
The Power Of Meditation and Elevation.

Everyday I hear from friends, relatives and patients about how stressed they are, regarding life changes.

Either they don’t like the government, not sure about the vaccine, and feel that they are being lied to.

In their mind, the world they live in, is broken.

One complaint after another, and the group they hang around have the same mentality.

We’ve all heard the saying that, “Birds of a Feather Flock Together.”

You become what you hang around! If you are hanging with people that live in a society of, ‘Never Enough,’ That is what you will bring into your life. A never ending cycle of complaints day after day, with no gratitude in between!    

Imagine a world of more than enough in your life, of things flowing and miracles coming to you!  What will happen is a turn around, that will transform your life and those around you!

It’s the company you keep that will either enhance your life or slowly destroy it!

I Meditate, Practice Qi Gong and exercise daily, to pull myself out of the mire, elevating my mind and those around me. If you come around me you will be uplifted and elevated Spiritually and Mentally! No excuses, there is always something to be grateful about. Start thinking good thoughts and watch things change in your life for the best.

Of course there are a lots of things that are negative at the moment and will bring you down, however; if you want to change, you need to have a positive circle of people that you spend time with.

What you project is what will come back to you, good or bad. Be that positive influence in your family circle, and if you are not that person, do yourself a favor and get around someone positive to uplift your Soul.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Put a smile on our face and start doing nice things for yourself and others; instead of living with the (3) Poisons of Worry, Struggle and Blame! Transform yourself with Aim, Contribution and Participation. These are the keys to get you to a healthy level, and will propel you to help your friends and family.

As always I am here if you need me. (305)-407-0120.

I wish You Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. Wu.

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.   

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