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Virus on a Flight?

Do you know that you are nearly 100 times more susceptible to catching a cold on a flight?

THE SNOW BIRDS ARE FLOCKING BACK TO FLORIDA NOW! Great! What they are bringing with them is The Flu, colds and unknown viruses! When we jump on any flight we are exposing ourselves to everyone else’s germs and on a 3 or 4 hour flight, your body is also exposed to radiation, stress, bad food & poor air quality.    


The truth is; sitting near a sneezing, wheezing traveller on a flight for hours is one of the worse experiences. Sitting on an air plane for hours in “virtually moisture-free” conditions inside a plane cabin increase your vulnerability to airborne infection. Your body becomes more vulnerable to colds, respiratory infection and viruses, which are known to thrive in conditions of low-humidity.

Coughing passengers can spread infection to those immediately around them, and in a small number of cases regarding more severe illnesses – such as TB [tuberculosis] – are known to have spread in a small-enclosed area with recycled air.

The total volume of air on a plane is said to be refreshed every two to three minutes, which is more frequent than in most air-conditioned buildings, where the air is changed every five to ten minutes.

Of course the airlines claim that the air is filtered and clean. They swear that the planes are thoroughly cleansed after each and every flight; including the seats, tray tables and toilets; I sure hope that’s true! When we fly the humidity is so low that Dehydration is sure to happen and humidity levels as low as four per cent has the potential to cause the mucous membranes of your nose, mouth and throat to dry out, plus the air pressure changes cause a build-up of gas in your body, which leads to bloating, constipation and other related gastrointestinal issues.

Oxygen is one of the most important elements to our life, even more than food or water! Without it we would be gone within a few minutes. As soon as I arrive from a flight I get to my office to do a treatment of Ozone Therapy to clear out any bug I may have picked up, and it really works! 

Ozone Therapy help oxygenate the body by improving metabolic efficiency. I have found that a treatment of ozone is very effective in preventing colds and flu’s as well as improving the Immune System.

Call today to set up an Appointment at 305-407-0120.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi.


PS. *Ozone Therapy Oxygenates The Body.

       *Ozone Therapy increases oxygen and helps your body produce more energy. 

       *Ozone Therapy Regulates the Immune System.

       *Ozone allows the body to balance it’s own Immune System,

         like a form of auto correction!



 Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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