Posts Tagged ‘acupuncture’

Blocked Energy Will Kill Ya

Sunday, August 1st, 2010

A blockage is a blockage no matter if it’s mental, physical,
emotional or spiritual.
If you see your doctor he may suggest an operation or
medicine to open it up, that could be good in some cases-
it depends how far the disease or blockage has progressed.

I prefer the natural route.

It’s always better to prevent a problem than it is to try and fix one.

There are many alternative ways to open up the blocked energy,
I have spent a life time studying natural healing, acupuncture,
holistic healing and Qi gong healing; it all comes under the
umbrellaof holistic healing.

Nine out of ten times I’ll teach a patient a Qi gong exercise routine
so they can speed up their healing process.
You will not get that from your regular doctor.
Most don’t have a clue about how important corrective exercises
are in the healing process.
They’ll pawn you off to a physical therapist in a New-York second,
just to get you out of their office.

I have patients and students who contact me and say that they
feel Blocked-and it’s usually steaming from their gut.
They have stomach cramps, period cramps and some report
bloating after every meal. the colon needs to be detoxed.

You know that’s not natural and if the problem goes on for more
than a few months, they will end up with some dis-ease.
It’s not all about just pain relief, it’s about getting rid of the
blocked energy, so their system runs smooth and naturally.

(The Stomach and Spleen are usually at the center of our
health problems, believe it or not.)

In acupuncture as well as medical Qi gong, once you get the
channels open the energy will flow as smooth as silk,

“That’s real pain relief.”

The channels or meridians are like rivers of energy traveling
all over the body.
If you have a trauma, physical or mental it will impede the
flow of energy / Qi and the next thing you know you have some
kind of blockage.
A holistic healing approach will give you an understanding of
what you can do to open blocked energy..

When I see a new patient, a complete medical history is taken.
I always ask about the patient’s digestion first.
*Are things moving regularly?
*Do you have any digestive problems?
*What’s a typical day of eating for you?

More than 50 % report some form of constipation, gasses, and a
bloated feeling.
It’s amazing to me that some people only have a BM three or
four times a week and that’s with laxatives and they think that’s
I’m not a big fan of laxatives just to take a poop;
they are usually just mild poisons anyway.

I prefer getting more oxygen, minerals and moisture into
the intestines.
That works for my patients 80% of the time.

I prescribe a natural healing formula,
” Oxy-Hydrate”
to get more oxygen and blood flow into the gut.

I’ll use acupuncture if it’s more physical and medical Qi gong if
the problem is more mental or emotional.
Patients are given a prescriptive Qi Gong exercise and most likely a
detox program to bring them back to perfect health ASAP.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. If you are feeling blocked mentally, physically, emotionally
or spiritually
Write to me: at
and let me know what’s going on and I’ll do my best to help you
make some positive changes.

PSS If you feel that Oxy-Hydrate may be for you- contact me