
Grease = Gallbladder Stones

I have a patient who eats a good diet for the most part, but now he has a gallbladder problem (stones), and it’s painful. His doctor suggested taking the gallbladder out and scheduled him for surgery ASAP.

The average cost of removing a gallbladder ranges from $8,461 to $10,874. So, you can see why the doctor wants to get the patient scheduled.

There are many reasons people get gallbladder stones: 


If you are overweight or obese, you’re more likely to develop gallstones. Overweight people have higher concentrations of cholesterol in their bile that solidifies into stones.


Your diet can either help heal your gallbladder or cause problems. Choose a diet that’s high in whole grains and vegetables, but also low in fat. Fruits and legumes are other gallbladder-healthy choices. Foods high in fat and cholesterol can contribute to buildups in your gallbladder. Most processed foods are full of the wrong kind of fat, not to mention refined flour and processed sugar. All oils should be avoided also.

Cholesterol in Bile

Gallstones can be caused by a number of different substances, but cholesterol is the main culprit. Cholesterol is responsible for up to 80% of all gallstones. Sometimes, the liver makes more cholesterol than the gallbladder can process, so it starts building up into deposits. Before you know it, the stones start to develop.

According to Chinese medicine, the excess consumption of grease and fatty foods leads to the formation of dampness, which can affect the gallbladder. Dampness is considered to be the cause of many illnesses such as high cholesterol, cancer, metabolic disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, allergies and environmental illness.

Our gallbladder and the liver are affected by anger, frustration and resentment. A weak gallbladder may result in timidity and lack of courage.

I always check for things like a sticky tongue that indicate dampness in the spleen. This interferes with the smooth flow of liver Qi (energy) which causes pain and the feeling of dis-tension.

Nausea and vomiting are caused by the liver that will cause stomach problems . People report a bitter taste, dark urine, thirst. All of these signs point to excess heat.
From the Chinese point of view, stones are formed from excess dampness combined with heat. Living in the tropical or sub-tropical part of the world, the warm, humid climate can be a health factor as it can cause damp heat.

I’ve been working with patients to clear out the heat and dampness. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs work very well, but remember the diet is a critical part of getting rid of the stones and restoring the liver and gallbladder back to health.

Overindulgence in cold or raw foods can easily impair spleen yang and leads to the development of interior damp-cold. The resulting symptoms are diarrhea and abdominal pain. Likewise, overindulgence in alcoholic beverages or greasy, sugary or spicy foods can be a problem. There has to be a happy, healthy medium.

For further direction, come see me. Make an appointment by calling 305-407-0120.

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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