
Halloween and Fear!

Halloween just passed. The streets were lined with Pumpkins, and there was a soft orange glow spilling into the street. Pumpkin Latte or Soup Anyone?

Small children were disguised as everything from ghoulish monsters, to ridiculous cartoon characters.

I just love Halloween! It’s a great American tradition, but what’s so great about Halloween is how we use it to spook our fears. Usually on this day we indulge ourselves just a little bit, and it takes the sting out of Fear.

Fear in itself, and the Fear of Pain; are some of the strongest forces in most people’s lives. Take for example my guard cat. I have a large Black Cat that I befriended.

She love the treats that I give her from my garden, and she enjoys watching me practice Qi Gong.

Cats love good Energy.

I hardly let her in the  house, and she is fine with that. My Guard Cat is a free agent, she does whatever she wants. I feed her morning and night, but she has a job; and may I say that she is an expert at it! She protects the hose from rats, mice, snakes and iguanas and even scare away strange vibes and evil people. She is my protector.

Here in Miami, we have a lot of superstitious folks.
I have never had any problems in my area; no break-ins, trespassers or solicitors, not even a single salesperson has crossed the threshold where the BIG BLACK CAT SIT!

There are many Superstitions and Myths about  Black Cats. In the Middle Ages, black cats were believed to be Supernatural Servants of witches, or were even thought to be witches.

Black Cats have been associated with deities, witches and magic; since the time of the ancient Egyptians and have been thought of as having mystical powers.

Black cats became a Halloween symbol as it was believed that Spirits could return in the body of an animal, and black cats were certainly one of the most ominous.

I think that they are lovable creatures and I get a kick out of the idea that others are afraid of them!

There’s another opinion of black cats, that I just found out about. An old saying about black cats is that, ‘Whenever the Cat of the house is black, the lasses of lovers shall have no lack!’
I like that one!

Use this pass Halloween, to consider what fears you have that may be holding you back and make a commitment to release those fears and breakthrough to what you really want! It’s a new Season! Banish your fears!

Consider your fears of Sickness, Old Age or Dying, and let them all go! Remember that you can turn back the clock! Start today by freeing up the tensions in your body with some movement and breathing technique.

Visualize what you want coming to you, as you do your exercises. These are the important principles that I believe in, and practice.

Those of you who already have the Recharging Qi Gong, know how this works and the importance of the Kidney and Lung exercises; when dealing with Fear and Sadness.

If you haven’t gotten the Recharging Qi Gong yet now’s the time! We just upgraded the package and the new production really looks great. You can get it here
Wishing you Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sherwood S Swartz AP, MMQ, DMQ, DOM.

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