Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine

Covid-19 Vaccine.

The Government is getting vaccines out to the public as quickly as they possibly can!

In the meantime, We are all on guard and practicing safety measures, to stay healthy.

COVID-19’s second vaccine tend to come with more side effects, than the first. According to persons; these include tiredness, headaches, chills, fever, nausea and muscle pain.

These side effects are usually mild and disappear 48 hours after being vaccinated.

These common symptoms are typically signs that the vaccine has triggered a response by your Immune System.

“When you feel sick or have a fever, that’s largely your body responding.

Side effects are typically more pronounced amongst young people; rather than the elderly. Likely because their Immune System is more robust.

“In general, the older the patient is, the less likely the reaction is to be significant or severe.
The decision to get the shot is up to you. Many of my patients have already gotten both shots.

I see at least one or two people per week, who have experienced Low Energy, Swollen Lymph Glands or reported feeling sick; and not sure why.

What I have been doing in my Clinic is Re-Balancing persons with Treatments of Acupuncture, Ozone Therapy, Homeopathic Medicine & Detoxing.

Give us a Call to book a Treatment today! (305) 407-0120.

Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ.

AKA Dr. Wu Dhi

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