Posts Tagged ‘Short Break’

It’s Time to Awaken the Energy

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

My friend Diana came to Miami
with her daughter this past weekend.
I have known her and her family for over 30 years.

When I first went to Caracas, Venezuela
in 1978 it was a tropical paradise.
There were people walking everywhere with
smiles on their face, the cafés on the
streets were full and the economy was booming.
To me being in Caracas at that time was like
being in a dream, there was always magic in the air.

The parks were filled with well-groomed exotic
lush tropical plants from all over the world, the
museums had wonderful paintings and sculptures
with vibrant colors and the parties, weddings
and festivals were all elegant.

I came to Venezuela to see patients and
study with my Meditation Master.
We started our days with meditation, exercise
and a good breakfast before seeing patients.
After another long day and after a short break
for dinner the real magic began.
“The Opening of the Way”!

Working with a Master who is in tune, open and
is willing to share his knowledge is rare and a
privilege only a few get to experience.

When most people think of meditation they imagine
sitting with their eyes closed contemplating their navel.
The studies were far from that. In fact we worked the
spiritual digestive system to the maximum. When they say
spiritual work, they mean work.

We focused on teachings from the
Tibetan Buddhism and the Shaivism, one
of the three branches of Hinduism as well as
the western teachings of alchemy, the kabala and
esoteric Christianity and of course the
Chinese Taoism longevity practices.

The classes would go until the wee hours
of the morning! We would do breathing practices,
expand our energy, open our hearts, increase
awareness as well as learn how to extract
Nourishment from the universe and unconditional love.

“The Awakened Energy
feeds the Spirit within.”
-The Lama on the mountain

These practices were focused on longevity and
anti aging, which opened up the spiritual
channels revealing what’s really behind the cosmic curtain.

I traveled back and forth to Caracas every 4
months for years until I permanently moved
there in 1987 to run the Ashram and share the teachings.

I am still teaching and coaching now in Miami Beach.
Every Wednesday night at my office I share these
valuable teaching with students and some patients on
how to stay grounded, open and how to develop their
spiritual digestive system as well as Practices like
the Taoist Sexual longevity practices.

Yes SEX can either keep you healthy or kill you.

“Whole- Lee work” – is knowing about your 9 holes
and how to use them. Your speech, your hearing, your
digestive system, what you see, smell and of course your
sexual energy. For those of you who live in other parts
of the USA or are on the other side of the world,
I have a few opportunities for you!

We can set up a date for some private coaching in Miami!
Call Anastasia at 305-407-0120 and we can set up a
phone consultation or if you can’t travel we can
touch base on Skype.

If you didn’t know it I record these teachings and
send the members of the Qi Gong Inner circle a DVD
every month on practices, meditations, exercises
and much more on how to make you more powerful in every aspect.

Get ready! Changes are in motion for all of us.
Stay grounded, centered and focused.
Call and make an appointment today or join me and
hundreds of students in the practices at

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr .Wu Dhi