Archive for the ‘Energy work’ Category

Are You being Drained by Energy Vampires?

Monday, October 20th, 2014

A while back I went to a business conference in
Orlando, Florida. For the most part it was
all-good. But there was a woman there who was an
energy vampire! She was trying to suck the life
out of many of the participants.
Upstairs in the revolving restaurant she started
complaining that the food was too expensive, the
service was too slow, and the water wasn’t wet
She didn’t say that about the water, but you know
what I mean. In her world, which is quite small,
there was nothing wrong with what she was doing.
She was just pointing things out. Things that she
thought the rest of us dummies should know.
Then she had criticism about all the
presentations. She criticized people’s ideas, and
it just went on and on. At some point I excused
myself and left.
I didn’t totally escape because an hour later she
came to the bar where I was hanging out, and she
s tarted pressing people for information. Some
smart people cut her off. One very strong person
told her to “beat it!” You might find this cruel,
but I assure you it wasn’t. She just moved on to
someone else.
A person like this is an Energy Vampire. They like
to hang around, dispensing their negative energy,
and then try to suck away your positive energy and
knowledge. It’s like they stick a straw in you and
start to feed until you just don’t have anything
The two Chakras that vampires commonly attack are
the Solar Plexus Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is used for draining the
life force and the Third Eye Chakra is used for
draining the will force.
There is a way to deal with these energy vampires,
and it’s very effective. I have taught many
students how to set up a mirror and reflect the
energy vampire’s negative energy back at them, and
h ow to keep it away from you.
There are six steps to ridding yourself of these
suckers, and keep yourself in the light.
1.BREATH-Taking a deep breath will allow you to
free up stored tension and disperse energy easily
and that includes negative energy.

2.GOSSIP-Don’t listen to gossip no matter how
juicy it is. That’s how the energy sucker gets you
locked in for the big bite.

3.BLAME-Don’t blame someone else. Take the
responsibility and the power. Blaming gives the
other person power over you and opens you to be
drained of your energy.

4.WORRY- Stay balanced and grounded. An energy
vampire can smell worry and feed on your negative

5.ANXIETY RUSH and HASTINESS –Love Respect and
Honor everyone you come in contact with and those
suckers will have a hard time biting you.

6.FEAR-Kindness can kill an energy sucker . No
pity; only compassion and they will fly away.

Energy vampires can be close and you may not even
know it. Your family, friends, clients,
colleagues, teachers, neighbors, lovers, or even
just the gal or guy next-door could be one.
In Medical Qigong we learn how to build a psychic
wall of protection around us, like a bubble of
light. Negative sucking energy will just bounce
off you whenever you’re attacked.
In the book and DVD Turn Stress into Power I explain tried and proven
methods to clear yourself from these stress
producing suckers and how to build your personal

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


The Power of the Blog

Monday, October 6th, 2014

When I write a blog it effects me and the thousands

of people who read then from all over the world.

This morning Jonathan from Dublin, Ireland

took the time to drop me a note and

this what he said; “

I must really thank you for

that wonderful introspective question this morning

“What am I grateful for? It’s a wonderful question

that turns one’s mind to positive thinking.”

I am very grateful for all your emails, thank


Jonathan thanks for your note. I’d like to share

some more information on gratefulness.

They say that gratitude is in the center of the

Triad of Realization.

The Triad consists of “WORK”; the work is to

develop Lucidity and Awareness.

Extra Attention=The Essential Master Key. This is what true Warrior-ship.

Is about when we are using the example of Warrior, Healer Priest.

The three stages of our development to becoming whole.

The second point of the Triad is “triad ”;

Opening to Grace, Abiding as a Hosting Presence.

“Who’s Living You Now?”

The last leg of the Triad is “ASKING”; true,

responsible asking. Asking from the core of your

Being and being Congruence of Body, Speech and Mind…

And… in the center of the Triad is “GRATITUDE”

The True, Heart-felt Gratitude.

Grateful for the possibilities of your Life.

Grateful that you can deliberately “DO”.

If this type of WORK sounds like your kind of work

Join me and the members of

The Qi Gong Inner Circle

and I’ll send you a new teaching every

month. Yes every month I send out a CD or a DVD to

the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle on waking

up from the illusion.

Join today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and


Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. The Qi Gong Inner Circle started in May of

2007 and has been going strong ever since. Are you

ready to change your life for the better?

The Exercise of Enlightenment

Friday, October 3rd, 2014

I was listening to an interview the other day with
Robert Thurman. You may know his daughter, images. She starred in the movie “Kill Bill”. I
have been following Professor Thurman’s teachings
for quite a few years. He is a Buddhist scholar
and a practitioner as well. He was sitting crossed
legged during the interview and they asked him why
are you sitting cross-legged? Professor Thurman
said, “It is the most comfortable way for me to
sit; you ought to try it”. Then he was asked if he
works out? He says, “Not in the formal sense, but
I do 250 prostrations every morning and evening.”
This struck my interest so I started doing 3
prostrations each morning and evening before my
meditation adding one more each day. If you aren’t
familiar with the term prostration or don’t know
how to do one let me explain
A prostration is a gesture used in Buddhist
practice to show reverence. Among Buddhists,
prostration is believed to be very beneficial for
• An experience of giving
• An act to purify the mind of conceit
• A preparation for meditation
• An act to accumulates merit (gives you good
In Buddhism practitioners always do the
prostrations before and after meditation.
Typically it’s done three times, once to honor the
teaching, then the teacher, and then the group you
practice with.
Here’s how to do a full Prostration…
First, stand with your feet about shoulder width
apart; keep your toes pointing forward. Place your
palms in the center of your chest as if you were
praying. Raise your hands just above your head,
touching the top of your head (Du 20). Then touch
your hands to your third eye point, then your
throat and back to your heart.
Next, bend at your waist to the floor and make
your arms parallel to the ground with the centers
of your palms facing down. Place your hands out in
front of you to allow you to bend forward
gracefully rise up with ease.
For the third step, allow your knees to touch the
floor just after your hands and lie down on the
ground. Form a straight line from your waist to
your fingertips and keep your face down.
Finally, touch the ground. The 5 points, hands,
knees and head must touch the ground in that
As soon as your head touches the ground, raise up.
Use your hands to push up from the floor quickly.
Come to standing position and place your hands in
prayer pose again.
This exercise would be considered an internal
exercise. As your focus is your meditation,
flexibility, and agility, you’re acknowledging a
spirit or the divine to make your life better. It
is the same when we do Qigong practices. In the
Flying Crane Qigong we acknowledge the four
directions North, South, East and West, allowing
the body to move in different position to open the
Meridians and Chakras.
To find out more info about Flying Crane Qigong
and its benefits click here:
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and
Dr. Wu Dhi
P.S I plan to build up to 250 prostrations before
my birthday in December, but I will also be
practicing my Flying Crane Qigong as well. Start
yours today and lets see how far you can go!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Change is Good

Friday, September 19th, 2014

If you’ve been to my office in the last few

months, you know that Maica has been my right hand

person. She edited all my blogs, and kept the

office running smoothly. I thank her from the

bottom of my heart, but now she’s off on another

adventure. She is taking her final boards to pass her

pharmacy exams. As you know I have been trained in

more homeopathic medicine and herbal medicine. It

has been an eye opener for me to get another view from

the western side of medicine. Whenever you open up

to new things you open your mind and that can keep

you more flexible in both body and mind. It has

been a pleasure to work with somebody who is

trained in the western world and knew exactly what

medicines went with what herbs. I wish her the

best on her new journey.

imagesLuckily, Cassie appeared in my life just a week

later and is now my new personal assistant. She’s

somewhat of an organizing fanatic, but that’s good

for me! If you need to get in touch with her to

book an appointment, find out what’s going on with

the Qi Gong Inner circle, or about the meditation

class and workshops, give her a call. Cassie at

305-407-0120 or send an email,

one of us will get back to you as soon as we can.

Cassie is an expert in social media networking.

She’s a people person and enjoys good energy.

She’s also a Sagittarius; ruled by the planet

Jupiter and one of the most spiritual signs in the

Zodiac… And it’s my favorite sign!

Here’s what our plans are…

We will be doing a lot more with Facebook,

Twitter, Blogs, as well as Qi Gong Inner circle,

Energy Medicine Radio, and Instagram, not to

mention our YouTube station

We will be sending you

information all month long on how to stay healthy,

happy, and have a better quality life. Cassie has

been connected with the Unity on the Bay Church

for quite some time and has been open and willing

to learn all of the anti aging techniques she is a

powerhouse of energy.

As a special welcome, I am offering you an

enormous discount on the “Turn Stress into Power

“program; which includes the book and DVDs on

transforming your stress into power. Just click

the link below and insert the code: CASSIE for a

huge discount!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and


Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Cassie says…Stay Happy , have Fun and be Healthy

Will You Survive this Season?

Monday, September 15th, 2014

Every day it’s coming closer and closer and on
September 22nd. it will be here, if you are ready
or not. Yes the weather is a changing and fall is
upon us, the equinox is about to start. Brings the
fall season to the Northern Hemisphere on
September 22nd at 10:29 P.M. EDT. The temperature
is begging to drop even here in southern Florida
and the days are starting to get shorter and the
nights longer. Fall can brings up melancholy moods
if we aren’t aware of what’s going on around us.
Through out history mankind has been celebrating
the harvest around this time of year. This is the
season to look and see what you need to change, to
have a more bountiful, fulfilling harvest in your
The fall and winter seasons are about deep
contemplation and we are rapidly moving into the
dark, yin months of the year. It’s the perfect
time to meditate, study and reflection on y our
life and to be more social, commune with the
people who support your visions, nourish your
soul, keep your spirits lifted.
In the USA we traditionally start our harvest time
at Thanksgiving, which falls in November, but
harvest time is the fall equinox. In the past,
it’s when we figure out how well our crops did,
how fat our animals have gotten, and whether or
not our tribe will be able to eat during the long
cold winter. Originally, the American Thanksgiving
holiday was celebrated on October 3, which makes a
lot more sense agriculturally. Early agricultural
societies understood the importance of hospitality
— it was crucial to develop a relationship with
your neighbors, because they might be the ones to
help you when your family ran out of food in the
cold harsh winter. It’s always a good time to be
thankful and grateful for all we have. I will be
spending more time in meditation as the days
become shorter and we start to internalize our
energies. Learn and practice the internal
meditations and free your mind, body and soul.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu DhiUnknown

Lost in the Woods

Thursday, August 14th, 2014

I was brought up in Michigan and we lived a few
blocks from a hardwood forest filled with oak,
black walnut and maple trees. When I bought my
first home, it was on a three and a half acre land surrounded
with trees and a beautiful little stream snaking
through the prosperity. I spent many a day walking
through the forests and connecting with the spirit
of the woods. I have notimages-1 been in the woods since
last Thanksgiving and I was starting to miss it,
so, I took a little trip up to Tampa for a long
weekend. Northern Florida has large pine trees and
I reconnected with the Wood element inside of me
and felt really at peace.

The element Wood rules the liver and gall bladder
in Chinese medicine. The Wood energy represents
growth, development and planning, and that was my
purpose of coming to Tampa to work with Eluv to
plan out the next year of our radio show. Wood
element is known for the emotion of kindness and
it’s about growth and balance. It is said that the
spiritual aspect that is stored in the Wood
element is our Heavenly soul. It is the aspect of
the person that goes on to the next project and
the next life.

The woods can bring you a great sense of
confidence, the ability to strike out in new
directions, and the ability to adapt to changing
circumstances. To stay balanced, no matter what
element or emotion is in effect, it takes skillful
means. The most important concept in Skill in
Means is the use, guided by wisdom and
compassion, of a specific teaching (means) geared
to the particular audience taught. Edward Conze,
in A Short History Of Buddhism, says, “Skill in
Means is the ability to bring out the spiritual
potentialities of different people by statements
or actions which are adjusted to their needs and
adapted to their capacity for comprehension.”

The Energy Medicine Radio show will bring out the
best in all of us! Tune in on August 19th at 8:00

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Energy Medicine on Steroids

Monday, August 11th, 2014

UnknownI spent the weekend in Tampa, Florida, about
5-hour drive from Miami across Alligator Alley
which is the link between the Atlantic and Gulf of
Mexico coasts and goes right through the
Everglades. The Alley is one of the most magnificent
roads in Florida. There are alligators in both sides of
the road. You’ll see all kinds of tropical birds
in flight and you’ll pray that you never get a
flat tire.

I worked with Eluv all weekend on the
new radio show that will broadcast on the 19th of
August on the
The name of the show is Energy Medicine Radio and we’ll be doing our
first broadcast at 8:00 EST. You’ll be able to
pick it up on your computer, and we’ll be sharing
decades of knowledge on how energy works on our
bodies, minds and spirit. We’ll be starting off
broadcasting every two weeks and, if we’re having
as much fun as you are, we’ll do a show every
week. I have many guests lined up from Tibetan
Lamas to Daoist priests, healers from many walks
of life, as well as musicians and artists. Energy
Medicine includes sound healing, vibrational
healing, healing with colors, mineral magic, and
of course, herbal magic. All medicine is
vibrational, so, when a doctor gives you a pill,
he is hoping that the vibration or the frequency
of that medicine will change your health for the
better. Last year, I wrote an article about what
to do before you take your medicine. If your
doctor gives you an antibiotic, you want to say a
certain prayer before you put it in your body.
Many people say, “Yuck! I hate taking antibiotics!
They might destroy my liver and mess up my tummy!”
And then, they get a glass of water and pop the
pill in to their mouth. They just told the pill
that it’s going to do harm and give them a belly
ache. If you have to take some medicine, it’s best
to say, “This medicine that I’m about to take will
make me feel better and heal my body, mind and
spirit.” In this way, you put your own healing
vibration in the medicine you take. You become
your own healer. On our show, we’ll be giving you
tips and solutions that you can use on yourself
and family that will make everyone feel better,
healthier, and more vibrant.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. OOPS! I made a mistake. The show is at 8:00 PM
EST and I might have told you different in my previous
blogs. Tune in and enjoy the vibration of Energy Medicine

Warrior , Healer, Priest

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Many years ago, my Master told me that there were
three different phases that I will be going
through as I evolve. At the time, I was young and
still doing martial arts. He said this is just the
beginning, the Warrior part. He said, next you’ll
go through a phase where you become the Healer,
and the last step on the path of your evolution,
you will become a Priest. Warrior – Healer –
Priest. At the time, it sounded real good to me
although I didn’t realize the magnitude of what he
was saying. But now I do. When I was young, I did
martial arts – Judo, Aikido, Wing Chun Kung Fu. My
next phase was the Healing phase. I started it
with Polarity Therapy, then, I went to Postural
Integration, Applied Kinesiology, many forms of
massage and body alignment, internal exercises,
yoga, and I became a master practitioner of
Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a Doctor of Chinese
Medicine and a Doctor of Medical Qi Gong. At the
same time, I spent a lot of time and energy
practicing and studying Tibetan Buddhism and
Daoism and ran a Hindu Ashram in Colorado, and
later, my Master sent me to Venezuela to teach
both Tibetan Buddhism and Daoism. And sure enough,
the Warrior – Healer – Priest revealed itself to
me through work and practice. Now, my treatments
are all energy-based. I am a Doctor of Medical Qi
Gong who practices acupuncture and different forms
of healing. I teach and I learn. The programs
involve two of the phases, the Healing phase and
the Priest phase. One of the profound meditation
practices reveals the different realms of
consciousness. It’s included in the Internal
Mantra Program
And even in the Flying Crane Qi Gong,
there is one CD dedicated to Qi Gong meditation.
Every month, I make a CD or DVD and I sent it out
to Qi Gong Inner Circle members These are
programs to build their energy body and lead them
along the path to enlightenment. If you’re reading
this blog, you’re looking for more in your life
and more for yourself. I encourage you to practice
every day and open up to new possibilities.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Daoist Mysticism Revealed

Friday, August 1st, 2014

The workshop with Professor Jerry Alan Johnson
really made some profound changes in the way I’m
practicing. In the past, I was practicing as an
acupuncturist doing Qi Gong with some very good
success for many years. After working with Dr.
Jerry Alan Johnson and doing more of the Daoist
Mysticism, he pointed out that I was actually a
Doctor of Medical Qi Gong that does acupuncture.
Long ago when I went to school, there were many
students who really didn’t believe in Qi. They
didn’t know how it worked or what it really did.
Qi Gong, pronounced as Chi Gong, is more than five
thousand years old. It’s the work that the Shaman
practiced in ancient China, a form of Daoist
Alchemy. This is the heart of spiritual work when
we’re working to a fact and change someone’s
health; we’re working with their spirit. When you
make the change in their spirit, you affect every
aspect of the person’s health – their physical
matter, their energetic vibrations, and the
spiritual, which is actually the Divine Light. Qi
Gong masters discovered that each internal organ
within the body has a different vibration, and by
vibrating the right frequency, you can heal the
body, mind and spirit. This is truly Energy
Medicine. It affects the mineral world, the plant
world, the animal realm, and the human realm. This
is what changes the vibration and brings in the

When I put together the program called Recharging
Qi Gong, different segments were taken from
different teachings – some from Tibetan Buddhists,
some from Hindu philosophy, and some from Daoist
energetic work. The combination of these three set
up a vortex in the body that changes it on all
three levels. When you practice these exercises on
a regular basis, you change the vibration of your
spirit, which in turn, changes you. If you don’t
have the program as yet, what are you waiting for?
You don’t want to wait until you are sick, or you
have dis-ease in the body, mind and spirit. It’s
time to make the changes now.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Every Saturday morning at 7:30, I am on the
beach with a group of people at 93rd Street and
Collins right behind the lifeguard stand
practicing and training. If you are in Florida,
you are most welcome to join.

Yes it’s a Go!

Friday, August 1st, 2014

Dr. Wu Dhi and Eluv have teamed up to share an
experience of a lifetime. Eluv is a super talent.
She is originally from the Land of Down Under,
Australia, and is a master in music and sound
empowerment, crystal singing, bowl sound healing,
yoga mantras, guided meditations, and music and
radio production. We combined our energies to create
“Energy Medicine Radio” which is about to take birth
very soon. We are going to do our first broadcast on
August 19, Tuesday, on at 9:00 PM
EST and you can listen in on the World Wide Web
(WWW) anywhere in the world. How cool is that! On
our first show, we will be rolling out the format
and the programming for the year and we will be
sharing some really hot tidbits on Energy Healing,
Medical Qi Gong, meditations and sound healing.
Every week, we will host a different guest that
will share their pearls of wisdom with you. For
years, I have been posting blogs on my website,, and sharing on my
YouTube channel,, and now
radio! Tune in to and go to
Energy Medicine Radio.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi