Acupuncture, Ancestry, Anti-aging, Balance, Blog, Ceremony, Chinese Medicine

Yoga Is Not A Fad

I’ll be traveling again this weekend! Detroit is where I am headed.

There is a group of students there in Michigan that have been asking me for a while to teach them some of the Internal Exercises and Medical Qi Gong that I practice.  When I look back at my life and wonder what has kept me Young, Healthy and Vibrant, I realize that it’s my Diet and my Internal Exercises, for instance; Ti Chi, Qi Gong and Yoga. When most of us think of Yoga we think of going to a studio and bending up like a pretzel.  In reality with true Yoga, the exercises help, but what it helps you to do is get your body in shape and prepare your mind for the Meditation that will bring you to a Higher Consciousness. It is not about a Religion or one of the Dogma that they preach, it’s about becoming aware, becoming a good person and practicing daily. It’s a lifestyle, not a temporary fad. It’s not a Saturday or Sunday event, it’s a commitment to ones life that causing the people around you to be Better, Healthier, Kinder and more aware. It’s not about how much money you make, or about what you get, it’s about what you can Give! How are you contributing to your family, friends, your community and the world? If you are doing a practice once in a while, you might as well not practice at all. If it’s a social activity, like going to church once a week, you might as well stay home! It’s not helping you or the community. You can just send the Reverend some money through paypal and relax at the crib.

If you really want to grow, you have to practice on a daily basis and make a commitment for 90 days to Meditate for at least 10 mins a day. Practice first thing in the morning, or make it the last thing you do before going to bed. If your practice is to watch the morning and the evening news, you are filling your head with garbage! If you have never Meditated, I will be starting a class the first week in October. It’s not Religious and or anything dark, it is to Enhance your Practice, your Spirit and your Life!

I wish you the Best you your Health, Wealth and Happiness!

Dr. Wu.

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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