Qi gong

Tibetan Yoga and Qi Gong.

Back in the 70’s I was living in San Francisco; and through auspicious coincidence, started studying various types of Tibetan Yoga.

I had no idea at the time that this training would change me forever.

The Tibetan Masters and their equally great Western students, that I met; not only changed my Life personally, it changed me as a Healer and changed the World I lived in!

It’s too overwhelming to explain in one email or blog, but let me just say that anyone who truly knows the Great Internal Yoga Practice of  Tibet Tummo (pronounced “Do Mo”) Tummo, which literally means ‘Inner Fire’, is an ancient meditation technique . Tummo exists of a combination of breathing and visualization techniques, used to enter a deep state of Meditation that is used to increase a person’s ‘Inner Heat.’

Upon viewing Exercise #1 in the Manual you will immediately recognize what a gift I’ve included in this program!

Warming the Channels, as I renamed the exercise, almost didn’t make it into the manual because in addition to it being truly Tibetan in nature, it is regarded to many as a secret!

I had to first convince my nephew and editor of the Recharging Qi Gong that it was essential.
“This is the way that I train and it’s what I’m teaching and I won’t censor myself!”

When I created the Recharging Qi Gong I wanted to create a book on Moving Meditation and Qi Activation that no one had ever seen before!
When you properly do Exercise #1 of the Recharging Qi Gong you do several things:

·       You straighten out the physical channels in the legs, torso and arms for the Qi to follow.

·       You churn up the essential Qi from the core of your being.

·       You blow off any static energy or patterns from the body.

·       You generate heat in the body.

The heat from this process is then reintegrated into the joints and tendons of the body.

This is what makes the Recharging Qi Gong different.
You first stoke the fires and then you pump that healing energy throughout all parts of the body.
This exercise should never be skipped or practiced half-way.

If you skip this exercise in the Recharging Qi Gong  https://rechargingqigong.com/products/recharging-qi-gong/
you gut the entire system and will cut the benefits in half.
Even if you practice this one exercise on it’s own, you may gain more benefit from it than any other of the exercises combined!

A few key points for those who already have the program:
1.   Keep the shoulders down with the arms extended. Move around inside this position until you click into it, you’ll know when it feels both relaxed and powerful.

2.   Don’t bend the elbows until the very last position in the set.

3.   Turn the body from side to side vigorously, to generate the heat in the hands. This exercise is more difficult than it initially looks. Turn and churn from the core. You may sweat a little once you get it right.

Remember that this exercise is especially important for those of us that are Healers by practice. Make an effort to master this one exercise and you will discover exactly what I mean by this.

Wishing you Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. For more information check this out:

Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ.


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