Qi gong

What Has Happened to our World?

When I was a kid I expected the world to keep getting better and better as I grew into adulthood.

No war, no more hunger and of course a big improvement in our food, air and water. Boy was I wrong! I don’t think a single one of us grew up expecting the world we are living in today.

These days many people are walking around scared of one thing or another-Themselves, Their Life and Their Future. One thing for sure that they all have in common is that they are living in fear and deeply afraid of the unknown!

Just finished up a very busy day, with one patient after another; coming into the office, filled with overwhelming problems and deep, deep sadness. 
Which makes me wonder… What Happened?

Is the natural question to ask. 

How did it get so upside down for many of us?

We are in the midst of Winter; the Element is Water; which rules the Kidneys and Bladder. Winter is Cold, Dark, Scary and the emotion is Fear, Regeneration and Transformation.

The proper balance between Kidney (Yin) (Water) and Kidney (Yang) (Fire) is important for our Physical, Mental and Emotional Health. Will, Determination and Power of Memory are attributed to the Kidney, as well as the ability to keep a secret and the Power of Retention, plus safeguarding against leakage of energy; especially Sexual Energy.

The physical symptoms that show up are Low Back Pain, Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, Low Libido and most Sexual Problems, to name just a few things that may give you problems.
When we are exposed to Intense or prolonged fear, the emotion associated with the kidney will cause injury to the kidney Qi, resulting in Impotence or the gradual development of cowardly behavior.

Here is what the kidneys can effect in your body and mind, if they are not strong and in good health.

·       Emotions: Fear, Weak Willpower, Insecurity, Aloofness & Isolation.

·       Kidney Function: Key Organ for sustaining life. Responsible for Reproduction, Growth, Development and Maturity.

It’s Involved with the lungs, water metabolism and respiration. Connected with bones, teeth, ears, and head hair.

Symptoms of Kidney Imbalance:

Frequent urination, urinary incontinence, night sweats, dry mouth, poor short-term memory, low back pain, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, and other ear conditions. Premature gray hair, hair loss, and osteoporosis.

To keep your kidneys strong and healthy drink plenty of water! The foods that nurture the Kidneys Yin are: Millet, Barley, String Beans, Black Beans, Mung Beans; in fact most beans are good. Also Black Berry, Mulberry, Water Chestnuts & Black Sesame Seeds.

Avoid Coffee, Alcohol, Tobacco and Hot Spices.

The exercise I do to keep my kidneys healthy and strong come from an ancient Qi Gong practice called the Yin set.  Here is the link to my website: https://rechargingqigong.com/products/yin-set/

The Yin Set is an ancient Taoist system that rejuvenates the entire Body, Mind and Spirit.

Just a few of the results you’ll see when you practice the Yin Set…

·       Strengthening of the Heart.

·       Burns calories for natural weight loss!

·       Balances your nervous system!

·       Increases your circulation!

·       Improves intestinal health!

·       Increases metabolism!

·       Increases collagen production.

·       Builds sexual power.

·       Slows down the aging process.

These ancient longevity and anti-aging exercises are now a major part of my life. I wouldn’t go a day without them. In fact, it’s not unusual for me to do them several times a day. After all, if they can keep you Younger, Healthier, Stronger, with more Vitality and Sexual Strength than one could dream possible. Who wouldn’t do them everyday?

You can try doing them right now:  https://rechargingqigong.com/products/yin-set/


I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness!


P.S. Call to make an appointment today! 305-407-0120.

Dr. Wu Dhi


Sherwood (Woody) Swartz AP, MMQ


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