you are.
The fire Puja ceremony fulfills wishers, removes
obstacles, improves health and increases merit and

For everyone who tunes in, you can make an
offering by just writing your wishes and what you
are grateful for and around the same time I make
the fire 8:00 EST take your paper outside, light
it and let it burn. This will send your wishes
upward and will connect with the ritual fire I am
making. When you make an offering to the fire
deities it helps the student gain accomplishments
on the spiritual path. I have found it can
stabilize one’s meditation, concentration and
improve one’s spiritual practice.

The ceremony is an excellent method of purifying
negative karma and attaining higher rebirth.

The Fire Puja also helps to avert and purify three
kinds of problems:
1. Clears past karma that affects your
life in your relationships, job, and business.

2. Dissipates and purifies internal
difficulties held in place by fear, doubts and
superstition. That can seriously affect health of
our body, mind and spirit

3.Undisclosed or unseen obstacles on the
path that keep one stuck like a vial of darkness
causing ignorance that obstruct our ability to
realize the true nature of existence

Fire if directed properly can change water into
steam, steel into liquid and transform coal into
energy. Fire alchemically changes the forms of
things it comes in contact with and it will
eventually become ashes returning to the Earth

Keeping a close eye on the fire is important and
can tell a story as well. As the wood is placed
piece by peace on the Puja grounds a prayer or
mantra is placed in each and every piece. The
placement is important depending what you are
trying to accomplish.

I have either been involved in building Pujas that
were 40 or 50 feet high and small ones made of
just matchsticks. There are many different
purposes: Ceasing calamities, increasing wealth,
health and wisdom.

There are Puja’s that attract powerful people,
bring in powerful assistance and attract the
opposite sex. There are even Puja’s to destroy

The Puja fire is a powerful tool in spiritual work
as well as clearing and purifying the physical
body and mind.

Want more info about these kinds of energies?

You can, join me and the members of the Qi Gong
Inner Circle and go deeper into your practice of
energy medicine.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi