Qi gong

Why I Strongly Believe In Ozone Therapy.

Why I use Ozone in my practice.

 Ozone is composed of three Oxygen Atoms instead of the two; that’s in Oxygen and it can eliminate your pain once and for all!

 It is the addition of the third Oxygen Atom that makes Ozone “Supercharged” Oxygen and gives it all of it’s remarkable Medical Properties.

The use of Ozone to treat was first developed in Germany, in the early 1950’s; with hundreds of studies proving it’s effectiveness and safety. Today Medical Ozone Therapy is common throughout Europe and over the last few years has been recognized in America; as a wonderful treatment to alleviate pain.

Medical-grade Ozone Therapy is excellent for all forms of Musculoskeletal Joint pain, including Chronic Neck and Back Pain, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Degenerative and Arthritic Hips, Knees, Degenerated Discs, Shoulder and Elbow Pain. 


In many cases Medical Ozone actually corrects the pathology of the disorder. There is a 75% chance for the chronic pain sufferer to becoming permanently pain free.
Medical-Grade Ozone is a form of non-surgical ligament reconstruction and is a permanent treatment for chronic pain. The treatment is a connective tissue injection therapy of Ozone Gas which can aid in the reconstruction of damaged or weakened connective tissue in and around joints. Ozone is injected into the damaged connective tissue around a joint to rebuild the damaged areas and since Ozone is a gas, we do not have to inject it directly into the joint for it to be effective. It defuses in and around the joint and is attracted to inflammation, causing it to be drawn to the areas of injury or damage. 

When someone suffers from chronic pain, the pain has been there for so long it becomes the “new normal”. This means the healing process has stopped. Ozone is injected and the properties of ozone gas mimics that part of the body being injured. It does not cause the pain or symptoms of an injury, but it starts a series of reactions that allow the body to restart the healing process.

By repairing the connective tissue, this is all that is needed to permanently reverse chronic pain.

The use of Ozone causes the joint and muscle to heal much quicker because ozone is a highly Reactive Molecule and when injected in a muscle or around a joint it is able to Stimulate the Fibroblastic Repairing Abilities that equals no more pain!
 Ozone injections cause repair and tightening of the lax structures, partially torn connective tissue, cartilage, muscles and ligaments. Ozone halts the pain/inflammation cycle. This allows for better circulation, increased blood flow carrying nutrition, and hydration of the damaged tissues. This allows for a healing environment within the joint/muscle to develop and results in increased range of motion and decreased pain.

Call today and set up an appointment to clear your body of pain 305-407-0120.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness.

Dr. Wu Dhi 

Sherwood (Woody) Swartz AP, MMQ


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