
Detoxing Program

Today is the fifth day of my 8-day detox. I’ve been drinking different formulas every hour from the moment I get up until I go to sleep.

I’ve been using an infrared sauna, taking detox baths, dry brushing my entire body and sleeping anywhere from 8 to 12 hours per day. This is the first day that I’m starting to get some of my energy back.

There’s no protein on this diet. There’s only grapefruit juice, tomato juice and apple juice as well as the herbal detox formula. I do these types of detoxes about four times a year at the beginning of each season summer, winter, fall and spring.

We’re in spring for the next three months, so eating bitter is recommended: dandelion greens, mustard greens, all sorts of green salads and occasional fruit. When you do these types of detoxes, they clear the body, enhance the mind and benefit the spirit.

My senses are getting sharper: my smelling, tasting, hearing; and even my eye sight has improved. I’m even more sensitive to touch, and my meditations are much more profound. My qigong practice has improved also; I’m more grounded, centered and in tune to the environment around me.

When you detox, it’s important to be aware of your environment, the people that you’re around, even the music that you listen to. You’re in the process of changing many different aspects of your life. Spring has just arrived, and it’s the perfect time to detox.

Here is one of the easiest detox programs that you can complete in one week and feel better, younger and healthier. It’s a comprehensive 7-day diet, lifestyle and nutrient program designed to reduce toxic burden and supports phase one and phase two liver detoxification. The program:

  1. Revitalizes liver health and supports natural detoxification mechanisms.
  2. Provides micronutrients, phytonutrients and co-factors that support detoxification.
  3. Supports healthy estrogen metabolism.
  4. Increases antioxidant protection as well as glutathione production.
  5. Promotes gastrointestinal health.

Check out the detox program on my website:


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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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