Archive for the ‘Anti-aging’ Category

Transform Disease Into Power and Vitality

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

Unity Church on the Bay  Transform Disease Into Power and  Vitality

I was at the Unity Church on the Bay at exactly
12:45 on Sunday afternoon to teach a group of
people the Recharging Qi Gong program. They gave
me a 4-hour slot to teach Transform Disease Into Power and Vitality

with only with a ½ hour break.
Those were the shortest 4 hours I have ever spent.
Although the Recharging Qi Gong program only
consists of 36 exercises, each and every one them
has 4 or 5 parts to it. There is the breathing,
the visualization, the sound, the color, and the
actual movement. You may be asking yourself why
there are so many parts to these exercises. Let me
tell you. In order to make real changes in your
body and mind, it’s necessary to hit as many of
our senses as possible at the same time. In the
Recharging Qi Gong program, we activate visual,
auditory, and kinesthetic senses in our brain and
body as well as our mind. When all of these senses
are activated, the exercises go deep into the
body, mind, and spirit to make profound changes
that will stick around for a lifetime.

The roots of the Recharging Qi Gong program are
from many different disciplines like,
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), creative
visualization, Hinduism (yoga), Daoism (Medical Qi
Gong), and Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayan known as the
Diamond Path). These exercises will eliminate the
root cause of aging and turn back your biological
clock. The common threads between these
disciplines are the concept of a vital Life Force
Energy or Qi. It was the discovery of Qi and being
able to actually feel it coursing through my body
that changed me forever.

Learning these exercises didn’t come easy. I had
to travel the earth studying with the world’s
greatest masters on three continents to learn the
secrets of Qi from all the great schools of Tibet,
China, and India. My field of medicine, Medical Qi
Gong, recognizes that Body, Mind, and Spirit are
all connected and driven by Qi energy. When the
body is stressed or injured, the flow of energy is
obstructed, and there is a “Dis- Ease” in body and
mind. If the flow is not opened back up, disease,Unity

illness, and premature aging will all begin to set
in. The flow of Qi can be seen and measured by the
quality of the life we live.

When we are open to the flow of Qi, we are vital,
virile, and vibrant. When the flow of Qi is
limited, your life becomes limited. You become
stressed out, burnt out, and bummed out. For many,
the flow of Qi has been choked to a trickle of
energy, or it flows like slow-moving muddy water.
The good news is that no matter what:
• your age
• your lifestyle
• kind of shape you are currently in
• you’ve been told in the past
• and how you’ve been injured or what ailments you
…you can always increase the flow of Qi and
become stronger. Those individuals that were in
the class this weekend definitely increased the
flow of Qi until it courses through them like a
mighty river.

The idea of a Life Force Energy or Qi is virtually
ignored in the traditional Western medical
culture. Medical Qi Gong recognizes that the body,
mind, spirit, and emotions are all connected and
driven by the same force of Life Energy. In
Recharging Qi Gong program, we use movements,
sensation, breathing, and visualization to
increase and guide the flow of essential Qi. It
took me months on end to create a program that
would be easy to learn, and yet, give you all the
benefits of being in class with me. You can get
the entire program which includes the book, the
practice DVD, and the teaching DVD as well as 5
CDs that will give you enough information to
ingest for months and months. I highly suggest
that you get started doing this program and make
it a part of your habit buddy today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are Fears & Stress Killing You?

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

In the Chinese medicine, there is an emotional
quality to each and every organ in the body. I
have found that most of the patients I see who
have pain in their lower back and their knees have
a restriction or blockage in the kidney meridian.
The emotion that the kidneys hold is FEAR. FEAR is
capable of causing one to misinterpret danger and
draw unrealistic situations into the body and
mind. This can cause a person to believe that
something negative is about to happen to them and
it usually does.

I had a good friend who employed a small staff
that ran his medical office. One of the women who
works there had so much fear in her body that she
keeps bringing tragedy after tragedy into her
life. She continued to make choices and decisions
that restrict her rather than nurture her.

Let us consider what fear is for a moment. Fears
can be real; for instance, when facing a
threatening attack, or seeing an out-of-control
truck billowing towards you, or standing on a
cliff and the wind was blowing at 50 miles per
hour. In these situations, we have to quickly
evade what’s going to happen and act on it. The
action is based on our fear of what is about to
happen. These are healthy and normal fears.

On the other hand, fears can also be unrealistic
and unhealthy. Fear can be broken down into 4


Things, like anxiety and worry, take the place of
clearheaded thinking. The focus is on imagined
fears, the supposition that something bad is about
to happen. These false fears can be more dangerous
to your health than the real threats, and cause
stresses to the entire body and mind. It’s easy to
unravel these false stresses with the right
training and education, but this isn’t taught in
schools. When you go to your doctor, most likely,
he’s going to put you on medications for anxiety,
stress, or fear, and you will be stuck in the Big
Pharma dilemma for the rest of your life. Doesn’t
sound very good, does it?

Well, you can avoid getting stuck in a rut if you
choose to, but it’s going to take some work on
your part as well as mind. Are you ready to take
charge of the situation? If you are, I have a
solution that hundreds of my students and patients
have chosen over drugs. The Turn Stress into Power
program will teach you how to protect yourself
from stressful situations and false fears. Don’t
keep chasing your tail and hoping that an angel is
going to come down from the sky and fix you, or a
pill is going to be your savior. Re-Educate your
Body, Mind, and Spirit, and make the changes
today. Order the program NOW!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Who Is Responsible For Your Coconut?

Friday, May 8th, 2015

It was back in the sixties, or maybe the
seventies, when the big story hit the media:
“Coconut oil is bad for you”. It causes health
problems, and the new star of the oils is now
Canola oil. Guess what? It was all media hype, and
didn’t have a thing to do with your health.

Canola oil is actually developed through the
hybridization of rapeseed oil, turns rancid very
quickly, and has a foul smell to it. Rancid means
oxidized, and oxidized means damage to your cells
and tissues, especially your brain. The food
industry also added deodorizers to mask the smell,
as well as bleaching and degumming agents. All of
which involve high temperatures or chemicals of
questionable safety. It turned out that the smear
on the coconut was just to sell the newly-named
rapeseed. On the other hand, the demonized coconut
oil accused of causing heart disease and other
health problems was just a little white lie.

Today, “Virgin Coconut Oil” is highly recommended
for cooking because it is stable enough to resist
heat-induced damage. Fifty percent of the fat in
coconut oil comes from lauric acid, a compound
with unique health-promoting properties. Lauric
acid is used for treating viral infections,
including flu, the common cold, fever blisters,
cold sores, and herpes.

But, be careful before you put that oil in your
shopping basket. Read the label, as all coconut
oil isn’t created the same. Make sure you know
where the coconut oil you buy comes from and how
it is processed. The best coconut oils are made
from fresh coconuts and are cold-processed. There
are many foods on the market that advertising
agencies are getting paid big bucks for to sell,
and your health isn’t a factor in making a sale.
Here is my advice: read all you can about how your
foods are produced and processed. You may be
shocked that companies are doing their best to
pull the wool over your eyes.

You are 100% responsible for your own health. You
would think our government agents are protecting
you. Maybe but I wouldn’t count on it. Your diet,
exercise, and mindset are all important and need
to be tended to on a daily basis. If you aren’t
steering your own ship, there are plenty of
companies and people who want to tell you exactly
where to go.

When I get out of bed in the morning, I start my
training with both internal and external Qi Gong
exercises, and make sure I protect myself from all
the psychic vampires. If you want to know how to
protect yourself and your family, pick up a copy
of my Turn Stress Into Power program

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

What Is The Big Difference Between Feminine And Masculine Sexuality? (Part I)

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

What Is The Big Difference Between Feminine And Masculine Sexuality? (Part II)

Our sex urge is the strongest of all motivating
forces in man. If it weren’t, we would all have
been gone by now. Every normal healthy man and
woman wants satisfying sex. Here lies the problem.
Women are like water, slow to bring to the boil
and slow to cool down. On the other hand, men are
like fire, easy to get excited and quick to cool
down. If you put a fire stick in water, it will
quickly be quenched but, if you slowly warm the
water, soon it will come to a boil, and then turn
to steam, and steam will drive a locomotive.
Women like slowness and long lovemaking sessions.

Do you remember the song by The Pointer Sisters?

I want a man with a slow hand
I want a lover with an easy touch
I want somebody who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated rush
I want somebody who will understand
When it comes to love, I want a slow hand

That song is the key to a successful love affair.
The Daoists knew the importance of warming and
nurturing your mate through foreplay to arouse the
energy. When a man can bring his mate through the
five signs of a woman’s arousal, he becomes an
excellent mate and lover.

How can you know when a woman is aroused sexually?
There are five important signs to look for that
will open up the 5 elements:

1.When ones face becomes flushed, this indicates
the opening of the fire element and the arrival of
Heart Qi.
2.Hardening of her nipples, slight sweating
around her nose, and the moist eyes with a soft
expression indicate the opening of the wood
element and the arrival of Liver Qi.
3.The lips become dry and the throat becomes
parched, indicating arrival of Lung Qi and the
opening of the metal element.
4.She will start to press her body close to the
man’s body. Then, the moistness of the vagina will
come indicating the arrival of Spleen Qi and the
opening of the earth element.
5.Extreme moistness of the vagina with dripping
of thick, viscous fluid indicates the arrival of
Kidney Qi and the opening of the water element.

These sexual secrets, for the most part, are not
talked about, and most couples don’t have a clue
how to cultivate their own sexual energy or their

Want to learn? Of course you do.

I spent years studying and practicing the Daoist
and Buddhist lovemaking secrets. Now, you can
have them for you and your mate to discover, and
unlock all of your sexual blocks, desires and
freedoms. Don’t allow your lovemaking to be a
one-sided affair or a cum-and-go situation.

But wait, there is much more! Are you aware of the
Five Desires? I bet not! I share them with you
in my next blog. Make sure you don’t miss it!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Our sexual energy is the key to longevity and
good health.

Dr. Wu Dhi

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A Test that may save your life

Monday, April 13th, 2015

A Test that may save your life…

Wouldn’t you like to know exactly what diseases
are brewing in your body? Wouldn’t you like to
identify what types of therapies, diet, and
supplements could remove disease from your body?
Computer Regulation Thermography (CRT) is the

This week, Dr. Carola Cuenca will be at my office
in Aventura, Florida testing patients. This
technology is used in most state-of-the-art
clinics all through Europe to evaluate overall
health and wellness. CRT is a dynamic and
innovative way to track your autonomic nervous
system and blood flow responses, pinpointing areas
of congestion, potential cyst formation, blocked
energy flows, and poor circulation. The scan
provides a dynamic multi-page report that is
designed to discover what is impeding the health
of organs, glands, and tissues. It also includes
a comprehensive breast tissue analysis for a view
of your overall breast health with suggestions to
minimize uncomfortable cysts and tumors. Another
very important component in your health picture is
your overall dental health, and the CRT test will
provide a complete dental screening of the health
of each individual tooth and gum area.

Computer Regulation Thermography scan is much more
comprehensive than camera or computer versions
popular in American clinics. Simply using a camera
to capture an infrared heat photograph of the body
doesn’t convey enough information for change. The
CRT scan evaluates circulation, lymphatic
congestion, breast health, glands, teeth, organ
function, and even structural stress.

This is the future of medical testing. Don’t wait
for your doctor to order a test or wait for your
insurance company to approve a test. Take
responsibility for your health and know what’s
going on in your body way before anything ever
happens. There are over 1,500 physicians in
Europe using Computer Regulation Thermography.

All diseases, illnesses, and symptoms occur
because there are imbalances in some part of your
system, and it’s always related to changes in
tissues and organs. CRT identifies the imbalances
or conditions that will eventually lead to a
disease. This allows you to make changes in your
diet, exercise, and lifestyle long before anything
happens to you.

To schedule your appointment, call my office today
305-407-0120. Dr. Cuenca will be testing patients
from April 16th to 21st of April. There are only
18 appointments available and I have booked 4
appointments so far, that means we only have 8
left. Don’t delay. Call today and get tested.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi images

Reverse Memory Loss

Friday, April 10th, 2015

imagesReverse Memory Loss…

We all want to stay young for as long as we can.
We go to the gym, eat a healthy diet, take
vitamins, and try to avoid getting hurt. But, what
about our brain?

Many people find that their memory is beginning to
slip as they age. First, little things like, not
remembering where you put your keys or where you
parked the car. And, before you know it, things
become worse. Memory loss isn’t a pretty thing. I
have friends who are 20 years younger than me, and
they are forgetting the words they want to use in
a conversation, are asking the same questions over
and over, and telling me the same story they told
me just yesterday. Worse, they are starting to
repeat tasks that they had already completed
previously. All these are signs of memory loss. I
know we all forget things from time to time but,
if that is happening to you on a regular basis,
it’s high time that you start going to the brain
gym. There are a few things I do daily to keep my
brain strong, sharp, and healthy that works well.

1. Stay organized. Use calendars, make notes, and
plan your days out the night before.
2. Stay positive. Remind yourself that you have a
great mind. Self-talk is important. Whatever you
are saying to yourself, no matter if it’s “I have
a great memory” or “I have a poor memory”, it is
3. Take the time to learn new things. The more new
possibilities you can introduce into your body and
mind, the sharper you will become.
4.Engage as many of your senses as you can while
learning. You want to visualize what you want,
hear it, dance it, smell it, and even taste it. It
gets creative with this one, and you will activate
your mind.
5. Try new foods.
6. Look at different ways of doing things.
7. Stay socially active.

I have patients whose memory was getting worse.
They were suffering from what they told me was CRS
(Can’t Remember Shit). I started them out on a Qi
Gong program that they never tried or even heard
of, and with 60 short days of practice, their
energy and memory improved significantly. You may
be asking yourself how could Qi gong improve their
memory? The good news is that, in many instances,
memory loss is merely a matter of focus, and
that’s where Qi Gong can improve memory. It is a
practice that enhances our ability to focus. And
as we move the Qi in our body, it enhances the
blood flow to all of our organs and especially the

Don’t let this slip by for one second. Order the
Flying Crane Qi Gong
and receive the instruction DVD, the practice DVD,
and the meditation CD. Improve your body and mind

We are now in spring. The wood element is most
active in the Northern hemisphere, and it’s the
best time to start something new. The Flying Crane
Qi Gong is one of my most popular programs, and
once you start practicing, you will see a marked
improvement in your life. Order it today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Training your Internal Channels

Monday, April 6th, 2015

Training your Internal Channels…

I am in Tampa for a few days, working with a group
of Qi Gong practitioners in a 3-day intensive
training. Whenever we take a few days out of our
lives just to train, the benefits are incredible.
You can go much deeper in your practice when
working with a group, and open to a new energy
that have always been available to you. You just
need to tap into it and cultivate the Qi. When we
are training, it activates the core channel or Tai
Qi pull and fills the cauldron. That’s where we
store the energy.

Although I practice every day, and train for an
hour or two, sometimes even longer, it’s a lot
different when you work with a group. There is a
massive amount of Qi generated and you are
latterly swimming in a sea of Qi. When you are in
training, everyone is working hard to move the Qi.
You pull in much more energy than you would be
able to do on your own. All you have to do is open
up to the energy and you will be able to absorb
massive amounts of Qi. The key is to be able to
store Qi in your lower belly, also called the Dan
Tian, or the cauldron. This is similar to building
the spiritual digestive system.

I found it easier when you start by moving the
energy into the cauldron. Imagine that you have a
ball of white light in your lower belly and let
that ball start to slowly roll. As it turns, allow
it to pull in more energy and start to heat up,
pulling in Qi from the bottom of your feet and the
top of your head. Keep the ball rolling in a
clockwise direction for 3 minutes. Then, stop,
relax, and reverse the direction of the ball,
continuing to pull in more and more energy.
Afterwards, stop the ball, and feel the energy
growing in the lower belly. You can use the energy
of the cultivated Qi.

Want to find out more about moving, growing, and
cultivating the Qi? Join me and the members of the
Qi Gong Inner Circle Every month, you
will receive an incredible teaching to improve
your health, wealth, and happiness.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhiimages

Can Sound Heal?

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

Thousands of years ago, the Taoist Masters
discovered in their meditations that there are six
important sounds or frequencies that can change
the energy on an organ level. They found that
healthy organs vibrate at a specific frequency.
When we create these sounds in combination the
proper postures or body positions, they will
activate the meridians (internal rivers of energy)
and clear the yin organs of toxic heat.

In our modern lives, we have far too much stress
from work, family, financial issues, health,
over-thinking, and the list goes on and on. With
all of these accelerated stresses, our bodies
produce excessive internal heat. According to the
Chinese Taoists, this is causing overheating of
the internal organs. When our organs start to
overheat, they will soon atrophy causing a host of
health problems as well as wrinkles and lines on
your face. If you can imagine placing a fresh plum
in the sun for weeks, it will dry out and become a
prune. The same can happen from too much internal
heat. When this happens, our organs start to dry
out and eventually harden, and can block the flow
of healthy energy (Qi). This results in some form
of Dis-ease.

By practicing the sounds correctly and in the
proper order, the heat is evenly distributed
throughout the whole body, and each organ regains
its proper balance. The daily practice of the
healing sounds will restore and maintain calmness
and good health to our entire system. Minor
ailments such as colds, flu, and sore throats can
be prevented. The sounds also relieve depression,
anxiety, and anger. People have reported that they
have overcome long-standing dependency on sleeping
pills, tranquilizers, aspirin, and antacids.

Learning the 6 healing sounds is easy and well
worth their weight in solid gold. To find out
more, click on the link
and you will be able to get not one Qi Gong
program, but three for the same price.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu DhiUnknown

Oils that You Should Never Consume

Monday, March 30th, 2015

When I was living in Venezuela, my girl friend was
Italian and really knew how to cook. She
introduced me to a great culture and the
Mediterranean way of eating. It was a simple and
healthy diet for the most part. I really got into
putting olive oil on everything – my pasta, my
bread, salads, and even potatoes and rice. It
tasted so good I’d even pour extra olive oil on my
pizza. You would have thought I was from Italy.
I’d cook my eggs in it and fry fish in it and was
it ever good…

As my eating habits changed, I learned a lot more
about diet, what to eat and what to avoid. Now
with GMOs in corn, beets, soybeans, canola,
cottonseed, cheese, and not to mention all the
GMOs in feeds that they give to animals, one has
to read every label and only eat organic. I found
out that cooking with olive oil was not the
greatest for my health, and it could do more harm
than good. Olive oil should be a healthy part of
your diet. But, what most people do not know is
that olive oil should not be heated and not used
for cooking. The problem with olive oil is, when
cooking with it, it can cause an imbalance on the
cellular level that can increase the risk of
breast cancer and heart disease.

There are a few oils that I really like that you
can cook with and stay healthy: coconut oil,
sunflower oil, avocado oil, and palm oil. Some
even have proven antiviral and immune system-
building properties.

On the other hand, the oils to avoid are the
1. Canola oil. It’s actually called rapeseed oil.
Insects avoid it and so do animals. Some oils even
go through a refining process of deodorizing and
bleaching. The oils that are
genetically-engineered have been linked to
muscular disorders and fatty degeneration of the
heart, kidneys, adrenals, and thyroid gland.

2. Cottonseed Oil. This is another bad one to
avoid at all costs. It is cheap that many
companies put it in everything, from cookies to
candy bars. Cottonseed oil comes from the cotton
plant and, because cotton isn’t a food, they
poison with a ton of pesticides. The problem is
the seeds are also filled with the poisons, and
that’s where the oil comes from.

3.UnknownPeanut oil causes serious allergies to many
people. I was talking to a friend whose family had
a farm in Texas, and they would plant peanuts as a
crop to pull toxins out of the soil before they
planted their vegetables. The peanuts pulled the
toxins out of the ground and absorbed all the
heavy metals in the soil. My friend warned me
never to eat peanuts, peanut butter, or to use
peanut oil.

4.Safflower oil increase omega-6 and also
increases heart disease.

5.Soybean oil. I always thought this was safe and
often would order soy beans at the Japanese
restaurants. In fact, tofu was a big part of my
diet when I was a strict vegetarian. Then, the
boom dropped on the poor soy bean. They
genetically engineered it (i.e., modified the DNA
of the bean) and no one’s telling what adverse
health effects it may have. And…that little pod
filled with harmless looking beans is a
hormone-disrupting horror that grows boobs on

It is time that we all woke up from the illusion
that no one would let us consume unhealthy foods.
Wake up and smell the roses. They are blinded by
the profits and that’s the bottom line. If you
want to stay healthy, take responsibility for your
own health, read every label, and avoid processed
foods. Fast food is not healthy. It’s cheap and
the bottom of the barrel. As far as your exercise,
jumping jacks is a bilateral exercise that will
dull your mind.

Start doing the internal exercises and you will be
brighter, happier, and healthier. Go to
and you can download these 3 DVDs at an unheard of
price. Check it out.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Internal vs. External Exercises

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

Internal vs. External Exercises. We work and save our money and eventually invest
it to get a return on it. We want our money to
work for us, not always having to work for our
money. If we are wise, the investments we make
will give us a nice income, and we can live on the
interest and never touch the principal. Our
investment can actually take care of our needs,
pay our bills, and even give us financial security
for years to come. This is what we strive for – to
have financial freedom. But when it comes to your
health, you may forget to invest, and you end up
spending the principal. When that’s gone, so are

Are you investing in your own health? Do you watch
what you eat? Do you exercise? What about your
headspace? Are you putting positive energy into
your health bank? The investment you make in your
health will keep on paying you interest for years.
But if you spend the principal, you will age
faster than a Jack Rabbit.

Maybe you never put too much attention into your
health when you were younger, or you thought you
were doing everything right, and it turned out
that your exercise of running, weight lifting, and
sports turned out to cause more harm than good.
Now, you are getting problems like back pain and
shoulder pain, shin splints, joint problems or
even worse.

Last week, Joe stopped at my office. He is a
healthy guy in his early fifties. I have known him
for years and he only eats organic foods. He runs
3 to 6 miles a few times a week, swims a few miles
a week, and likes to go to the gym and throw
weights around a few times a week. If you saw him,
you would say that he is as fit as a fiddle. He
looked a little worried when I saw him. He wasn’t
his usual self. He told me that his heart was
giving him some difficulty and, although he hasn’t
felt anything different and the tests came back
negative, there was something wrong as his heart
skipped a beat now and then and it seemed to be
getting worse.

I told him I’d come over to his house this
weekend, and talk to him and his wife about the
program I have been doing for the last 35 years. I
showed up around noon and told him about the
internal exercises that I do daily. They work on
keeping your organs healthy. I explained that when
we do the common Western exercises, we can build
muscle and create a lot of internal heat. Too much
heat can cause an imbalance in the Fire and Water
elements which are your heart and kidneys,
respectively. They also put excessive strain on
our joints. The internal exercises are an
expression of the art of self -healing. This means
that these exercises will revitalize the organs
and keep them healthy.

Don’t think that you are bullet-proof and won’t
get hit by some illness sooner or later. By doing
the internal exercises like the Flying Crane Qi
you can protect your health and well-being.

If you don’t practice, you are training yourself
to fail. But if you are training, you are training
yourself to be the best that you can be.

I wish you the best inimages your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. Train daily,make it a habit and you will look younger, feel younger and be younger