Energy work, longevity, Medical Qi Gong, QI

The Train has Left the Station

imagesHi! This comes as a surprise since it’s only
Thursday and the blog usually comes up on Fridays.
The reason for this is that I’ll be in a
workshop with Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson starting
tomorrow until Sunday. So, here’s an advanced
read for you…


Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson has finally arrived in
sunny Florida. Today is the first day of the
workshop and the energy in the room is incredible.
Working with the true Master opens an energetic
space for you to receive more than just reading a
book or going to a class with a teacher. Even if
the teacher is highly knowledgeable in their
subject doesn’t mean they are a good presenter. I
have sat with scholars who know their subject
forwards and backwards but aren’t practitioners.
They only know the work from a technical
standpoint and never practiced. I don’t care if
it’s an expert in aviation that never flew a plane
or a meditation scholar that never does
meditation. To be a real master, you have to have
both the knowledge and the practice. Over the last
4 decades, I have studied with many different
teachers, some at very good colleges and others
who can recite the Vedic Sutras by heart. But, if
they don’t practice, you will never get the
transmission of energy from them because they
don’t have the real juice. On the contrary, Dr.
Jerry Alan Johnson is the real deal! I have
studied with him for years, and in the next 3
days, we will all make a transformation in our
meditation habits and knowledge base.

I can offer you one last thing. This Sunday is a
very special presentation by Dr. Johnson on Spirit
Protection. In our clinics or offices, we often
see patients or clients with negative energy. This
workshop will focus on the esoteric art of
creating effective methods for protecting oneself
from absorbing energetic and spirit pathogens.
These special applications were used in ancient
China in every clinic to protect the doctor,
practitioner, and even merchants. This special
seminar is open to everyone interested in
Energetic Healing. The one-day workshop is only
$200.00. If you want to register, it’s best to
text me at 786-271-0325 and I’ll tell you if
there’s still space for you.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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