Posts Tagged ‘Sanskrit Symbols’

Opening up to Spirit

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Opening up to Spirit

This week the meditation class was filled. We
couldn’t get one more person in the room. It seems
like there was a shift and now more and more
spiritual beings are showing up.

images-2I met an artist at the organic market over the
weekend. I was just strolling around looking at
the different venders, the lady who makes fruit
jelly, the tattooed guy who sells gems and the
Rasta man who has some hot Jamaican music and then
it happened.

I was magnetically pulled to a woman who was
sitting on the ground painting. She had a special
glow and before I knew it I was totally mesmerized
by her energy. I had no intension of buying a
painting as my walls are filled. My purpose of
going to the market was to stock up on food for
the week and nothing more and the next thing I
knew, I bought a new painting. It’s 3 ft. x 3 of a
series of Sanskrit symbols “Om Shanti” in
different colors. Om is believed to be a sound of
the whole cosmic manifestation. Shanti is “Peace”
‘Om Shanti’ means peace for the all human kind,
peace for all living and non living beings, peace
for the universe, and peace for each and every
thing in the cosmic manifestation. I had to have
it. When you come into my office it’s now on the
wall and the vibration has lighted up the room.

I have been investing in art and sculptures for
years for a few good reasons. One, it brings me
happiness, joy and tranquility in my home and
office. The vibrations you have in your living
space is the key to longevity. If it’s stressful,
unwelcoming or depressing, guess what? Your life
will be in danger of physic attack. Some years ago
an old friend sent me a picture that was dark. It
had a creepy vibration and although it was well
executed with skill and creativity I never even
put it in a frame. It just has a bad vibe when I
look at it. Who knows where the artists headspace
was when she drew it, I don’t think she was in a
good one. It’s important to bring objects into
your surroundings that will not only enhance the
ambiances but also keep the vibrations high. If
the space where you live or work is cluttered,
unorganized or of a low vibration, change it or
move and you will see your external and internal
life change for the better.

It’s the same with practice. Find a quite,
peaceful place and go there often and you will
build an energetic force there that will change
your internal and external life. I practice the
Recharging Qi Gong exercises on a regular basic
and over the years I managed to stay more
flexible, younger, happier and pain free. The
program consists of 36 powerful exercises that
work on all three bodies at the same time.

Get on the program today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


Every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm I teach a
meditation class at my office. I invite you to
join us and share the energy

For more information call Anastasia 305-407-0120