Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine

There Is Something About Mary.

Mary came into my office for treatment. Poor thing was in agony, because her hip was causing her pain 24 hours a day.

I Treated her using low dose Medicine, Vitamins and Ozone Therapy. She was comfortable for a few months, following treatment.

Last week she made contact and expressed her interest in starting Stem Cell Therapy.

I referred her to a doctor friend, who specializes in Stem Cell.

To my chagrin, she went to the doctor ask for Stem Cell Injections for her hip, hoping that she could avoid surgery. However that wasn’t the issue!

She demanded a large discount from the doctor!  To which he turned down; he does not offer discounts, ever! 

Patient became irate and could hardly function, because she was in pain and felt entitled to be treated and heavily discounted!

Entitlement is characterized by the belief that one deserves preferences and resources, that others do not. Like boundaries, we recognize entitlement chiefly by it’s effect on us: envyanger, and frustration. “

Whether deserved or not, a sense of entitlement enables people to think and act differently from others, a chronically entitled disposition may diminish the motivation to put in extra effort.

When we talk about lazy, entitled people, particularly those who haven’t earned their keep, or promotions through their own hard work.

If you go to a State of the Art Medical Office, it will cost you!

We should all have access to whatever we want, but you have to work for it!

In Canada all the Medicals are cover by the Government, but if you want some Specialty Care or quicker service, you may have to pay out of your own pocket.

I spoke to said doctor; and he informed me that he did give in, and offer her a discount, because I sent her. However Stem Cell treatments cost thousand’s of dollars!

I see people all day long, and if a person is in pain; their whole demeanor changes. They may come off a bit rude and unfriendly.

As professionals we try not to take it personal and work on getting them to feel better so their nicer side can shine through.

Pain is just an indicator that something is wrong and it needs to be attended to asap! There are different levels of treatment.

I use Acupuncture, Homeopathic and Vitamin Therapy, on most cases; but if the problem is Chronic the Treatment Protocol is more Comprehensive. This may involve Ozone Therapy, Injections, Neural Therapy, which generates Therapeutic Results via local Anesthetic Injections.

The aim is to restore the Endogenous Regulation Mechanism. 

The object of Alternative Medicine /Holistic Medicine, is to get the patient better without harmful side effects!

If you’ve been suffering with some symptoms, give us a call and let’s resolve your problem today!

(305) 407-0120
I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi
 Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ.


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