
Get Inspired Now!

It’s so important to have wholesome daily reminders around; in order to evoke Graciousness and Thanksgiving! 

The more aware you are of your Blessings in your own physical space; the better off you will be Mentally. Who and what you surround yourself with, is just as important! Positive, Honest, Uplifting people and things in your life; will instantly cause improved mood and healing.

Use the Splendor of Nature, Positive Slogans, Affirmations and Symbols like beautiful pictures and sculptures, to renew your mind.

It burns me up when I hear of politicians wanting to cut Art programs in schools!

I try to fill my environment with beautiful inspiring things. Working on my home now, I am enjoying adding whimsical art in my kitchen! Brass Dragons and Nagas are now my Cupboard Handles! They inspire me to be more Powerful and Magical!

If you are wondering what a Nage is, let me fill you in. Nagas are a race of Semi-Divine Serpentine creatures in Hindu and Buddhist Mythology. Usually depicted as human above the waist and snake below the waist. Nagas can also change shape to appear fully human or snake! They are known for their strength, supernatural wisdom and good looks.

Like humans, Nagas show wisdom and concern for others; but also cowardice and injustice, serving as protectors and guardians of treasure—both material riches and spiritual wealth.
Take some time this week to get into a Space of Gratitude and Love for Life itself; and you will start to see True Beauty around you that will propel you to radiate your Sunshine on others that are in a dark place!

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ, DMQ, DOM.


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