
How Is Your Energy Flow? Blocked/Stagnant?

This morning while Gardening, I asked myself, “What’s the strongest medicine I can administer via Email?”

I haven’t figured that out yet, but here’s a Starter!

I want to give you some vital Qi Gong tips.

This will also be significant to those who already practice Qi Gong, as well.

First let’s consider why Qi Gong is so important and why it is different than any other form of exercise.

Qi Gong and the Recharging Qi Gong in particular, are designed to activate the Flow of Qi, in your body.

Just like in Acupuncture, when the flow of Qi is returned to your body.

The flow of blood and oxygen is restored.

The Recharging Qi Gong is a very active form of Qi Gong that encourages the Qi (Energy) to flow in all of the Meridians and every part of your body.

The Meridians are like Rivers of Energy, that feed the entire Body and Mind. If they are flowing you will feel great, but if there is some blockage from Mental, Physical, Spiritual or Psychological Problems; you will feel dis-eased and your health will suffer.
When the Flow of Blood and Oxygen is restored, all fluids and tissue in the Body Reimpose faster; and the ability for your body to repair itself; is optimized.

The better your body can repair and heal quickly, it can respond to stress easier.

Doing My Recharging Program is different. It’s a workout and a rewiring of the Qi at the same time!
These nonlinear movements never cut the force of Qi or fold the Qi back on itself, like typical exercises do.

There are some forms of movement and exercises that can block the flow of Qi and injure the body. 

A great number of people who are very active on a daily, tend to injure or cramp their Energy Flow, thinking they are doing the right thing for the body. Eventually, what happens is production of some form of aliment or inexplicable pain in the body, that nobody else can resolve.
Many of my students and patients think that I’m a Miracle worker, after I plunge a few Acupuncture needles in them; and the mystery pain vanishes.

In Reality it’s very simple.
The Qi flow was just blocked!
Many times these very same patients will come back, again and again; to take the kinks out of their Qi.

I don’t even have to ask; I know they haven’t been practicing the prescriptive exercises I have given them.

There are persons whom I have never seen in my office before, who have purchased the Recharging Qi Gong online, and are getting amazing results as well!

The proposition here is very simple.

Learn to open the Flow of Qi in the body with Movement and Meditation, and the possibilities are limitless.

The exercises I have put in the Recharging Qi Gong, are the strongest medicine I can deliver and there’s only one place to get it! Here is the link.


Wishing you Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS: Here in Miami it’s already much lighter as we move into spring, and soon I will be starting a new series of classes on the beach. Call or Text 305-407-0120 to get the spring schedule!

Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ.


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