
Can You Trust Your Doctor?

Believe it or not, but Doctors today are trained by the Pharmaceutical Society. Yes BIG Pharma exists, to sell Drugs to you!

Persons today will think you are a Weirdo, if you start talking about Holistic Medicine.

This brainwashing all started in the 1830’s! You can thank John D. Rockefeller for that! America’s first Billionaire; who controlled ninety percent of the Oil in the United States.

Mr. Rockefeller quickly realize that there were great opportunities to make money off the Medical industry.

Only problem with this takeover was that there were lots of Natural Homeopathic Medicine and New Age Healers around. Half of the Doctors and Colleges were practicing Holistic Medicine, by using the knowledge and methods from Europe and Native Americans. He figured that if he could get rid of the competition, he would make huge sums of money! As if he didn’t have enough already.

He created an ingenious system to scare people to switching to standardize medicine.

In the past doctors were Healers. They knew what Herbs, Vitamins, Foods; and what exercises to do to keep people healthy, while healing them from any ailments.

Big Pharma got involved for the money, only! Healthcare today is no longer about Healing, it’s about managing your disease and health; and everything else in your life, including what you Eat, Drink and of course the Mindset!

The whole thing is a big brainwashing scheme to make you use your hard earn money, to fight a disease, while keeping you just about Broken and Broke! Trying to stay alive, we end up living in The Matrix!

Have you ever heard anyone in the Medical Fields tell you that they are going to Heal You? Healing doesn’t exist anymore, it’s all about Managing your Disease. Persons will walk around and talk about their collective diseases as if it’s a badge. Don’t speak these ailments over your life. Think and speak Positivity and Healing, then do the work; from inside out.

If you want to Heal and Stay Healthy, it takes work! Proper Exercise geared for you, Eating Healthy Organic Foods and keeping a Positive head space, which will begin to Heal you; from the Inside out!

Seeking out a Naturopathic Doctor would be a great idea to enhance your healing. Pair that with not smoking and very little alcohol and you will be on your way to Good Health!

I don’t think you realize how Healing or Detrimental your Food is for you! Food can either Heal and rebuild your Cells or kill you off sooner than expected.

If you think that Fine Dining is going to keep you from getting sick, you’ve got another think coming! I have friends in the Restaurant Business and they will put anything in the food to make it taste good! They are not thinking about your health, that is not their concern; their only thought is to make tasty foods, so you keep coming back for more!

Are you suffering from an Illness? Mentally, Physically or Emotionally?

There are natural ways to repair your health! If you seek Healing and a Better Way of Life give us a call! We are here to Help!  (305)-407-0120.

I Wish You Good Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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