
Get Summer Time Fine!

Summer is almost upon us; but here is Florida it’s pretty much summer year round.

We have been cooped up indoors for so long with the Pandemic and all, that persons have gotten so use to staying home watching television or playing around on their computers.

Since the body has not been getting that necessary daily dose of Vitamin D, add melancholy in the mix, then toss in some emotional eating in there; and what you have in a good recipe for adding some girth to your waistline.

Don’t be that person!

What is happening is that your body does not recognize that there is a change of Season! Those Winter heavy stew and carbohydrates have got to go! It’s time to get off the couch, go outside in the sun and reset your body!

Once you get out in the heat, your body will recognize that it’s summer and you will automatically crave light hydrating foods to cool down the body. It’s that simple!

*Your Water Intake Should Increase Immensely.

*Let Fruits Be Your Friend.

*Throw something on the Grill and Serve it with Some healthy Greens or Grilled Veggies.

*Get To Juicing and Keep the Blender handy for Delicious Smoothies.

*Go to the Beach and visit a park that you’ve never been to; and spend the day out. Wear your sunscreen!

Go for morning walks or a nice jog. Get a routine together and go out at the same hour every day. The early morning sun is the best. Remember that you will be sweating out all those nasty toxins that your body has accumulated.

Again Hydrate with the best water you can find. Your body is made up of a hefty amount of water. Don’t allow your brain to dry out! Here is an example of your body’s water composition:

Up to 60% of the Human Adult Body is Water!  The Brain and Heart are composed of 73% Water, and the Lungs are about 83% Water. Your Skin contains 64% Water, Muscles and Kidneys are 79%; and even the Bones are Watery with 31%.

So there you have it folks! Respect and honor your Temple, it’s the only place that your Soul resides. 

Once you’ve got the hang of this, you will start to breath better, feel lighter, jump higher, feel happier and look leaner!

Friends, I Implore you to get out and Live! Don’t just exist. Your Body and Soul has been through a lot since the Lockdown, but you have survived! You are still here; so use that time that you’ve been given to get some Joy back in your Life!

Now take a deep breath and EXHALE!

With Love!


Dr. Wu.

As Always I am here if you need me! Text my Assistant Sandra for Specials that we are currently running at the Clinic. (305)-407-0120.

Wishing you Health, Wealth & Happiness.

Sherwood S. Swartz, DOM, DMQ.

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