Posts Tagged ‘Symptoms Of Heart Disease’

The Most Dangerous Day of the Year.

Monday, December 26th, 2011

It’s the day after Christmas, the entire house is a mess rapping
paper balled up, presents still in boxes, your
in- laws are still in your spare bedroom
and the kids are out of school for more days then wish to count.

STRESS seems to be around every intersection you turn.

Everything may seem to be a little overwhelming and you are
stressed to the max.
We all know it’s going to keep on going strong for a few
more weeks, as we are getting ready for more merriment,
until the BIG bash on New Years Eve.

It’s a time to Paying Attention to your health as well.

I bet you didn’t know that December 26 is historically one of
the most dangerous days of the year.

This time of year is infamous for heart attacks, heart failures,
and strokes.
Don’t let holiday stress kick your butt.
We all want to keep our ticker ticking as long as possible
without any glitches and although the holidays are a time to
kick back, over eat and knock back several glasses of holiday cheer
that excessive drinking can cause irregular heartbeat
and it can up your odds for a stroke.

On Christmas Day, many people confuse shortness of breath or
chest pains with indigestion from drinking and overeating.
On most days you would play it safe and go to the hospital.
But it’s just a annoyance around the holidays so we wait
and that can be a your last mistake.

In Chinese Medicine there are some Symptoms of Heart Disease
to give you a heads up before anything ever happens-
things like vertical or tangential crease on earlobes,
Horizontal crease across the bridge of the nose,
deep narrow central crack on the tongue extending to the tip.

Hear are some tips to keep your heart healthy:
• Avoid Eating – high fat, high cholesterol foods
• Pass on caffeine
• No tobacco
• Lighten up on alcohol
• Sugar is a no, no!
• Butter, red meat, fried foods, soft drinks, spicy foods,
white flour all of these can add more stress to your heart .

Eat More – fiber, raw foods, fish, turkey, chicken, garlic, and
onions, and nuts.

Doing the right Exercise can keep your heart healthy
and strong for years and years.
That’s why I practice internal exercise like Qi Gong on a daily.

You can Turn your Stress into Power and easily extend your
life for years.
It’s your anti-aging formula to keep you healthy, strong and young.

Pick your program up today and you will feel the difference
within weeks.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi