Qi gong

Lack of Energy is A Disease.

This morning I was Meditating by the Sea Shore in Miami. The ocean is always buzzing with New Life.

The overall health of any system can be seen in the amount of Energy that is being cycled through that system. “Cycle,” being the key word here!

The same is true in our bodies.
The Great Masters of Qi Gong never even make a consideration of illness in their own bodies! The amount of Energy that is being cycled through them, is way beyond that of the average Joe!

That Flow of Energy maintains the health of that system.

What type of energy am I talking about?

  1.  Imagine never being “tired” or mentally wasted.
     Now Imagine never feeling weak or physically strained.
     Next Imagine never being emotionally depleted, grumpy, impatient or frustrated.
  2.  What would an Abundance of Vital Energy circulating through your body look and feel like?

I rise daily with creative thoughts and I experience enthusiasm throughout the day! Digging into everything I do with great satisfaction and vigor! I’m excited to meet and greet everyone that comes in my path.  Challenges are an opportunity to press in and find solutions without unraveling.

Always ready for a thirty-six-hour day, even though I know it’s only twenty four! Wanting more, giving more and being More!

You my friend can have this type of Energy as well!

The Direction, Circulation and Utilization of Energy is the very method by which you generate more Energy!
The Energy is there all the time.  Lack of Energy or even the idea that you could be lacking of Energy; indicates Lack of Flow, not a Lack of Energy.

To get Energy Flowing we need to Activate the Body, Breathing and Sensation.

It’s the best method that I have discovered for the Activation of Qi Energy and you can only get it here and Now!

When you Activate the Flow of Qi, you are open to a New Energy and New Life!

Start today with a few simple exercises and find all the Energy you need inside of You, that is just waiting to be tapped into; and be used to FUEL the new more Powerful you!

Wishing you Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Open up www.rechargingqigong.com and get more information there!

 Sherwood S Swartz AP, MMQ, DMQ, DOM.



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