Recharging Qi Gong

Why I increased my workout

I find that the more I train and practice the more I want to practice and train.
There is an old saying that I really like.

“He who fails to train trains to fail”.

In today’s world with all the stresses in business, relationships and just everyday life
a regular practice like the Recharging Qi Gong program can really keep you centered,
balanced, healthy and save your butt.

Yesterday around noon as I was leaving my office for lunch
I got trapped in the elevator by a patient who
was loaded with questions and I was her target.
She began like this,
Doctor may I ask you a question?

She went on to say that her younger sister was
having a gang of problems in more than a few
parts of her life. Her business, relationships,
money, health and she was even having problems
completing the simplest of projects. She said.
“I want to know why this is happening to her.”

I asked her this, “Is your sister doing any kind
of practice? Like regular exercise? Is she doing
any training or meditation? Does she have a routine
that she follows? Does she eat a healthy diet?”
You can guess the answers to all the questions.
No, no and more NOOO!

People who have the majority of the problems don’t
do anything about them except complain. If you are
in this situation or know someone who is. There is
a way out of it but it takes ACTION!
If you are willing to act you will succeed.
Let me repeat myself;
If you are WILLING to ACT you WILL Succeed!

There is a story of two men who were both on rafts in the middle of the ocean.
The first one just sat there
hoping to be rescued.
The sea’s got rough and plunged him into the rocks
which lead to his demise.

The other man who was stuck in the middle of
the ocean on his raft used his foot as a rudder
and moved himself to calm seas and saved his own life.

“There aint NO ONE out there to save you”.
If you want to be the one to save your own life,
health, become balanced, focused, centered
stronger and more successful.
The Recharging Qi Gong Program will keep you from
your own demise like the man in the ocean.

Order it now at

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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