
How to Free Yourself of Karma

In the West, when we do good things we often expect praise. We say, “Here I am, I did it.” This type of attitude will slow down one’s growth and self-development. Truly “good” acts are done with a selfless attitude. When we perform acts of kindness and generosity without expecting any reward, we are aligned in body, mind and spirit.

Looking at the political situation in today’s world, there are many high-ranking officials constantly bragging about what they’ve done and taking credit for many things they’ve never been a part of. This is just the Ego screaming, “LOOK AT ME, I am the powerful OZ!”

In Japanese culture, the word Intoku means self-enlightenment, a great concept to incorporate into our lives. This practice of Intoku is the philosophy that guides our “gift giving.” Energetically, these gifts are even more powerful when they are given anonymously.

Everything we do comes back to us. We “reap what we sow” or generate good or bad karma all the time. It’s good when we ask for our own happiness and welfare, but we must do good for the simple sake of doing good without seeking recognition or reward, without even expecting a thank you. The rewards will come just by knowing that you’re making situations better.

To do good in secret means to act without seeking attention and praise, to act without any hope of reward. This is the true meaning of Intoku.

In my program called the Internal Mantra: http://rechargingqigong.com/products/the-internal-mantra-program/, I explain the 6 different Ego fixations that keep us trapped. One is called the God Realm. When someone is stuck here, he or she is always boasting about everything they’ve done, how great they are and take credit for making things great.

They are anarchistic, arrogant and generally filled with themselves. But when things start to go bad, they fall into the Hell realm. Where everything is bad, and it is because of them. They have a short fuse; everything makes them angry. The only way hell beings deal with things that make them angry is through aggression — attack, attack, attack! They drive away anyone who shows them love and kindness and seek out the company of other hell beings.

None of us want to be stuck. We want to be loving, free and get off the wheel of death and birth once and for all. In the Mantra program I explain and teach what each one of the ego fixations does to you and how to get off the wheel.

You can get your copy by clicking here: http://rechargingqigong.com/products/the-internal-mantra-program/. Free yourself for ever.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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