Archive for the ‘Energy work’ Category

Working With Good And Bad Energy

Monday, June 15th, 2015

Working With Good And Bad Energy

I was talking to a woman with a strong accent the
other day. I asked her where she was from, and she
said,Russia. We chatted for a while, and she
was telling me why she left her country. It was a
horrible, cold, dirty place, and all of my family,
friends, and my boss were extremely negative.
Then, eight years ago, I left Mother Russia, and I
came to start a new life in New York. I went to
school and became a medical assistant. I found a
job in the city, but after a few years, I noticed
that the people around me were very dark and
negative, and they were stupid as well. Just three
years ago, I moved to Miami and got a job in a
medical office working with a doctor who always
complained about not having enough money or
patients. He was more negative than anyone that I
have ever met. His practice only saw patients with
chronic pain. Day after day, people came in who
were addicted to pain pills, and had hard luck
stories of pain, misery, and poverty. She went on
to tell me more stories on how negative people can

I was exhausted after listening to her story after
story of how she was plagued with negativity. I
knew the problem was not Russia, New York, or
Miami. The problem was within her and what and
whom she invested her time and energy in. When we
are negative, we attract negative people and
negative energy. Its the same when we are
positive, we attract a positive energy. Whatever
you think about the most is what you will attract.
If you decide its a bad day, it is. On the other
hand, if you decide it’s a good day, it is a good
day. We are the masters of our destiny, for the
better or the worse. Negativity doesn’t follow us
around so do good energy. We just pull it in like
a big vacuum. If you want something different,
better, happier, wealthier, or healthier, that’s
what you need to focus on. And before you know it,
you will have it.

Working with the Good and Bad

GOOD or Bad?

If you are having problems breaking old patterns,
look no further. There is an ancient Chinese
formula hidden in the teachings of
called the Bagua. This teaching will give you the
formula that will get you clear within all aspects
of your life, where you want to go, and how to get
there. This program will definitely help. Order
now by clicking on the link

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How Energy Suckers are effecting you

Friday, June 12th, 2015

How Energy Suckers are effecting you

You may wonder what happened to your energy. Maybe
you just got old, or have some kind of infection
lingering in your body, or perhaps you are eating
the wrong diet. This happens to everyone every so
often, but it could very well be an energetic
problem that is affecting you.

Eimages-2 It could be your lover, your
husband, wife, even your kids, or fellow workers,
even your boss may be sucking your energy and not
paying you what you are really worth. Energy
suckers usually like to say something to rile you
up, put you down, or tell you the latest in gossip
to hook you. As soon as you react, that’s when
your energy bite happens. These energy vampires
can put such a negative vibration on a situation
that it can linger for weeks, months, or even
years on end in your house and office.

What can you do to protect and free yourself and
your family? It’s not easy, especially if you’re
the warrior who goes out into the marketplace
daily to make a living, or someone in your own is
browbeating you home. Clean and clear your home,
especially if you are about to move into a new

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. You can have your house and office cleaned
and cleared, and avoid the bite. Call me at 305
-407-0120 and let us set up an appointment to make
your space your own.

The Transformation

Friday, May 15th, 2015

The Transformation…

I was in my hometown last week, “Motown.” One of
my old friends still lives in Detroit, about an
hour from where I was staying. I promised I’ll
drive downtown to see him. So, early Saturday
morning, right after my workout, I headed
downtown. When I got there, my buddy was ready and
raring to go. We took off to see the sites.
Detroit is going through revitalization, and the
hipsters are moving in. Wikipedia describes, “The hipster
subculture typically consists of multi-ethnicIMG_1554
millenials living in urban areas. The subculture
has been described as a mutating, trans-Atlantic
melting pot of styles, tastes and behavior, and is
broadly associated with indie and alternative
music, a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibility
(including vintage and thrift store-bought
clothes), generally progressive political views,
organic and artisanal foods, and alternative
lifestyles.” So, once again, Detroit is starting
to make a comeback. We visited some of the new old
areas like Corktown, located just west of downtown
Detroit, and is the oldest extant neighborhood in
Detroit, Michigan, and a place called the
“Heidelberg Project” The
artist, Tyree Guyton, took a stand against the
decay, crime, and apathy in the neighborhood where
he was raised. Using objects that you and I would
declare junk, he created a festival of color and
deep meaning described as “Ghetto Guggenheim”. As
luck would have it, I ran into the artist when I
was there. Tyree told me that he created his art
in the ghetto using vacant lots and abandoned
houses as his canvas to show that art can and will
transform even the worst situations. “A community
can re-develop and sustain itself from the inside

It is exactly the same with your health –
mentally, physically, and spiritually. The
transformation comes from the inside and moves out
into your work, your family, and friends, into the
community, and the world. How do we make the
transformation? Start by practicing every day. You
may be asking what should I start with? The
quickest and easiest way to transform yourself is
to change your physiology. I have found that the
internal exercises support the transformation
better than any other system. I have been able to
duck the aging process by 10, 15, and maybe, even
20 years by practicing the Recharging Qi Gong

Like the Heidelberg Project, these internal
practices have become a symbol of hope and
inspiration for thousands of people all over the
world. Start the change today in every aspect of
your world, your community, your friends, and
family as well as of your body, mind, and spirit.

Get a copy of the Recharging Qi Gong program now.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Training your Internal Channels

Monday, April 6th, 2015

Training your Internal Channels…

I am in Tampa for a few days, working with a group
of Qi Gong practitioners in a 3-day intensive
training. Whenever we take a few days out of our
lives just to train, the benefits are incredible.
You can go much deeper in your practice when
working with a group, and open to a new energy
that have always been available to you. You just
need to tap into it and cultivate the Qi. When we
are training, it activates the core channel or Tai
Qi pull and fills the cauldron. That’s where we
store the energy.

Although I practice every day, and train for an
hour or two, sometimes even longer, it’s a lot
different when you work with a group. There is a
massive amount of Qi generated and you are
latterly swimming in a sea of Qi. When you are in
training, everyone is working hard to move the Qi.
You pull in much more energy than you would be
able to do on your own. All you have to do is open
up to the energy and you will be able to absorb
massive amounts of Qi. The key is to be able to
store Qi in your lower belly, also called the Dan
Tian, or the cauldron. This is similar to building
the spiritual digestive system.

I found it easier when you start by moving the
energy into the cauldron. Imagine that you have a
ball of white light in your lower belly and let
that ball start to slowly roll. As it turns, allow
it to pull in more energy and start to heat up,
pulling in Qi from the bottom of your feet and the
top of your head. Keep the ball rolling in a
clockwise direction for 3 minutes. Then, stop,
relax, and reverse the direction of the ball,
continuing to pull in more and more energy.
Afterwards, stop the ball, and feel the energy
growing in the lower belly. You can use the energy
of the cultivated Qi.

Want to find out more about moving, growing, and
cultivating the Qi? Join me and the members of the
Qi Gong Inner Circle Every month, you
will receive an incredible teaching to improve
your health, wealth, and happiness.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhiimages

Why we Need to Wear a Psychic Protection

Friday, February 6th, 2015

I was at the office seeing patients all day and
everything was running smoothly. That doesn’t
happen by accident. I spend an hour every morning
setting up my days internally and externally. I
get up at around 5:30 AM, make a hot cup of tea
and begin my meditations. At 7:00, I leave the
house and walk down to the beach to watch the sun
come up and begin my Qi Gong practice. This may
seem like a lot of work to you but it’s not. Let
me tell you why.

If you were a knight and mounted your horse about
to joust, you would certainly put on your armor.
If you were going to be exposed to toxins, you
surely put on a protective gear to guard yourself.
When I am working with a patient to clear out
their old patterns and open up blocked energy, I
need to be clear and protected. If not, I could
easily absorb their stale energy.

When you work with people, you can become energy
sponges sucking up the energies and the troubles
of the world that come to you. It’s important to
process the negative energy around you so it
doesn’t get stuck in your own body. Setting
boundaries with energy vampires is essential so
they don’t sap you dry.

The protections are the key to keeping you strong.
Meditation and Qi Gong work hand-in-hand to keep
your Qi vibrant and strong. In the Turn Stress
Into Power program
I teach the protections and meditations to keep
you at your best.

These days you don’t want to jump in without a
psychic condom protecting you. Don’t ever take the
chance of dipping in naked. You may get more than
you ever wanted.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. As soon as you place your order, I’ll get it
in the mail and you can get started.

Is Astrology Real? The Church Says No!

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

It was the day before Christmas. I was having
lunch with a group of well-known astrologers that
came to Miami for the images and decided
to stay until the New Year. We all went to lunch
to celebrate Ray’s birthday. He flew in from
Arizona for his solar return. We all have a solar
return every year around our birthday. It‘s when
the sun comes to the exact degree that it was at
the moment we were born. Astrologers find this
important and, supposedly, where you are
physically at that time of your birthday will
affect your entire year. I blogged about this a
few weeks ago.

If you thought astrology was just something you
checked on now and then in the newspaper as an
amusement, there is far more to it. Astrology is a
science of looking at cycles. It’s the study of
the influence of stars and planets on our lives.
The position of the sun, stars, moon and planets
at the time of your birth is said to shape your
entire personality, affect your romantic
relationships and predict your economic fortunes.

Some people live their lives according to their
astrology chart but not me. I use it as a tool to
help look at what the possibilities are and then
make my choices with a little more accuracy. I
once heard the statement, “The map is not the
territory”. That’s true. But, a map is useful to
know where you are and where you are going. The
more choices you have, the greater your
possibilities are for your growth and expansion in

When someone limits your choices, it’s usually for
their gain and your enslavement. It makes no
difference if it is with your food, the medicine
you can get, or the unjust laws limiting your
freedom. The more possibilities you have, the more
open you become. When choices are limited, you
close down mentally, physically and spiritually.
But, you can learn to heighten your awareness
through meditation and internal exercises. This
will open up your awareness and make more room to
choose, attend, and reflect, and new possibilities
open up.

Don’t be restricted by the collective
consciousness. Join me and the members of the Qi
Gong Inner Circle and I
promise you more exciting possibilities in your

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Open Your Chakras for the New Year

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Tonight is the first meditation class that I am
teaching for 2015. The nature of the class is
staying centered, grounded, and open. When I do my
meditation every morning, I always ask from deep
inside to be open more. I ask to learn the lessons
that are presented to me whatever they are. It
seems that every day we are presented with many
situations. Usually, the stressful situations are
the ones that we refuse to learn and have to
repeat on a different date. If you are open, it’s
much easier to learn the lessons. The trick is in
your flexibility and agility of body, mind and
even your speech. One of the reasons that I stress
the internal exercises, like Qi Gong, is that they
give you more flexibility in body, mind and
spirit. Over the years, many students have asked
for techniques and meditations that will keep them
open and able to use alchemical processes to
change their stress into their own personal power.
I put together a program called “Turn Stress Into
Power” and, if you are in the Miami area, I will
be teaching the core of these principles at the
Unity on the Bay Church this coming Saturday,
January 10th from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Please join me.
Here’s the link to register:
Or, if you’re not in Miami, you can go to this
and get a copy of both the book and DVD, and start
turning your stress into power.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. In the Turn Stress Into Power program, you
will learn how to release tension in your body,
the neurovascular points to eliminate stress, how
to use the energy vortex system, the smile
meditation, the 9-point grounding technique, and
much, much more!

Please join me tonight at 7:00 PM EST for the
meditation class at the office located at
18205 Biscayne Blvd Suite 2214, Aventura FL
33160. You may reserve a seat at 786-271-0325.

Shamanic Solstice Practices

Friday, December 19th, 2014

When I get up in the morning, it’s been pitch
black and, when I leave my office at the end of
the day, it’s also pitch black. I haven’t seen the
sun in days! Well, here is what’s happening. Late
dawn. Early sunset. Short day. Long night. For us
in the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter solstice
which falls on December 21st, marks the longest
night and shortest day of the year, and, until
then, the days won’t start getting longer.

In the Shamanic cultures, there are many
ceremonies honoring the Return of the Sun. I
usually make a harmonizing puja fire at the
darkest day. The fire pujas involve making an
offering to the ten directions, and the three
times, past, present and future. I include an
offering to the protectors of the way, all
sentient beings, and elemental spirits. I’ll put
incense, wine, and sweet foods into the fire as
well as prayers for health, wealth and happiness.

If you want to learn a lot more about making these
kinds of special rituals, join me and the members
of the Qi Gong Inner Circle and learn,
study, and grow. You will receive some amazing
teachings that aren’t available in books, on TV or
any ordinary class that you might take. The
students of the Qi Gong Inner Circle receive a CD
or DVD every month with incredible information to
build your internal power and enhance your
spiritual digestive system. Join

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Smoked Out!

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

Last Sunday, I had a dinner date and, instead of

going out to a restaurant, I decided to make

dinner and try out Jerry’s Pumpkin Squash Soup.

It’s a perfect dish for the Fall. Jerry is a chef

in Las Vegas and is a real genius in the kitchen.

It’s starting to cool off in Florida. It went down

to the low 50’s. Brrr…that’s cold for the

Sunshine State. I knew that soup would hit the

spot on a cold night. I made some lamb burgers

with onions and garlic to boot. Lamb is warming

meat and it’s much healthier than beef, pork or

chicken. Everything was going quite well. I served

the soup in a beautiful crystal glass and

garnished it with pomegranate seeds. It was a hit!

Thanks Jerry for the great recipe. It was


I’m used to cooking with gas but this new place

has an electric stove and the broiler doesn’t

work. No problem! I have a steel skillet and I put

that over the electric burners, added a little oil

and put the burgers on. While they were cooking,

we indulged in some fruit of the vine. I noticed

that after a few glasses, when I went back into

the kitchen, it was filled with smoke. Nothing was

burning but lots and lots of smoke. I opened up

the patio door, turned on the fans but there was

still so much smoke. I opened up the door that

leads into the hall and it cleared out in a few

minutes. That was the good part… And then, the

alarm started to beep. I thought it was the smoke

alarm that I often set off at my last abode, but

this one was a lot louder. Before I knew it, there

was a knock at the door, the police and fire

department were there, and when I went out in the

hall, there were a lot of people. Oops! It sounded

the alarm for the whole building! The dinner was

great even with the excitement and the manager

suggested that I go on a raw food diet.

Here is Gypsy Jerry’s Pumpkin Squash Soup recipe.

It’s a good one.

1 small pumpkin

1 butternut or acorn squash

2 sweet potatoes

1 Thai coconut

1 red pepper (roast)

¼ tsp. Spices Pumpkin spices

¼ tsp. Cinnamon

¼ tsp. Sriracha sauce (Get it from any Asian


¼ tsp. Salt

I suggest using all-organic veggies. Wash and cut

veggies and remove all seeds. (The pumpkin seeds

can be left out for a few days to dry and then

bake on a cookie sheet with sea salt.)

Bake the vegetables in a 350-degree oven for

around 45 minutes. This will bring out the flavor

of the vegetables. Check for tenderness with a

fork to see when it’s cooked. Scrape all the meat

out of the veggies. Place in high-speed blender.

Add spices, coconut water and coconut meat. Blend

until hot.

Serve in a wine glass and add pomegranate seeds as


• Pumpkin is incredibly rich in vital

antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E and also a good

source of vitamin B complex and minerals.

• Acorn squash is a good source of dietary fiber,

vitamins A, B6, C, folate, potassium and


• Sweet potatoes balance the Yin of the body. It

is high in fiber, vitamin B6 and potassium and a

very good source of vitamins A and C and


• Thai coconut is low in cholesterol and sodium

and it is a very good source of manganese.

As the weather cools off, our diets, exercise and

meditations should be changed to get ready for the

cold winter months. Eat more soup and root

vegetables. Start doing internal exercises like

Tai Chi and Qi Gong for they will keep your

kidneys warm and healthy while quiet meditations

will keep your internal light glowing all Fall and

Winter. I am putting more time into practicing the

Yin Set

and doing internal mantras

Check them out.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and


Dr. Wu Dhi

Smoked out

Scary Movies

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

When I was a little kid around seven or eight
years old my parents would drop me off at the
movies for the Saturday matinee. There was always
a double feature sometimes a Tarzan movie and
other times monster movies, like “The Creature
from the Black Lagoon or “It came from Beneath the
Sea”. They were great, but they would scare the
dickens out of me.

For years I slept with the covers over my head and
would never let my feet touch the ground at night
when getting out of bed. I’d jump on the throw rug
and scoot over to the bathroom. As soon as I got
in the bathroom I’d lock the door and put up
imaginary invisible walls, gates, bars and high
electrical voltage wires to protect myself from
any monsters that may be trying to get me.

I did this for years and to tell you the truth, I
really got good at making invisible walls, binding
spooky things and putting up invisible force
fields around my room and myself.

I guess a lot of kids do this pretend stuff and as
they get older they forget about monsters and join
the world of non-believers, the others they put in
homes for the mentally challenged. I guess I
slipped through the cracks.

Jumping forward 25 years. I was quite interested
in Unknown, yoga, Guru’s and the
meaning of life itself. I began to study the
eastern religions quite extensively and eventually
I had the privilege to study with a great
meditation master. He directed me into a deep
meditation and then into a deity practice.

You may be wondering what a deity practice is? The
Deity practices are techniques to evoke
realization on the deepest levels. These practices
lead to the awareness of the divine as it already
exists within the true nature of mind. I learned
to visualize the deity and all the intricate
details. Each little detail represents a different
teaching in conscious work as one holds the detail
in your mind’s eye. I found it second nature as I
have been practicing visualization for years. We
all have these skills and once you learn how to
invoke them your meditations will open up at a
much deeper level.

Want to learn more? Join me and the members of the
Qi Gong Inner Circle and I will share
with you teachings, meditations and healing
practices to enhance your spiritual digestive

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Every month you will receive a DVD or CD in
the mail plus a lot more.