
Protection From Psychic Vampires.

A patient came in very distraught. She is in her mid fifties and is still at odds with her mother.

Her mom makes her feel guilty and belittles her constantly. This causes my patient to explode with anger. After anger, she goes into a deep depression. This has been reoccurring since she was a teenager!

The way the mom tries to control her daughter, is by guilting her.

What mom wants is her daughter’s constant attention, a babysitter if you will. The world revolves around mom.  When she doesn’t get what she wants, she raises hell; until she gets her way!

The mother is actually a Psychic Vampire! Psychic Vampires are people that come into a situation and do everything they can to upset others. Once the weaker victim gets angry and explosive, the vampire is happy. That is their Motive!

When this happens, a lot of Energy is disbursed and the vampire sucks up all of your energy. It’s a sad situations that happens a lot in many families or intimate relationships.

If you want to avoid losing your Good Energy; you have to stay centered and realize that when someone upsets you, they want something from you; and it’s usually your Vital Force. This is the Vampire’s Food!

There a few things that you can do to Center yourself:

Be calm. Take a Yoga or Qi Gong Class.

It will help to ground and increase you Wei Qi. The Wei Qi is the protective Qi. If your Wei Qi is strong, you won’t get sick or upset. It’s like having a Super Protective Force around you!

I have been practicing Qi Gong for many years, to protect myself from negative energy. Patients come in daily to be treated with Medical Qi Gong for Protections and Removal of Stale Energy.

Please Book a Session today to help lighten your burdens. (305)-407-0120.

Here is the Link to buy my Recharging Qi Gong, to practice in the comfort of your home:


Be Blessed!

Dr. Wu.

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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