Using Stress as an Ally

GPS Causes Excess Stress

GPS gong wrong It was the third day of the anti-aging conference and I was
getting tired of eating bad hotel food. I wanted to have a
good healthy meal away from the crowds. My friend Bob said
he has been in Orlando many times before and that the
Ocean Grill restaurant was the best in the area,
so off we went.
According to his new Global Positioning System (GPS) we were
about 25 minutes away.  When I looked at my watch I realized
that the restaurant may be closing soon,

so we gave them a call and the hostess said that they were
going to close the kitchen in about 20 minutes.
But we could put our order in and the food would be ready
by the time we arrived.  Bob ordered the Chilean Sea Bass,
a chopped sea food salad and we split the grilled asparagus.
I ordered the wild salmon with slivered almonds and everything
seemed to be going well, we could almost taste the food.
I was driving at a petty good clip to get there and the little
GPS was giving us exact directions turn right here,
make a left there, saving us precious time and getting us to
the big feast.

Then it happened, we realized that we were driving down a
residential street with no lights, no people, no restaurant we
were lost.
The new GPS system was off, way off.
Apparently the wonderful technology directed us to a spot
30 minutes in the wrong direction.
I sadly called the restaurant and apologized.

The two of us just had to laugh; there we were in
the middle of nowhere at 10 o’clock at night in the
outskirts of Orlando Florida and Hungry.

We ended up at the Waffle House having eggs for dinner and
laughing on our way back to the hotel.
When something like this happens in life people can blow
their top, and get really stressed out.
That does more harm to your health than you can imagine.

The stresses in life usually affect the adrenal glands,
you may have heard the term “Adrenal Fatigue”.
That’s when the adrenal glands are not functioning to
their optimal level usually associated prolonged stress.

The adrenals are the small glandular tissues that sit
directly on top of the kidneys and acts as the kidney protectors.
They are considered the hardest working organs and responsible for
the secreting various steroid hormones.
Adrenaline is one of them, the hormone that excites you.
Cortisol is an other, that triggers good and bad stresses.
The excessive levels of cortisol can and will burn out the adrenals.

According to Chinese medicine the adrenals contribute to energy,
warmth, and sexuality.

When the stresses of life hit and try to diminish your energy you can
be wiped out or Turn Stress Into Power.
They’re people who handle stress with elegance and they
seem to thrive on it.
And my guess is you’d like to be just like them.
Now you can.

Turn Stress Into Power is more than a book it’s a program
that will give you the tools, exercises and mind set to become
that alchemist that can change overwhelm into confidence
and personal power.

Check it out to day

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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