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Why Practice Will Keep You Protected.

When I was just 16 years old, I met a girl whom I fell head over heels with!

She was a few years younger than me, and it only took a few weeks before I mustered up the courage to meet her parents, and ask if I could take her out.

Her mother didn’t hesitate to say that there was no way she was going to let her daughter get in a car with me.

Did I give up? Hell no! I was a 16- year old boy, over flowing with testosterone; and my hormones were raging!  

We attended the same High School, and my sweetheart told me that her mom made everyone in their family take a Yoga class, every week. She asked if I wanted to attend, and I jumped at the opportunity!

I never practiced Yoga before. In fact I wasn’t really sure what it was, but to be with my new Boo, I would have done just about anything! LOL!

After about a month of classes, mom agreed that I could take her daughter out! This was a BIG Win Win for me! Not only did I start dating the Love of my Life, I also Fell Head Over Feet with Yoga! This Ladies and Gentlemen; was the start of my Spiritual Path.
We eventually got married, had kids; and started a life together.

I kept up with my Yoga Practice and enrolled in the Hatha Yoga Classes, at the Self Realization Fellowship. Then I got really serious with Kundalini Yoga and took 2 or 3 classes per week.

Summers, I would Retreat in New Mexico, and spend a week in Silence and Meditation, listening to the different Swami’s and Guru’s speak on the value, of a Spiritual Life.

I can remember Yoga Bhajan warning us to prepare ourselves Mentally, Physically and Spiritually; as there was “Going to be Blood in the streets!”

He said that more than 55 years ago, and now it’s happening way more than we would have ever imagined!

I have often shared with you the importance of Qi Gong Practice, Meditation and Strengthening your Body, Mind and Spirit. I wasn’t kidding!

A practice can keep you Centered, Grounded and Protected, in many ways. I am not talking about a Religion or a belief, to save your ass.

You may be wondering what you should be doing to protect yourself and loved ones, from being vulnerable. It’s not an external monster, or a plague that’s going to get you, although that can happen.

It’s much bigger than that. What you want to protect yourself from, is FEAR! The Fear of the Unknown, Fear of the Different, Fear of Have Not, Fear of Others, Fear of Losing Freedom, Pain, Disappointment, Misery, Loneliness, Ridicule, Rejection, Death, Failure…and the list goes on……..

How can you do that?

It’s all about finding a way to keep yourself Grounded and Centered. A Practice that will give you Internal Strength and Power!

That’s why I Practice the Meditations and Qi Gong, to stay Focused, Grounded and Aware!

Get a copy of my Recharging Qi Gong and start practicing NOW!
I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ


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