
Feeling Insecure?

We’ve all felt some form of insecurity at some point in our lives. Let me rub it right down to gravy for you….    

Insecurities can make persons vulnerable to most things in life, and can be based on many variables. For instance, Failures in your life, or the collapse of a personal relationship. 

We are wired to take it personal and internalize dereliction. This turns into feelings of diffidence. One loses their self-confidence, then doubt creeps into every aspect of their lives!

Body posture begin to collapse, expressions change; and life can seem hopeless. 

Insecurity can also come from others making you doubt your own judgment and self worth; like having an overbearing spouse or partner who bullies you, or ridicules and belittles everything you do.

This sets persons up for meekness, fear and not trusting their own instincts and decisions. Eventually one becomes ill from this fragility. 

Being a Perfectionist can also cause insecurity with could lead to some depression, anxiety, eating disorders and chronic fatigue. Persons become so anal and self absorbed trying to make everything perfect; when things don’t pan out, ‘self blame’ comes it.

Do you ever find yourself feeling filled with self-doubt and short on confidence, despite your accomplishments?

Many of us feel insecure sometimes, while others carry this unsubstantial feeling all day every day! Could it be from past trauma, abuse as a child, failure, rejection, loneliness, social anxiety, no self worth, or having a critical parent or partner. All the above will fan the flames of precariousness.

One of my teacher told me this:

“Take all your pass Traumas, Failures and Heartbreaks; including everything your parents did to you, and all the unfair things that happened in your life, sweep them in a big pile, take a Big shovel and toss them over yonder! Get Moving Now!
Your Past is not your future!” 

These Three Poisons can keep you stuck for a Lifetime.


It’s  time to Adapt a new normal.

1.  Engage! How can you contribute to your Family, Friends, Community and The World?

2.  Get a Coach! Every successful athlete, singer, entrepreneur or actor has a coach. Your coach will help to keep you on the best path. 

3.  Decide what your aim is, and move forward. It doesn’t matter if you are taking baby steps or full throttle, but Move forward Daily! Rolling Stone gathers no Moss!

4.  Be willing to try a different strategy; if necessary.

Every day I make a concerted effort to break up past negative patterns, for myself and my patients. 

If you are feeling Stuck, Living in Fear or constantly insecure; book a session at my Clinic and let’s get you Together! I will help you to break these Influences. You will feel Great again! (305)-407-0120.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi 

Sherwood S Swartz AP, MMQ, DMQ, DOM.

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