Posts Tagged ‘Southern Hemisphere’

Celebrating Winter solstice

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Dear Test,

“(In winter) people should retire early at
night and rise late in the morning
and they should wait for the rising of the sun.”

Celebrating Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice has been celebrated in culture
all over the world for over thousands of years.
This start of the solar year is a celebration
of Light and the rebirth of the Sun.

This year, Thursday, December 22nd as the
sun enters Capricorn marks the Winter Solstice-
the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere
and summer in the Southern Hemisphere and
the day of the longest night.

The term solstice means “sun stands still”;
it appears to remain in one place north or
south of the equator from one day to the next.

This is one of the strongest days of the year
to make changes in our lives.
There will be more and more light from then on.

As we shift in the seasons we also have a great
shift in our body and mind.
We will be open to both good and bad energies.

During the winter, the yin principle dominates
our bodies, as well as the climate.

The earth is in her resting and quiet season,
so like nature, it’s a good time to rest your self.
Reflect and be aware of your senses, conserve your
energy, seek inner warmth and spend more time at
home with family and friends.

It’s a time to nourish the body, relax, quiet the
body down, and sleep more.
It’s not a very good time to do have exercises
because you might burn yourself out,
but you still have to stay active in order to
keep your body warm and the energy moving.

Winter is more an inward and sensitive time.
As the cold climate chill you to your bones,
seek deeper within yourself. Like the earth,
we all have our cycles.
Many of us have cycles in which held-in
emotions are released,like the winter snows.
With awareness and expression of these feelings,
you will be able to open to good energies.
Staying healthy is also the key this winter season.

The Flu Season is also upon us at this time!
Why is it that some of us catch several colds
a year?
The answer lies in our immune system.
If our immune systems are weakened,
we will have a tendency to get sick more often.
In the winter months this seems to happen more
and just getting RUN DOWN.
The best treatment for colds and the flu is to
prevent them from occurring in the first place by
keeping your immune system strong.

Now is the time to come in to boost your
immune system. Energy boosting treatments to
prevent the flu and cold will help keep you
healthy throughout the season.
This alternative flu and cold prevention system
is safe & effective for all ages.
Even if you have a cold now it will speed
up your recovery by days.
Schedule an appointment today to stay healthy this winter.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

PS Are you growing or dieing? Learning or staying
in the same rut, doing the same thing over and
over year after year. Isn’t about time you
take your belief structure, your BS and change
it to serve you. Join the Qi Gong Inner Circle
and I’ll guarantee you a growth producing program
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Order today

Dr. Wu Dhi