
Spring Time Vibes

Spring has Sprung.

Flowers are Flowering.

People are outdoors having Fun, Barbecuing and Exercising.

After a long Winter’s rest and Covid Lockdown, Persons are Running again and back in the Gym.

Injuries are still happening, however.

Yesterday my friend Linda came to my office complaining about a sore hip, tight muscles and pain all over her body.

 She recently came back to Florida (Her Summer Home) from Up North, and started to exercise again; and sure enough she is sore all over. I guess she went full throttle, without a warm up.

Even if you are an Athlete or in good shape generally, you have got to warm your body up and stretch before doing vigorous exercises. Especially if you are a bit older.

I told Linda that if she really want a workout that will keep her Young, Centered and Vibrant; it’s My Recharging Qi Gong Program!

If you practice Recharging before heavy lifting your chances of getting hurt will be way less!

Then I explained how the exercises in Recharging Qi Gong have been keeping folks Young, Happy and Healthy for over hundreds of years.

After Treatment Linda left Healed, Happy and Purchased a copy of My Recharging Qi Gong Program! Here is where you can purchase your Copy today! 


Wishing you Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi.

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.


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