
Longevity Treatments.

Vlad came to see me last week, not for a treatment, but for a consultation. He had many questions!

He is from Russia; and has been here in the States for over 10 years. Vlad is in his early Seventies  and is starting to feel his age.

More wrinkles are forming, his Reptile fell asleep; and he needs it to stand at attention again!

Now relying solely on aspirin, pain pills, anti inflammatory and the little blue pill, to keep his young girlfriend happy.

He wanted to know if I could retard the aging process and give him a bolt of Youth!

To which I replied, “Sure I believe I can help you sir!”

I went over all my daily practices and rituals that has helped to keep me young and virile.

Recharging Qi Gong daily, Organic diet and I get regular Acupuncture treatments. I do breath work every day, Ozone Therapy on a regular and pretty much stay away from conventional medicine!

These are some of the things that keep me sharp and vibrant. Staying far away from negative, complaining people has also took a load off of me!

Vlad said, “Sign me up immediately!”

He paid upfront and I put him on the books to come in twice per week.

I helped him get his mojo back and now he is singing my praises and told two friends about me. Now his friends are eagerly waiting to sign up for my Longevity Treatments!

These treatments really work, but you’ve got to take the time for yourself and be honest with Self. Many are in denial about slowing down or they cave in and take the easy way out! No pun intended!

Give my assistant a call or text, and let’s put you on the books for a series of Longevity Treatments!

(305)- 407-0120.

Best of Health, Wealth & Happiness to You and Yours!

Dr. Wu.

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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