
The Office Party

In traditional office parties, there is food, drink and merriment.

Usually, people get inebriated, because there’s free alcohol. These are traditional parties. People get together for pizza and chicken wings, cheese and crackers and a bunch of other genetically modified foods.

Many people across the US are going to similar events. They cannot opt out, because their bosses would be offended along with their co-workers. No one is thinking about health at this time of the year, and they haven’t been doing so since Thanksgiving. People are off of their regular diets, drinking more than usual and eating all the Christmas foods including turducken, Christmas cookies, that famous fruit cake that stays around for months until we finally throw it out – and then plenty of champagne for New Years.

Just about everybody splurges and enjoys the holiday season. And then around February, it hits: the flu. People get diarrhea, stomach cramps, headaches, nausea and vomiting. We’re told – oh, it’s just the flu season. It’s really not. It’s the season that the body wants to detox excess waste, and it sure does.

When I went to school, my teachers always prioritized the importance of moderation: not too hot, not too cold, not too dry, not too wet. In general. All of these things affect our lives, but the underlying cause of a low immune system is diet. If you’re in the middle of the holiday season and enjoying yourself, don’t stop. Enjoy yourself, but in moderation.

Be smart about it. If you drink, make sure you follow up with at least two 8 oz. glasses of water. After a big meal, make sure you go for a walk at least 100 steps to help your food digest. If you’ve eaten a bunch of unhealthy food, make sure you have some Charcoal House in your medicine cabinet to help absorb toxins.

The stomach and the spleen are both earth elements, and the emotion they invoke is worry. The lungs and the large intestines have to do with sadness and grief, some of the emotions that are felt with the holiday season.

I have many loyal patients who report that if they come in and get an acupuncture or medical qigong treatment during this time of the year, they can breeze through the holidays with minimal stress staying healthy and happy.

This time of the year is joyous. Keep yourself healthy, and the true joy will come through.

P.S. Call us now at 305-407-0120 to schedule a treatment.

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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