
Do you have an Innie or an Outie?

Have you ever wondered what exactly your navel
point does?

In Chinese medicine there are quite a few
treatments that are all around the navel point.
In the west, it’s hardly talked about in medical
circles. Ending up with an innie or an outie is
usually a matter of chance. Most people end up
with innies, but some people have outies.

Many people think the shape is determined by how
close the cord is cut, but that’s not really the
determining factor. My brother had an outie and
hated it. He thought the innie was more pleasing
aesthetically and even considered plastic surgery.
I really thought he was nutz. I don’t recommend
surgery unless there is a life and death

The shape of your belly button is actually the
result of how the scar tissue forms days after the
cord is cut, as the remaining cord, however long,
dries and falls off. Outies just have a little
extra scar tissue.

There’s not much that can be done naturally to
change this process, so don’t fret.
There’s another factor that can give belly buttons
their shape, though this is more of a temporary
issue. It’s an umbilical hernia.

At birth, if the stomach muscles haven’t fused in
time, it’s possible that stomach tissue can peak
through the muscle fiber, just like with any other

In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), we believe

that the belly button plays a significant role in
the treatment of patients. The acupuncture point
in the center of the navel is called “Shen Que”
(Spirit Gate), and it plays a key role in a
variety of therapeutic treatments in TCM,
including moxibustion.

The Shen Que point is also considered to be the
first human mouth and the focal point of all the
meridians. Today, moxibustion is widespread and
used together with acupuncture and cupping for
syndromes ranging from bronchial asthma to
arthritis. It can also generally be used to
promote healing and retain health.

In moxibustion, the leaves of the Chinese herb
mugwort or ai ye in Chinese are dried and then
burned. The herb in its dried state is called moxa
and can either be rolled into balls and cones or
bought commercially in very short or long rolls.
Using moxibustion on specific acupuncture points
is said to strengthen the body’s immune system, or
wei qi.

As far as the belly button point CV 8 located in
the center of the navel, there are several
Clinical Usages:

  • Main point for extreme collapse of Yang
    especially leading to cold in the intestines –
    warms the stomach and helps digestive disorders.
  • Diarrhea, particularly from internal deficiency,
    but generally if other methods do not work.
  • Tonify body weakened from chronic
  • Revival point from shock (esp. involving cold –
    hypothermia, frostbite), stroke, epilepsy.
  • Needling is contraindicated at this point. It is
    normally treated by moxibustion or massage.Many years ago my master told me of a secret
    alchemical formula that would increase my vitality
    and sexual power. There is a circle about 6” in
    diameter starting at the navel moving downward. He
    told me that if I heated this point, my energy,
    vitality and sexual energy would increase 10-fold.
    And of course I did it every day for at least 30
    minutes. After about one month, I came to my
    master with some unusual symptoms that I never had
    before: insomnia, constipation and every part of
    my body itched. I thought maybe I had flea or
    mosquito bites that were keeping me up at night.
    He asked if I was doing any certain practice. I
    said of course, I’m doing the practive you taught
    me to increase my vitality. And he asked how
    often. Proudly, I said every day for half an hour.
    As he put his hand to his head, he said practice
    is supposed to be done 10 minutes per week. I had
    heated up my internal organs. The heat affected my
    mind and I couldn’t sleep. There was so much
    internal heat created, I felt I was infested with
    fleas. The only thing he said to me after that was
    – Moderation my son!When we’re doing any practices, whether sexual,
    acupuncture, meditation or Qi Gong, they should be

    Moderation is the key to a long and healthy life,
    And by doing the Flying Cane Qi Gong


    at least once a day,
    you can calm the body, mind and spirit.

    I wish you the best in your health, wealth and

    Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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