Acupuncture, Ancestry, Balance, Ceremony, Chinese Medicine


I got a call from my cousin who lives in Southern California today, thanking me for a photo that I sent him. I came across that old photo of him and his baby sister while I was cleaning up. Can you imagine that this photo was taken over 65 years ago! I snapped a picture of it on my iPhone and sent it to him. About an hour later, he called me all choked up. He was so thankful because his baby sister passed away when she was just 4 or 5 years old, just a week after his Dad died!

I know those were hard times for him and something happened with the family that seemed to alienate his mother from the rest of the family.  My dad being the youngest in the family still made sure that he came over and visited the family every week. So, for me my older cousin was always part of my family. The last time I was in Detroit, I went to visit my ancestors at the cemetery as my Dad always took me there when I was a child. It’s just the way I was brought up and later I found out that in Asia, it’s very important to show respect to your ancestors. This isn’t typically done in the Western world, but in Asia people are very much aware of Spirits, where you came from and the respect and honoring of your family.z

You respect your mother, father, your elders and of course your ancestors. 
In China, Japan, and Tibet there Is a great significance placed on worshipping your ancestors and the ritual of celebration of ancestors, their ghosts or spirits are considered part of “This World.”  They are neither Supernatural (in the sense of being outside nature) nor transcendent in the sense of being beyond nature. The ancestors are humans who have become godly beings who keep their individual identities. Ancestors are believed to be a means of connection to the supreme power they are considered embodiments of the creative order of Heaven.

My family has been in the retail jewelry business
for three generations, maybe four. When I decided to make a switch and practice as a physician and healer, I went to the cemetery and asked my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and cousins who had passed on to help me move energetically from a retail merchant to a physician that heals people and makes their lives better. When you do this type of work you have to look deep within your heart because you’re asking guidance from your ancestors to make your life and other people’s lives better. 

I start my days by invoking my ancestors and sending them love and gratitude. The most important and yet challenging way to honor our ancestors is to fulfill our personal potential and life’s purpose here on Earth. Many cultures maintain that we each have a unique destiny or karma to fulfill and that we ideally make it a high priority to remember these original instructions and do what is necessary to express our gifts and our most authentic selves. The ancestors are seen as allies in this process of remembering and a reservoir of power and backing to help us embody our potential in this lifetime. Your ancestors can lead you to your Life’s Purpose and help you to change your Karmic Address and put you in a better place. If you would like to explore what your destiny is, please schedule a consultation at my office at 305-407-0120 and within a few hours you will be on your way to changing your Karmic address!
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi
Sherwood (Woody) Swartz AP, MMQ


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Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R. China.

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