Acupuncture, Anti-aging, Balance, Blog, Chinese Medicine

Breaking The Bonds Of Slavery.

I arrived in Rome for a (2) day Healing and Meditation Workshop. I have been a student my entire life! I feel that Learning, Flexibility and Openness are important Factors to a Long, Happy and Healthy Life. Basically there are (2) Systems you can live by. The Open System and the Closed System.
THE CLOSE SYSTEM: Stubbornness/Closed Off/Fear Based/Greed/Unable or Unwilling to See New Possibilities/Sadness/Stuck/Small Minded/Inflexibility.
THE OPEN SYSTEM: Willingness to Learn/Openness/Flexibility/Loving/Open Mindedness/Happiness/Sees The World as Fun/Contribution to Others/Curiosity.

In a Closed System you become Stale, Old and Withdrawn! One follows all the rules to the tee and in turn lose their Creativity. It’s the Opposite of course in the Open System; where you live life to the Fullest! You are Encouraged to be Creative, to think outside of the box and contribute back to society in every way you can. The people that are stuck in a Close System suffer and believe suffering is normal.  They live in the Past and Sickness is sure to come their way, unfortunately.

Choose to be Creative in your Life, think for yourself and Contribute back to your Family, Friends, your Community and choose to make our world a better place for everyone!
When you are living in an Open System, you can be your own Master! Don’t ever Conform to Societies norms because they will put you in a box and keep you there as long as you let them!

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness!

Dr. Wu.

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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