Qi gong

Dragon Hunters!

My grandson came in from Michigan to spend a few days with me at the Beach House. 

He is 19 years old now; and has always had a fascination with lizards, since he was a tot. He even catches them with his bare hands.

We drove around Miami to the usual tourist spots, but everywhere we went, the most eye catching thing to him was the big green Iguanas, sunning by the roadside.

His eyes lit up every time he saw one! He couldn’t believe his good fortune! He thought that they were Dragons! LOL! After about 300 photo ops, we drove back home.

At Sunset we went to the pool for a swim.

We sat on the bench before jumping in, and low and behold we realize that there was a Giant Iguana in the pool!

My grandson was so excited and grabbed the pool net and began to chased the iguana around the pool. He managed to scoop him up and put him in a garbage can nearby.

I told him not to touch it with his hands, because he could possible get hissed at, whipped with a heavy tail or contract salmonella.

With all the commotion my neighbors came out to see what was up.

When they saw how big the iguana was their excitement grew! They ran in to get their cameras! More photos and videos ensued.

The neighbors offered to take it to a Refuge. Together they carried the can with Mr. Green Dragon inside, to there car! They wanted to get one more photo op before freeing it. Dragon laid in the can as if dead, but was most likely terrified of his ending.

They kick the bucket to get a rise out of Dragon and he sure did rise! Dragon rose up out of that can with a force that had everyone scampering away with fear and glee! My grandson ran after him and grabbed him by the tail! Captured again like Shawshank!

Green Dragon has found a home on a rock in Bay Harbour!

My neighbors said that this was the most exciting thing that has happened to them since Covid-19!

My grandson is not called Dragon Hunter by all his friends!

When the body becomes excited there is a lot of adrenaline and endorphins being released, that stimulate your physical and mental heath.

It’s a form of stress that affects the liver and gallbladder. Many persons in the United States suffer from a congested or fatty liver;  which brings up the emotion of Anger.

If the Anger is not expressed, it turns into depression. The positive side of the liver is kindness.

Right now I am treating many patients with a congested liver. They are expressing depression and anger.

With Medical Qi Gong Treatments I am able to alchemically reverse the negative patterns and bring a positive aura to their whole Body, Mind & Spirit!

Call or Text to find out more about Medical Qi Gong! 305-407-0120.

I wish your Great Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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