
Pulling Yourself As Opposed To Pushing.

I was training with a young student last night on the Beach. It was quite dark, but calm. All I heard was the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. It really was Magical!

She said, “Dr. Wu you seem to Push

Yourself harder then most men a third your age, yet you are the happiest person I know, how does that work?”

“I don’t PUSH myself, I PULL!” I told her.

It might sound silly but I was not being facetious, I was truly speaking from my heart.

Once you understand how to properly PULL yourself, you will have unlocked the Secret of Achievement, Success and Eternal Health.

I went on to explain to her that most people believe that they have to push themselves really hard, in order to get results.
That they have to “Get Through Difficult Stuff,” in order to see success on the other side.

Not only is it dangerous, but it’s a silly way of thinking.
I’m not suggesting that you don’t strive to achieve, I merely believe that you’re only alive, when you are growing!

How do we go about becoming more than what we are?
It’s more about discovering how we already do so.

We are pulled to new heights in life, by our aspirations and Love of what we want, or who we want to become.
It’s even in our language. We “Pull Ourselves Up,” We never “Push Ourselves Up.”

If we feel forced to get to the next level, we are admitting that we have lost our enthusiasm!
The key is in rediscovering that enthusiasm and creative spark, every morning.

Here is a fine example:

I manage to workout every day, even when I don’t feel like it. Do I push myself to workout?
No. I simply flow into a gentle twisting and tapping motion, which I call “Tapping the Goods.” (I’ve included this exercise in the Recharging Qi Gong that you can get here:

First thing in the morning, on those dry days that I don’t feel like training, I start up a flow that warms my body and I instantly get into the groove and feel better right away!

This is an example of Pulling yourself to success!

The next time you need to get moving, consider the simple things that you can do to get started, that are enjoyable. Once you get into the groove, success is as certain as night follows day!

I am here if you need me. (305) 407-0120.

Wishing you Health, Wealth & Happiness!


Dr. Wu Dhi

Sherwood S. Swartz AP, MMQ.

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