Acupuncture, Anti-aging, Balance, Chinese Medicine, European biological medicine

Merry Christmas & A Prosperous New Year!

Many of my regular patients have been calling, and asking how we are able to keep our Clinic up and running safely.

I can say without a doubt; that we have a Very Clean and Safe Environment, following protocols of the CDC.

UV lights, that kill up to 99 percent bacteria; are set up in every room. We run HEPA Air Purifiers throughout the office, and Ozone is used in the treatment rooms, as an added measure.

Patients wait in their cars, upon arrival and we sent them a text when to come in; and of course mask wearing is mandatory.

I have found that the Ozone Treatments for the Lungs, Sinuses and Intestines; builds the Immune System and kills bacteria and viruses.

The office is sprayed down and disinfected, after every patient; with natural disinfectants.

We are taking every precaution to keep all of us healthy, and disease free.

We Wish you a Very Happy Holiday Season!

If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to call us. We can assure you that your health and well being will be taken care of! (305)407-0120.

I wish you the Best in Health, Wealth & Happiness!

Dr. WuDhi

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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