
How To Prep The Body For The Vaccine…

Recently I have had an influx of phone calls and patients coming in with the same complaint.

I would make a song about it, if I was a good singer. It would go something like this:

“Hey Doctor Feel Good, I just got the Covid-19 Vax, and I feel crappy from my head to my big toe!”

One patient said that she could not get out of bed for days, and have to call her housekeeper to stay a couple nights; and wait on her hand and foot!

Since I feel so vibrant and energetic all the time, I often forget that I am a Senior Citizen and should probably get in line for the vaccine.  It’s a personal choice that we all have to make. To get the shot or not to.

Persons whom have taken the Vaccine, have reported some pesky Side Effects. Nothing major. Stuff that can be alleviated quickly.

Things like Flu Like Symptoms, Lymphatic Swelling, Headache, Sore Muscles, Nausea and Loose Stool; to name a few. So every week, patients have been coming into our office to Boost their Immune System, before the Shot and also coming in right after the shot to get rid of these side effects.

So we are hitting this thing hard, with West Meets East Medicine! Conventional doctors are about Sick Care, meanwhile I am about Well Care!

Our Lymphatic System is the part of the body that pulls away toxins. When we introduce new Medicine into our system the body will freak out and give you symptoms you were not expecting.

I am helping to clear Congestion in the Lymph Nodes of my Patients; using Lymphatic Massages, Acupuncture and my Light Bean Generator which clears the Lymph Nodes quickly!

None of these treatments have Side Effects and are very good for your body in general.

Please book an appointment, If you are feeling any discomfort after getting the Vaccine, or want to Strengthen up your body before the vaccine, so you can be more equip to handle it.

Call or text today! 305-407-0120.

I wish you the Best in Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr Wudhi

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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