Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine

Are You Sad?

In the Western System of Medicine, we overlook so much knowledge of Past Cultures and relays of Natural Healing methods; to manage our health.

We are yet to hear of a Cure, for these diseases that we have been fighting; like Cancer, Heart Disease and Diabetes. Sadly, they have only increased in numbers

If a patient has an underline Mental Health problem, they are immediately sent in for Counseling or Psychiatric Evaluation and then put on meds.
In the ancient system of Chinese Medicine, there is a different approach.
Each Organ has an Emotion attached to it, and by Balancing the Body and Strengthening the Organ; the Emotion comes back into balance.

Let me give you an example:

A lady came in to see me, recently. She reported that she was filled with Fear, Anxiety and Sadness.

This patient was awoken at 4am every morning. That is the time of the Lungs and Large Intestine.

The Lungs have to do with Sadness and Grief. As I sat and listened to her, she mentioned that she had just broken up with her partner of (3) Years!

As I took the intake, I realized quickly that her Liver and Adrenal were out of Balance; indicating both Fear and Anger.

Once persons are out of Balance emotionally, there is a host of physical problems that follow!

There are many Ancient Treatments that have no adverse side effects and will bring the Body and Mind back into perfect balance, in just a few treatments.

If you have been depending on pills to keep you Happy and Healthy; think  again! Are you truly Healthy and Happy?

If not, give us a call; and let’s cure your problem!
I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ


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