Posts Tagged ‘Sadhana’

Why I Yelled at My Patient

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

This morning I made a call to one of my patients in Tampa

Florida from my hotel room. My patient and Qi Gong student in

this case, got the shock of his life when I yelled at him.


Now if you know me or have had any treatments or classes with

me you may have a very difficult time imagining me even raising

my voice but in this case it had to be done.


Sometimes being a Qi Gong Master means being a Zen Master too.


Qi Gong in it’s essence is MOVING, BREATHING, and FOCUS.


Qi Gong in our daily lives is about bringing things into

alignment with our focus. This can effect us on the physical,

emotional, and energetic level.


Qi Gong at street level is just a practical way of bringing us

back to a state of inner and outer harmony in every aspect of

our lives.


That’s what it takes to really Master Qi Gong and live a long

healthy life.


It’s all Qi Gong from the top looking down.


Sometimes it takes a shot of bitter medicine to get the system

back on track.


This particular patient is a brilliant computer guy and a year

and a half ago he was on a roll. He had bought a new home and

was making more money than he ever had. With several new

ventures in his back pocket the future was brighter than it had

ever been and he was on his way to becoming a new millionaire.


Today… not so good, he seems to struggle at everything.


His marriage fell apart, his kids are in and out of the

hospital, and he can’t seem to stay up on paying his bills.


What changed?


He changed and if he is going to recover he needs to keep



Sometimes when we set out to become something more than we

currently are we have to go more changes than we originally



When we are at the top of a mountain we can see the tops of

other mountains clearly, what we don’t often see is that to get

from one mountain top to the other their might be huge valleys,

rivers, and swamps between here and there.


My patient in this case was stuck in just such a swamp.


By asking several questions I was able to discover what he was

doing wrong. Holding on to his own resentment about his

setbacks he was stopping himself from moving forward.


Just like a little kid learning a new sport, he started to make

all sorts of judgments about himself, worse yet he was starting

to believe it.


I confronted him sternly.


Sometimes when we want to step up to the next level we can’t

bring all are baggage from the past with us.


This is true on all sorts of levels.


In the end he thanked me for being straight with him. To keep

him going I prescribed 3 simple Qi Gong exercises form him to

do 3 times a day.


When you find yourself in life’s swamps the most important

thing is to keep moving. The way to keep moving is to create

the right sorts of habits.


In China and India there is a concept of “Sadhana”. Sadhana is

usually thought of as a daily practice or ritual but the

word “Sadhana” in Sanskrit actually means the path to



Lasting Health and Longevity is a journey you take one step at

a time. It’s an Accomplishment not a Fix. That’s both the good

news and the bad news.


Those that do have any sort of Accomplishment whether

financial, physical, or other, did it with a Proven Method and

Daily Practice.


I CAN and DO provide the Proven Method but it takes two wings

to fly, you’ve got to show up too.


So far I’ve given everybody two easy ways to Show Up and take

these treasures from me.


1. The Recharging Qi Gong is still the greatest

collection of Qi Gong exercises I have seen compiled into a

single, easy to use program with DVDs, CDs, and Illustrated

Manuals and it’s only available

here ->

If you don’t have this valuable resource yet now’s the time to

get it.


2. The Qi Gong Inner Circle I

started this group so that I could give even more material on a

monthly and weekly basis. In addition to the monthly DVDs I

hold a weekly meditation and Qi Gong class here in Miami. If

you want to take your Qi Gong to the next level and have access

to me you need to sign up today.


With two easy ways to get started there’s really no excuse to

stay in the swamps of life. Join me and a select group of

individuals that are on the path of accomplishment.


Start “Sadhana” today and go to

and sign up.


Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness,


Dr. Wu Dhi


PS: The secret to the Qi Gong Inner circle is that you can

still get in, you might not be able to get all the back issues

of the Qi Gong Inner Circle but I have been working personally

with new members to get them all the basic materials they need

to experience a rapid increase in the Qi flow. That’s all

available at once you sign up.