
Help For High Blood Pressure.

Oh No! My blood pressure is High!
My doctor said that I have Hypertension.
High blood pressure (HBP) or Hypertension, increases the risk of developing cardiac (heart) disease. It can lead to stroke, heart attack, or heart failure. High blood pressure means high pressure in the arteries that carry blood from the heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. About one in three adults in the U.S. have high blood pressure, but nearly one-third of the people don’t know they have it. 

High blood pressure is often called, “The Silent Killer” because many times there are no symptoms, or the symptoms are so common that they could indicate another problem rather than hypertension.

Common Symptoms that could be a sign of Hypertension are: Headache, Nausea, Dizziness, Blurred Vision, Shortness of Breath and Kidney Failure. High blood pressure may remain unnoticed for years or even decades, causing damage in the meantime.  

Blood pressure levels and what they mean.
Normal blood pressure: Below 120/80
Pre-hypertension: Between 120/80 and 139/89
High blood pressure: 140/90 or more

High blood pressure is not limited to increasing the risk of heart disease; it can also cause damage to other organs and increase the risk of kidney disease and damage to the eyes and brain.

Damage to these organs is often called “end-organ damage” because the damage is the end result of having high blood pressure for a long time.

How can I control my Blood Pressure?

With proper diagnosis and treatment, high blood pressure can be controlled and some of the complications can be reversed.  Diet and lifestyle changes may be needed to control the blood pressure, along with medications.  Excessive alcohol or coffee consumption, smoking, a high salt intake, lack of regular exercise and obesity negatively affect hypertension.

Now what happens if you don’t want to take Medicine?

I saw a Cardiologists and he said, “You need to take Blood Pressure Medicine.”

Me: “For How long should I take them?”

He replied, “For the rest of your life.”

I started on the Meds; and immediately I felt dizzy and awful!

The next day I got on the phone and called around, to a multitude of Medical Doctors and Alternative Doctors for advice. It just didn’t seem to make sense that I should be on a medicine for the rest of my life.

Here’s The Treatment Plan that we came up with.

Start taking a Beet Based product called Neo 40, which has 425mg of Nitric Oxide. I have been taking 2 pills before each meal. They also suggested decreasing salt, increasing exercise, sit in a Infrared  Saunas regularly. Relax, Meditate more and detox my Liver and Gall Bladder.

Cleanse Blockages and Repair Artery Walls. 

Even for the worst case of atherosclerosis,  proper herbs can clean up the infections and bad deposits in vessels and repair damaged internal artery walls.

Strengthen Spleen. According to the book, inertia in spleen is one of the MAJOR reasons for artery blockages in the first place. Herbs can strengthen spleen functions and make the body’s absorption of nutrients more efficient.

Chinese Herbs can also boost heart energy level and make heart cells stronger, even in case of oxygen shortage conditions.

Get my cholesterol down, so I stopped doing bullet proof coffee. That’s coffee with butter and coconut oil.

I was eating eggs for breakfast every day, but had to drop those yolks for the whites along with Jolly Ole Oatmeal. 

The herbs can naturally bring down cholesterol level in blood to normal range without impairing liver functions, which is one of the major side effects from other treatments, like statins.


My Blood Pressure returned to normal in less than one month!

Although the lifestyle changes are more work, there are no adverse side effects and I am feeling better than ever!

You don’t have to take medicine, but like anything you really want, you can get it! Are you willing to educate yourself and do the necessary work?
I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth & Happiness!
Dr. Wu Dhi
P.S. I am also getting Acupuncture and Chiropractic Treatments. Yoga and Qi Gong are also a part of my daily life.

Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ.

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