Acupuncture, Ancestry, Anti-aging, Balance, Blog, Ceremony, Chinese Medicine, Coaching, Cryotherapy, Cupping, Cure cancer, Detox, Diet, energy, Energy Gems, Energy work, European biological medicine, Flying Crane Qi Gong, Healing lungs and Large intestine, Health, Internal practices, Remote Healing, Taoist magic, thermography, Turn Stress Into Power, Using Stress as an Ally, Wealth is Health, western medicine

Longevity & Vibrancy is More Than A Wish.

Around ten years ago, doctor Thomas Rau from the Prestigious Paracelsus Clinic In Switzerland, invited me to come to his Clinic to work as an intern in European Biological Medicine. 
European Biological Medicine is a Holistic approach to Health and Wellness that allows the human body to maximize it’s own innate Healing Powers. 

The root cause of the disease may include several factors like,
Diet, Food Allergies, Intestinal and Dental
Disturbances, Environmental Pollution, Family History, Stress and Premature Aging.
My days at the Clinic started early, with my usual Meditation and Qi Gong Practice and by 8 o’clock, I was being treated as a patient. Not one or two treatments a day, but a different treatment every hour. The other half of the day, I was an intern. 
A patient gets a treatments every hour on the hour ad it was intense!

After lunch I would work with one of the doctors as an intern,
and we would see up to 10 patients daily . What a great Learning and Healing experience it was for me. Unfortunately we have very few Healing Centers in the USA. Detoxing is one of the keys to Optimal Health.  
The Clinics in Europe are far different than what we have in the USA. Medicine is not dictated by the drug companies and secondly all the food is Organic, either Broiled, Boiled or Steamed. No fried foods and the meals are Small but Adequate.

There is very little sugar served and no caffeine or alcohol. That may seem boring to you, but in the Clinic, they are using food as Fuel for the body and conscious eating for Maximum Health and Longevity.
In the USA hospitals are not a place to get healthy. Even the food in the hospitals are not healthy in any way.  

Our Emergency Medicine is GREAT, but most doctors Over Prescribe, Over Medicate and people are taking Medicine for years on end, like robots; even when they don’t need it.

Getting healthy is multifaceted! It takes changes in your Lifestyle, Your Diet, Exercise, Your Dental Care, What you say to Yourself, other people and Your Attitude!

I understand that some patients have money issues and are reluctant to do anything in fear that they won’t have enough Food, Money, Sex, Health or Happiness! The list goes on and on. They just follow blindly whatever the doctor says and if insurance doesn’t cover it or they just don’t have insurance they won’t do anything. People are starting to wake up even though Big Pharma still has us in a stronghold.
If you are presented with an Opportunity, Seize it with all your
Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength and watch Magic happen!
My Office has a unique approach to Health! Build your Immune System & Quite your Mind! I will give you Techniques and Tools to Heal your Body and Mind. Don’t Wait until you are sick, maintain good health!

Call today and let’s Strengthen Your Immunize System so you can stay Strong, Healthy, Young & Vibrant!
For more information give us a call or text Now! 305-407-0120 to set up an Appointment.


The total Health and Longevity Program is built upon  the Chinese Taoist, Tibetan Healthcare and European Biological  Medicine.  

All you have to do is open up to a new experience, Embrace it; and you will change your life forever!


Best Of Health, Wealth & Happiness to you!

Dr. Wu Dhi
 Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ.

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