Posts Tagged ‘Facial Paralysis’

Keeping Yourself Young

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

imagesI have been using an ancient remedy on patients
for years called Cupping Therapy. It dates back to
Ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern
cultures. Cups are traditionally made of Glass,
Bamboo, and Earthenware. They are placed on the
skin to create suction.

When I was in China the doctors used empty baby
food jars. When I asked why he didn’t use the
traditional cups he said,” these jars don’t cost
me a thing and they work just fine.” Cupping
brings blood flow to the surface to promote the
healing of a broad range of ailments.

• Acne
• Facial paralysis
• Cervical spondylosis
• Pain
• Colds
• Breathing problems
Poor circulation
The goal of Chinese cupping therapy is to move
stagnation of blood and Qi,
disperse excessive heat. I have had a lot of
success working with both
adults and children with respiratory conditions
and pain relief.

A flammable substance such as alcohol is placed in
a cup and set on fire. As the fire goes out, the
cup is placed upside down on the patient’s skin.
As the air inside the cup cools, it creates a
vacuum. This causes the skin to rise from the
strong suctions and the blood is brought to the
surface. The cup is generally left in place for
around 10 minutes. If there is a blockage the skin
will turn red and in some cases even purple and
can last for up to 2 weeks.

In my office I only use the vacuum pump for a few
good reasons. 1. We have sprinkler systems in our
building and I don’t ever want to have a flood. 2.
many years ago when I first learned to use fire
cups I was working on my mother, I was a little
hesitant and I got the rim of the cup hot from the
flame and when I put it on my mothers skin, she
yelled, “you burnt me!” and I’ve never heard the
end of that. The vacuum cups work just fine with
no side effects except having a few red marks for
a week or so, it looks like an octopus gave you a
big kiss.

There are many different treatments used but the
goal is all the same, to keep the flow of Qi
moving. If all the energy is moving you can stay
disease free and live a long healthy life.
Blood follows Qi and the rich blood flow is filled
with oxygen that reaches all of your organs as
well as your brain and our largest organ the skin
to keep you looking and feeling your best.
If you want to keep everything in flow you have to
drink plenty of clean water, eat a healthy diet
and exercise, but the right exercise makes all the
difference. That is why Qi Gong is considered an
exercise for longevity it keeps you young.
I highly suggest learning and practicing Flying
Crane Qi Gong. It’s easy to learn and will
activate all of the meridians. It’s a system that
will keep you healthy, flexible and vibrant.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Your practice can keep you healthy

Boost your Immune System Naturally

Monday, May 7th, 2012

It has been raining and raining and
raining in South Florida all week!
The weather has been unusually cool for this
time of the year and every day we are getting
strong winds. In Chinese medicine, one of the most
dangerous and illness producing culprits is the wind.
Wind diseases are colds, stiff necks and sore achy backs.

Wind is Yang in nature and tends to injure the
blood and Yin. Wind is often the vehicle through
which other climatic factors invade our bodies.

A wind disease mimics the action of the wind
itself in nature; it arises quickly and changes
rapidly. It moves swiftly, blows and sways the
tops of the trees. There is a saying that captures
the characteristics of the wind.
“Sudden rigidity is due to the wind.”

This refers to the clinical manifestations resulting
from both internal and external wind. An internal
wind disease can cause a paralysis like a stroke
and an external wind can cause facial paralysis
or simply a stiff neck.

The main manifestations of wind disease are:
Its onset is rapid
It causes rapid changes in symptoms and signs
It will move from one side of the body to the other.
It causes tremors and convulsions as well as stiffness and paralysis
It affects the top part of the body
It usually affects the lungs first
It affects the skin and causes itching

People come into my office all of the time with chills,
shivers, and they can’t stand being in the cold.
Their circulation is impaired. All of these are
considered wind diseases. It is like going into a
restaurant and the air conditioner is blowing on your back,
you immediately want to move tables because it affects the lungs.
The next thing we know is we are sneezing and
coughing and end up with a runny nose and mucus.

If a person has a strong constitution, their Whei Qi or
defensive Qi is strong and the wind will not enter the
pores but if a person has a relatively weak constitution,
they end up with a head cold, cough and runny nose overnight.

One of the doctors in the office has a young woman
who works for him and burns the candle at both ends.
She starts early in the morning, works till seven and
then goes to her second job as a cocktail waitress from
8 till 4 in the morning. When she is not working she
parties hardy! Her immune system is shot!
And she is only in her twenties. If anyone ever
gets sick in my office, no matter what it is, they
always see me first! She said, “Dr. Wu, I have a
sore throat, stiff muscles, I think I am catching
a cold, can you help me??”

I asked her what she has been doing and she
said that she went for a walk and got chilled from
the strong prevailing winds. I immediately opened
up the blockages to clear exterior wind invasion and
put her on a remarkable product that seems to work
for everyone when it comes to colds, flu’s, runny nose,
achy stiff body, and cough. It is called Vira-Qi!

These amazing little pills combine medicine form
Chinese medicine, aravetic medicine (Hindu medicine)
and Western herbs. I find this combination to be one of
the most powerful immune builders that prevent and
irradiate wind invasions (the common cold, flu’s and coughs).
She took 6 pills for only 2 days and to her amazement she
was back to her old tricks. Now I am hoping that in the future,
she pays attention to her health but in the meanwhile,
Dr. Wu is keeping her healthy and strong!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi