Archive for the ‘longevity’ Category

Some People Just Don’t Age Well

Wednesday, July 8th, 2015

Some People Just Don’t Age Well…

I was back in my hometown last week and stopped at
one of my favorite Greek restaurants. Michigan has
a big Greek population and the food is great. I
was sitting with a few friends, enjoying some
treats that I haven’t had in quite a while, and a
couple came up to our table. The woman seemed very
excited to see me, and she gave me a hug and a
kiss. She knew me by name and asked all about my
family. I was somewhat embarrassed as I didn’t
have a clue who she was. She didn’t even look a
little bit familiar to me, and yet, she was going
on about how nice it was to see me. It seems she
went to high school with me. She even knew my
parents, my ex-wife, and asked about my kids by
name. I still didn’t have any idea who she was.
Then, she introduced her husband to me. I guess
she saw the surprised look on my face and realized
I didn’t recognize her. We talked for a few
minutes. She told me that they come to this Greek
restaurant at least a few times a week, and both
she and her husband enjoy eating, drinking and
playing cards. They were both out of shape. They
looked quite old, and their skin even looked old
with no aliveness to it at all.

Sometimes, the years aren’t so kind to people you
could tell that they were not on a health program,
and never were. As we talked and she found out
that I am a doctor, the questions started to fly.
She had a host of problems, and their workout was
with a knife and a fork.

Her situation reminded me of a story I heard a few
years ago.

“A woman was going into a dentist office for the
first time, and she noticed the name of the doctor
on the marquee. She recognized the name as a high
school sweetie she had a huge crush on. She
wondered if he could be the same guy. She was
waiting for about half an hour for the doctor, and
the receptionist finally told her she was next.
She came in and sat down on the doctor’s chair.
The doctor was a distinguished-looking guy with a
big smile on his face. He introduced himself and
was ready to get started. She introduced herself
and asked the doctor, “Did you go to high school
in Detroit, Michigan?” The doctor said yes! “And
did you graduate in 1984?” Again he said yes! “Was
it Mumford High?” Again he said yes, how did you
know? The woman said with a big smile on her face,
“I was in the same school at that time.” The
doctor smiled back and asked her, “What did you
teach? I may have been one of your students.””

Sometimes, people don’t age well, but it doesn’t
have to be that way. When we are young, we tend to
be reckless with our life – overeat, drink, and
take street drugs. I am sure many of us partied
hard, but if you didn’t stop by your mid-twenties,
it affected your internal organs more than you
could imagine. And by your mid-forties, you will
start to feel the effects on your health. You wear
your health on your face as wrinkles and spots
that you would never want in a million years.

I know many people who just didn’t change their
peanut butter-and-jelly diet, and never exercised,
meditated, or changed anything in their life since
elementary school, and are paying for it now.

If you are ready to reverse the damage you may
have done over the years, join me and the members
of the Qi Gong Inner Circle I will work with you to
keeping you healthy, young, and vibrant.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Secret to Anti Aging

Friday, June 5th, 2015

The Secret to Anti-Aging and Looking Younger

I am usually at my office from 10:00 in the
morning until 7:00 in the evening. But last night,
I left the office at 5:45 PM, and I went to see
Faye. She runs the anti aging “Fresh Faces Spa”, and does the
most increasable facials. She’s just minutes from
my office, and I was on her table by 6:00 PM.For
the next hour, I disappeared into a deep relaxing
meditation as Faye did her magic of steaming,
cleaning, putting potions and lotions on my face,
and I was gonzo…
If you were to ask me what she
actually did, I couldn’t say as I kept drifting
into the land of far, far away.

Facials have gained a reputation as being only for
women. But this cleansing, purifying treatment has
so many more hidden benefits than just washing
your face when you wake up or before you go to
bed. Aside from having good skin, the treatment
refreshed me for hours. I felt and looked younger
than I would have thought possible, and that type
of relaxation allows one to go into a deep
meditation that rejuvenates body and mind, and
opens up your creativity. When I got home, I spoke
to a few friends and told them I just got a
facial. They all said, “OMG, you are so lucky!”
Well, it’s not luck at all. Caring for your skin
is as important as any part of your health and
longevity. Our skin is actually the body’s largest
and fastest-growing organ. Skin is your body’s
coat and, like any part of your body, it has to be
cared for all the time.

A good facial is part of the anti-aging,
anti-wrinkle detox program. Here are three big
reasons to get a facial:
1. UnknownWrinkles: Everybody wants to look younger. As
we age, the muscles under our mask start to lose
tone, and things drop. Also, the toxins we are
exposed to cause damage to our internal organs.
Whether we like it or not, the results show on our
face. And with so many muscles working in our
faces as we express ourselves and squint in
sunlight, wrinkles start to appear. If you take
care of your skin, you can alter the usual and
harsh aging, and look years younger.
2. Impurities: Facials can remove impurities and
cleanse pores, making your skin look and feel
healthier. If you combine that with a cleaner
diet, you can avoid Father Time for years.
3. Stress: This is the BIG one for all of us. No
matter how you run your life, stress plays a big
part on your health, longevity, and how you look
and age. It can be stress from work, family,
finances, or unforeseen obligations that seem to
creep up on us, and change our moods and the way
we look. I always recommend to my students and
patients that they learn and practice all the
exercises in the Turn Stress Into Power program.

You never want to go into battle without an armor,
and these exercises will give you the protections
and training to keep you stress-free and looking
younger. Get yours today and become a

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

A Test that may save your life

Monday, April 13th, 2015

A Test that may save your life…

Wouldn’t you like to know exactly what diseases
are brewing in your body? Wouldn’t you like to
identify what types of therapies, diet, and
supplements could remove disease from your body?
Computer Regulation Thermography (CRT) is the

This week, Dr. Carola Cuenca will be at my office
in Aventura, Florida testing patients. This
technology is used in most state-of-the-art
clinics all through Europe to evaluate overall
health and wellness. CRT is a dynamic and
innovative way to track your autonomic nervous
system and blood flow responses, pinpointing areas
of congestion, potential cyst formation, blocked
energy flows, and poor circulation. The scan
provides a dynamic multi-page report that is
designed to discover what is impeding the health
of organs, glands, and tissues. It also includes
a comprehensive breast tissue analysis for a view
of your overall breast health with suggestions to
minimize uncomfortable cysts and tumors. Another
very important component in your health picture is
your overall dental health, and the CRT test will
provide a complete dental screening of the health
of each individual tooth and gum area.

Computer Regulation Thermography scan is much more
comprehensive than camera or computer versions
popular in American clinics. Simply using a camera
to capture an infrared heat photograph of the body
doesn’t convey enough information for change. The
CRT scan evaluates circulation, lymphatic
congestion, breast health, glands, teeth, organ
function, and even structural stress.

This is the future of medical testing. Don’t wait
for your doctor to order a test or wait for your
insurance company to approve a test. Take
responsibility for your health and know what’s
going on in your body way before anything ever
happens. There are over 1,500 physicians in
Europe using Computer Regulation Thermography.

All diseases, illnesses, and symptoms occur
because there are imbalances in some part of your
system, and it’s always related to changes in
tissues and organs. CRT identifies the imbalances
or conditions that will eventually lead to a
disease. This allows you to make changes in your
diet, exercise, and lifestyle long before anything
happens to you.

To schedule your appointment, call my office today
305-407-0120. Dr. Cuenca will be testing patients
from April 16th to 21st of April. There are only
18 appointments available and I have booked 4
appointments so far, that means we only have 8
left. Don’t delay. Call today and get tested.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi images

Spring Cleaning for your Body

Friday, April 3rd, 2015

I am expecting Dr. Cuenca from Santa Cruz,
California to be in my office in early April for a
few days to test patients and determine where the
blockages are held in the body. I have had this
test numerous times over the years and it gives
you a picture of your health long before any
symptoms show up.

By the time you are getting symptoms, the dis-ease
is well rooted in your body and much harder to
treat holistically.

The beauty of Spring Cleaning is
that you can find hidden blockages and treat them
6 months to a year before anything shows up. This
test is used in most clinics in Europe and treated
with homeopathic, herbs, neural therapy, and diet
to keep you healthy and dis-ease free.

Dr. Cuenca forwarded this spring cleaning for me
to share with you.

Are you suddenly having the urge to organize the
closets, start a new project, or begin a cleanse?
If so, you are in alignment with the energy of
Spring. It’s the time for spring-cleaning out
your closets and detox your liver, too!
During this time of year, the body naturally
begins cleansing itself from excess oils, fats,
salt, carbohydrates, and animal proteins by
releasing a flu or cold. Some may suffer
mysterious bodily aches and pains, and don’t
understand why. This is the liver’s way of
releasing toxins and cleaning house.

We can aid our liver through this natural
cleansing process by eating lightly prepared
meals, less food overall, eliminating animal
products for a specific period of time, and/or
fasting from food entirely.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the spring
correlates with the liver and gallbladder
meridians. Fasting can help relieve the pent-up
stagnation of winter (physically, emotionally and
spiritually). Spring-cleaning the body is
essential for physical and spiritual healing.
Every spring, begin to eat lighter foods (salads,
sprouts, spring soups, fish) and reduce heavy
animal proteins and fats for a few weeks. You
could follow that up with three days of The Master
Cleanser (lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne
pepper, water).

While doing the Master Cleanser, abstain from food
entirely, and only drink the liquid for a short
period of time (three days). I feel that the body
and soul are pretty clear and 72 hours works
perfectly for most body systems.

Here is a partial list of what you can do to start
your “Spring Cleaning”:

Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Add ¼ tsp.
vitamin C crystals to each glass of water (it’s a
natural heavy metal toxin chelator).
Have a dark leafy vegetable salad every day and
one cup of miso soup with sea vegetables the night
before you b egin the cleanse.

Make a liver tonic: 4 oz hawthorn berries, 2 oz
red sage (salvia), and 1 oz of cardamom seeds.
Steep for 24 hours in 2 qts. water. Add honey.
Take 2 cups daily.

For the next 3 days…

On rising: take 1 lemon squeezed in water; or 2
tbsp. cider vinegar in water with 1 tsp. honey.
Breakfast: carrot-beet-cucumber juice. Add 1 tsp.
spirulina to any drink.

Mid-morning: take a green veggie drink; or an
organic green super food powder in water or
vegetable juice.

Lunch: have a glass of fresh carrot juice, or
organic apple juice, or a cup of liver tonic.

Mid-afternoon: mint or green tea.

Dinner: have another carrot juice or a mixed
vegetable juice, or hot vegetable broth

Before bed: a pineapple/papaya juice with 1 tsp.
Royal Jelly

The best detox foods for spring:
? Asparagus
? Dandelion
? Dark greens tender leaves
? Scallions
? Strawberries
? Cabbage
? Broccoli
? Leeks

Avoid “bad” fats:
Avoid trans fats and saturate fats and choose
cold pressed vegetable oils such as olive,
hempseed or flaxseed oils.

Eat what’s in season: Seasonal cooking is one of
the best ways to eat fruits and vegetables at
peak freshness, making them more delicious and
nutritious than ever.

Eat more raw food:
Raw food brings you vitamins, minerals and
precious enzymes that could otherwise be
destroyed by cooking. Eating more raw fruits and
vegetables is also a great way to detox

Go vegan:
Heavy foods, such as meat, can be difficult to
digest. It also creates more metabolic waste that
your body has to detox afterward. Give your body
a break by introducing more vega n and
vegetarian meals in your diet.

Drink water:
Water is the ultimate detox food. It’s probably
one of the easiest and cheapest things to do to
kickstart a healthy detox diet. Drink more water.

Lemon water:
Start out the day with a half glass of warm lemon
or lime water without any sweetener. The warm
lemon/lime water stimulates a sluggish liver and
alkalizes your tissues.

Tender greens:
Spring brings bright green new shoots. It’s the
ideal time to introduce you to new delicious and
alkalizing greens. Dark leafy greens have a
milder flavor when they are young. Add baby
spinach and other young field greens for a
mineral-rich liver cleansing diet.

Milk thistle and dandelion root:
These two natural herbs are commonly used to
protect and cleanse the liver. Milk thistle is the
protector, and dandelion root is the cleanser.

Vitamin C:< br />Vitamin C is great for liver health. Studies have
shown large quantities of vitamin C flush out
fats and repair liver damage.

B complex:
All the B’s are helpful, especially B12, which
has been used to help hepatitis patients.

Avoid or minimize alcohol and all over-the-counter
and prescribed pain-suppressant drugs
containing acetaminophen, a known liver toxin.

This toxic world stresses our livers. Restoring a
tired liver and maintaining its healthy cleansing
functions are vital for overall health.

If you would like to begin your journey into a
younger you, contact my office at 305-407-0120
and schedule an appointment for the testing and

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. If you haven’t been tested yet, call me today at
305-407-0120 and discover your anti-aging program

Dr. Wu Dhi

Can Sound Heal?

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

Thousands of years ago, the Taoist Masters
discovered in their meditations that there are six
important sounds or frequencies that can change
the energy on an organ level. They found that
healthy organs vibrate at a specific frequency.
When we create these sounds in combination the
proper postures or body positions, they will
activate the meridians (internal rivers of energy)
and clear the yin organs of toxic heat.

In our modern lives, we have far too much stress
from work, family, financial issues, health,
over-thinking, and the list goes on and on. With
all of these accelerated stresses, our bodies
produce excessive internal heat. According to the
Chinese Taoists, this is causing overheating of
the internal organs. When our organs start to
overheat, they will soon atrophy causing a host of
health problems as well as wrinkles and lines on
your face. If you can imagine placing a fresh plum
in the sun for weeks, it will dry out and become a
prune. The same can happen from too much internal
heat. When this happens, our organs start to dry
out and eventually harden, and can block the flow
of healthy energy (Qi). This results in some form
of Dis-ease.

By practicing the sounds correctly and in the
proper order, the heat is evenly distributed
throughout the whole body, and each organ regains
its proper balance. The daily practice of the
healing sounds will restore and maintain calmness
and good health to our entire system. Minor
ailments such as colds, flu, and sore throats can
be prevented. The sounds also relieve depression,
anxiety, and anger. People have reported that they
have overcome long-standing dependency on sleeping
pills, tranquilizers, aspirin, and antacids.

Learning the 6 healing sounds is easy and well
worth their weight in solid gold. To find out
more, click on the link
and you will be able to get not one Qi Gong
program, but three for the same price.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu DhiUnknown

Internal vs. External Exercises

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

Internal vs. External Exercises. We work and save our money and eventually invest
it to get a return on it. We want our money to
work for us, not always having to work for our
money. If we are wise, the investments we make
will give us a nice income, and we can live on the
interest and never touch the principal. Our
investment can actually take care of our needs,
pay our bills, and even give us financial security
for years to come. This is what we strive for – to
have financial freedom. But when it comes to your
health, you may forget to invest, and you end up
spending the principal. When that’s gone, so are

Are you investing in your own health? Do you watch
what you eat? Do you exercise? What about your
headspace? Are you putting positive energy into
your health bank? The investment you make in your
health will keep on paying you interest for years.
But if you spend the principal, you will age
faster than a Jack Rabbit.

Maybe you never put too much attention into your
health when you were younger, or you thought you
were doing everything right, and it turned out
that your exercise of running, weight lifting, and
sports turned out to cause more harm than good.
Now, you are getting problems like back pain and
shoulder pain, shin splints, joint problems or
even worse.

Last week, Joe stopped at my office. He is a
healthy guy in his early fifties. I have known him
for years and he only eats organic foods. He runs
3 to 6 miles a few times a week, swims a few miles
a week, and likes to go to the gym and throw
weights around a few times a week. If you saw him,
you would say that he is as fit as a fiddle. He
looked a little worried when I saw him. He wasn’t
his usual self. He told me that his heart was
giving him some difficulty and, although he hasn’t
felt anything different and the tests came back
negative, there was something wrong as his heart
skipped a beat now and then and it seemed to be
getting worse.

I told him I’d come over to his house this
weekend, and talk to him and his wife about the
program I have been doing for the last 35 years. I
showed up around noon and told him about the
internal exercises that I do daily. They work on
keeping your organs healthy. I explained that when
we do the common Western exercises, we can build
muscle and create a lot of internal heat. Too much
heat can cause an imbalance in the Fire and Water
elements which are your heart and kidneys,
respectively. They also put excessive strain on
our joints. The internal exercises are an
expression of the art of self -healing. This means
that these exercises will revitalize the organs
and keep them healthy.

Don’t think that you are bullet-proof and won’t
get hit by some illness sooner or later. By doing
the internal exercises like the Flying Crane Qi
you can protect your health and well-being.

If you don’t practice, you are training yourself
to fail. But if you are training, you are training
yourself to be the best that you can be.

I wish you the best inimages your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Train daily,make it a habit and you will look younger, feel younger and be younger

Stressed to the Max?

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

Stressed to the Max?

Mark is a dedicated, kind, and compassionate
medical doctor with a busy practice in the heart
of Miami. We have been in communication for a few
months now and, last week, he came into the clinic
to see me for some ongoing problems. He was
stressed to the max.

On a usual day, Dr. Mark sees about 30 patients
and they are all children. The Doc told me, for
the most part, his life is a shambles, and his
health is starting to fail. He has to listen to
overly-concerned somewhat-neurotic mothers who are
frantic about their childrens diet and
vaccinations, what medicine they should give them
or stay away from, and what vitamins, if any, to
give their little ones. He said,While I am
listening to them with a smile on my face, there
are screaming kids in every room of the office. No
wonder I am stressed. My adrenal glands have shut
down, my sleep is horrible, my sex life is a joke,
and my overall health is failing, and I am not
even 50 yet.

I hear these complaints from doctors all the time.
They are overbooked. The patients are irritable,
sometimes waiting for over an hour, and the doctor
hears all the problems of the kids and their
parents. Yes! It is stressful when you are dealing
with other peoples problems. I know that from my
own practice but, with the right education and
training, you can turn your Stress Into Power.
How? By following the easy-to-understand exercises

Grab your copy of TURN STRESS INTO POWER now
and start living your life with the personal power
and freedom you enjoyed as a young child. Take
control of your life force and turn it into Power.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu DhStressed

Will You Incarnate as a Human or a Beast?

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

Will You Incarnate as a Human or a Beast?…

According to Buddhist cosmology, when we are
reborn, it can be in any of a large number of
states or realms, including the human, animal,
ghost, or any supernatural being. Rebirth doesn’t
always guarantee that we will take a human form
again. It is conditioned by the karmas of previous
lives – good karmas will usually produce a happier
rebirth while bad karmas will produce one which is
not as pleasant. It is a rare blessing to take
birth in human form, and many don’t realize that.
Life is a gift that we don’t want to send back

In images, there are stories
about a turtle that lives in the bottom of the
ocean who surfaces once every century for air.
Floating randomly around the seas is a golden
yoke. How often the turtle at the bottom of the
ocean happens to raise his head through the neck
hole of the yoke when he comes up for his
centenary breath is the likelihood of being born
in the human life form. Open the gift of your life
and get on with all that awaits you. When we are
born on this planet, we have many discoveries to
make and lessons to learn. We either learn and
grow or are recycled to be born again until we get

I have a patient who was diagnosed with cancer
when she was just a teenager and, although they
only gave her a few years to live, she is still
here. When she was in her early twenties, she got
into drugs and became HIV-positive, contracted
hepatitis C, and now has cirrhosis of the liver.
But did any of this stop her? Heck, no! She went
to school and got her BS degree, pursued and
received her Master’s, and is now working on her
PhD. She worked in Special Ed. and with autistic
children. She still has a lot of karma to work out
but she is doing it.

Just because you are dealt a bad hand doesn’t mean
you have to fold up. We can work through our karma
and make our life better. We all have heard of
kids that come from the worst possible situations
in life, but have pulled themselves out of the
misery, and now have beautiful lives. Your karma,
good or bad, doesn’t mean you are stuck there
forever. You can always pull yourself out of a
situation with the right education and training.

For the last 3 decades, I have been coaching
people on their health issues mentally,
physically, and spiritually, to help guide them on
the path to longevity and vibrant health.
Ordinarily, one can do without a coach, a personal
trainer, or a financial advisor. But, if you are
on a professional sports team, you definitely need
a coach. If you are training for the Olympics, you
can’t make it without a coach. And, to tell you
the truth, if you want to be the best at what you
do, you need a coach. When it comes to your
health, be it mental or physical, or your stresses
and how you handle them, “You Need A Coach” to
point out what you need to do, what you need to
change, and what to keep doing to make things work
to the optimum. Don’t fool yourself and think you
don’t need coaching. If you want to be the best at
your game, get a coach to keep you healthy, and
give yourself all the best shots of having a long,
healthy life.

Sign up today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is Fear Making you Sick?

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Is Fear Making you Sick?

Jody could be a beautiful woman but she carries herself around with head down and her tail tucked between her legs. She is fearful about something, and she unconsciously tenses her muscles, has a frown on her face and she is in a lot of pain..

When we hold fear in our body it starts to causes us to feel pain – not only in our bodies, but our minds .The internal pain is worse than physical pain.

Our families can bring us pain and even our friends can bring pain. We can have work that’s painful and financial troubles are always painful.
When pain shows it’s ugly head it can be psychological, physical or emotional – and for the most part it hits us from all three at once.

For a moment imagine a large pond of water. When you throw a rock in the pond it causes ripples and as the ripples hit the shore they disappear. When you have fear in your body it also causes ripples If you let it go they just disappear. But if you are holding on to the fearful situation it’s like flash freezing the pond and all those ripples show up as pain in your body. Trying to escape pain can create bigger blocks and before we realize it, our whole life can become a series of painful events just like Jody’s situation and you become somewhat crippled inside and out.

How do we free ourselves of this pain the quickest and let go of fear?
The fastest way is to change your physiology. That’s right change your posture, the way you move and how you carry yourself.

I have trained thousands of people in Qi Gong and brought them back to their powerful self in weeks. Theyimages have transformed their body and mind and let go of fears that they have been holding for a lifetime.
Fear can and will keep you from doing what you want in your life and the recharging Qi gong program will free you of the fears stuck in your body/mind. Don’t delay order today

I wish you the best in your health, wealth and happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Happy 95th Mom

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

Today is my mother’s birthday. She was born back
in 1920. That was the year that they invented the
automobile with combustion engine, the traffic
light, Band-aids, and Q-tips. It was very unusual
to see a plane in the air, not many people had
telephones in their houses or even electricity.
The milkman and the iceman were coming to your
door on a daily basis. All food was organic, no
GMOs, no fast food restaurants, and very little

Over the years, the way we grow, harvest, and ship
food has changed dramatically. The salad that
you’re eating today may have traveled two or three
thousand miles before it ended up in your bowl.
Today, many pesticides, hormones, fertilizers, and
antibiotics are put into the food system to
preserve them and extend their shelf-life. In one
instance, this is a good thing but, on the other
side, we are causing damage to our internal
organs. Foods are now being genetically-engineered
where they actually change the DNA and, although
they say this will bring us no harm, we have more
cancers and allergies than ever. Our food system
is upside down. The food industry found that it’s
much cheaper to sweeten our products with
high-fructose corn syrup than sugarcane. This is
causing another problem with diabetes and various
digestive disorders. What can we do to avoid these

My mother said that the family always grew
vegetable gardens and canned their own food. We
ate in restaurants but only on special occasions.
Sweet treats were mostly fruits and home-made
baked goods. There were never gluten allergies and
the family grew up healthy and strong. As you can
see, my mother’s 95 years young today! Happy
birthday, Mom! She still reads two or three novels
a week, is a great conversationalist, and has a
memory like an elephant. She often says, “You
gotta get up really early in the morning to try to
pull the wool over my eyes.” She gets sweeter
every day and is a pleasure to talk to. Any of my
friends who talk to Mom thinks that she’s in her
seventies or eighties. Whenever I get to Detroit,
I always treat my mother with acupuncture and
Medical Qi Gong. She said it really makes a
difference in how she feels and often tells her
girlfriends that they should get acupuncture and
stop taking so many pills. I thank you, Mom, for
being such a wonderful person and for setting a
good example in my life.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Mom even reads my blogs and enjoys the many
stories and adventures that I share. She’s my
number one fan. Tell your friends and family to
sign up for my blog, and
they’ll receive some wonderful gifts.

PSS.Have your friends and family sign up for Dr. Wu Dhi’s health tips
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