
Get Away and Get Some Space

Around 6:30 this morning, I met my friend Linda in her secret Fung Shui garden. It’s hidden in a special lay according to ancient laws of alchemy.

Linda doesn’t invite too many guests here. She’s really careful to keep the vibrations at their highest. Everyone who visits her garden claims that no matter how hot or cold it is outside, the temperature is always perfect there, and the space is very healing. The garden is filled with exotic tropical flowers, plants and medicinal herbs from all over the world. It also has sculptures; bubbling fountains and the sound of wind chimes permeate the air.

As soon as I entered the garden, I went into an internal state of consciousness that I’ve only experienced in deep meditation and intense Qigong practices. The feeling I got was an incredible amount of internal space. My breathing opened and my entire body was relaxed just being there.

The more internal space we have, the more awareness we create. And the more awareness we have, the more space is created. Once you experience this, it can be duplicated and called forth at will.

People are always saying things like, “I need to get away,” or “I need more space.”

Once you’ve learned how to pull in the energy, you can go into that deep space at will.

We have the external universe, which is the macrocosm. And, we have the internal universe, the microcosm: the space where you can learn and grow the quickest. It takes discipline as well as training, but with regular practice, you can be the master of your own destiny in no time at all.

Here are two major tips to get you there:

  1. Ground yourself and get yourself centered. It’s important to build a solid foundation.
  2. This will relax your body and relax your whole being. Imagine that the energy is being absorbed into every cell of your body, like a monster sponge sucking in all the Qi.

When I first learned this work, it was like plugging into a 220 socket. My energy and vitality jumped off the charts, and my anxiety leaves dropped away.

If you want to learn these techniques in depth, contact my office and make an appointment to see me: 305-407-0120.

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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