
Keep Your Head Up!

I just got off the phone with my friend who is in Europe studying, at the moment.   

She is in France for the summer and enjoying the Parisian Lifestyle, the Eiffel Tower, the unique Cafes with the yummy pastries, best chocolates and of course, good wine!

I was so excited and a bit jealous of her, but she said that she was deeply sad inside, even though she was enjoying the outer worldly things!

She said, “I am starting to feel a heaviness in my spirit, from all the people in the world that are suffering, at the moment.

Friends in India who are going through hardships, then Covid came and made their plight even more concerning, sister having relationship troubles, friend in New Zealand fighting cancer. The list went on and on…..

Continuing she said, “It’s just so unfair how unbalanced the world is. So much pain and suffering for some, while others are partying it up and living off The Fat of The Land.”

I tried consoling her by telling her about my Buddhist experiences and teachings! They said that pain is mandatory, but suffering is optional!

Look, we all have some trials and tribulations that we all must endure, but it’s how you go through the fire that is important. You can choose to do it with a smile and some dignity, ‘Grace Under Fire,’ Or you can make a mountain out of a mole hole and wallow in self pity and bitterness.

Some years ago I was at a Fire Walk, where they burn the coals until they were red hot and persons were told to walk over the flaming coals barefoot; and try not burn their feet!

My fear level was sky high at that moment! It did not make any sense to me. How can one walk on hot coals and not get third degree burns on their feet? I quickly learnt that with proper training and concentration; we were able to walk over that fire without getting scathed!

In life you will run into the impossible, but with an open positive mind, proper techniques and practices; you can do anything! Limits are the one’s that you put on yourself!

The reason I train and practice every day, is not only to keep my body in shape; but to sharpen my mind and senses.

You can do the same if you start practicing the proper procedures, but you must be consistent! Practice makes perfect! It is the key to your success!

I wish you the Best of Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Call if you need me, I am always here with a listening ear.

Dr. Wu.

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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